Make Your Bathroom Sparkle with Steam Team Tile Cleaning

Bathrooms are notorious for building up soap scum, grime, dirt, and other substances we don’t like thinking about, like bacteria. They can be difficult to keep clean, especially if you have a large family- then the shower gets way more use, as does the sink, the toilet, and the floor faces more foot traffic. Voted best tile cleaners by Austin Monthly Magazine. 


The good news is that with a steam cleaner (or a professional cleaning and restoration company, like The Steam Team!), these places are easy to tackle! Let’s take a look at just how a steam cleaner can help!


Soap Scum, Grime, Etc.


Soap scum, grime, and bacteria often build up in our showers and bathtubs. It looks unsightly and kind of grosses us out! Luckily, these substances can easily be removed with a steam cleaning machine, whether rented or professional!




Yes, even your countertops can be steam cleaned! Dust and grime build up quickly on our countertops- so let’s get rid of it ASAP. Give The Steam Team a call and we’ll be out in a jiffy, ready to make your countertops shine!


TIle and Grout


Tile and grout aren’t easy to keep clean! Grout is porous in nature, so it easily absorbs dirt and grime, causing discoloration and staining. Again, unsightly. And let’s not forget to mention that scrubbing your tile and grout on your hands and knees isn’t an easy job! So let’s call the professional steam cleaning company, instead.

The Steam Team has been serving the brilliant city of Austin for over a decade now! We have plenty of expertise when it comes to steam cleaning, and we have the perfect equipment for the job, as well! So rely on us, The Steam Team, for all of your cleaning needs- not just your bathroom. But rest assured, we will make your bathroom sparkle with steam cleaning!

How to Best Care for Leather Furniture

Leather furniture can be a wonderful addition to any room, and it can really last a long time if we care for it and treat it properly. So if you’ve recently gone out and purchased a new piece of furniture for your home and you’re a tad lost on how to care for it, fret no more! The Steam Team has the best information on caring for your leather furniture! Follow these guidelines and your upholstery will be looking fantastic for a long, long time!




Let’s start off by reviewing what not to do when it comes to caring for our leather furniture! To start, we shouldn’t use detergents, ammonia, or harsh cleaning solutions to clean up spills. Next, keep sharp objects away from leather, as it scratches easily (so, those arts and crafts? Keep ‘em at the dining table). It’s also wise not to place printed objects on the furniture, as the dyes could soak through its upholstery!


Dusting Your Furniture


Since it’s important to keep your leather upholstery clean, use a clean, white cloth to dust your furniture every couple of weeks. You can clean off accumulated dirt with a dampened cloth, but do a test run first, to make sure your leather isn’t absorbing the moisture. And as we always say, blot spills, don’t rub them! We don’t want the stain to spread!


Conditioning Your Leather


Condition your leather upholstery every six months to one year. Leather is a lot like our skin, in the sense that it can dry out easily! You can find specially-formulated conditioners for your furniture, but first check its care label for critical instructions!


The Steam Team Can Help


The Steam Team has over a decade of experience cleaning and caring for leather upholstery! Don’t be shy; give us a call today!

3 Reasons to Stain Your Concrete Patio

Concrete staining does wonders to your patio; all it takes is a little bit of creativity, and a professional’s touch! Read further to understand all that concrete staining has to offer! And as always, The Steam Team is here for all of your concrete staining needs. We’re available 24/7 to help out!


Changes the Look of Your Backyard


Are you craving a change? Everyone does from time to time! Concrete staining is a great way to change up the look of your whole backyard! You can customize the color and everything! You can even find furniture to match the color of your patio stain. It can be fun for everyone in the family!


Rids Patio of Eye Sores


Concrete staining will, in the process, rid your patio of eye sores like cracks and bumps! When the pros are done with your patio, it’ll look brand new! And don’t forget- your patio is subject to the weather, so applying a sealant is a great idea. It’ll help the stain to last longer!


The Professionals Can Do it For You


This is one project that you won’t have to DIY! The professionals can do it all for you. Just rely on us, The Steam Team, and we’ll have the job done in no time! And what’s the best part? The fact that everything will be done correctly the first time around, and nothing about the project will have to be redone. That’s the beauty of hiring the professionals.


The Steam Team has been serving the Austin community for over a decade now, and we’re not stopping anytime soon! So if your backyard is in need of a good old fashioned revamping, concrete staining is where it’s at! Contact The Steam Team for more information! You’ll love our results, we just know it!

How to Keep Your Hardwood Floors Looking Top-Notch Year Round

Hardwood floors look beautiful in our homes, as long as they’re kept clean and tidy! Wouldn't you agree? Yes, hardwood requires a bit of tender loving care, but what type of flooring doesn’t? Below, you’ll find 3 simple tips on keeping your hardwood floors looking top-notch- all year round! We hope you find them helpful!


Utilize Area Rugs


One way to protect your hardwood flooring is to utilize area rugs. Area rugs will protect your hardwood flooring from wear and tear caused by shoes! Just be sure to vacuum and pat them clean frequently, as they’ll be collecting the dirt, dust, debris, and sand that your shoes drag into the house. Yuck!


Take Your Shoes Off


Tip #2: Just take off your shoes! Do you have an old laundry hamper or basket? Place an empty basket near the entrance to your home, and designate it the shoe basket! It’s easy enough. If you remove your shoes at the door, there won’t be any scratches, skid marks, or dirt left on the flooring!


Call in the Professionals


Finally, sometimes you just need to break down and call in the professionals. It may be time for your hardwood flooring to be refinished! A good way to tell is if cleaning no longer restores it to its original condition. We can help with that, though! Give The Steam Team a call and we’ll come out and restore your floors to their pristine condition!

The Steam Team is available 24/7 for all of your needs concerning hardwood flooring, as well as any other type of flooring! If you want your hardwood flooring to look great all year round, you can rely on The Steam Team! We can restore and refinish your hardwood flooring and ultimately restore it to it’s clean and beautiful condition!

How The Steam Team Handles Water Damage Restoration

Flooding can happen in the blink of an eye- one minute water is overflowing and the next you’re surrounded by it. We know how difficult it can be to get every bit of water out of your house, deal with the insurance company, and then have to worry about putting your home back together again- that’s why The Steam Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your restoration needs.


Restoring a home from water damage is not an easy project, we don’t recommend that you try to take it on yourself (especially during such a stressful time). Bringing in the professionals will ensure that everything is taken care of properly and will leave you with ease knowing you’re at no risk for mold.


The Water Damage Restoration Process


After water floods your home, whether it be from a storm, busted pipe, or broken appliance- the first thing to do is to remove any and all water from the house (if possible). We know that the biggest hassle for homeowner’s is often dealing with their insurance companies throughout this process, so we actually take that off of your shoulders and work with them directly.


Then, we’ll focus on your belongings and other surfaces around the home. We’ll clean and sanitize the area to ensure the health and safety of you and your family. The fans come next to begin drying everything out, from the flooring to the furniture. We’ll ensure that there isn’t any structural damage and check around for any signs of mold spores and growth. When it comes to restoration and remediation, we’ve got the experts!


So next time you find yourself facing a tragedy like water damage, don’t hesitate to call The Steam Team- even if it’s the middle of the night, our emergency crews are available!


Steam Cleaning and Drying: We Cover the Basics

One of the questions we get asked most often is about drying time after steam cleaning. Since it’s more than a one-sentence answer, we figured we’d address some of those drying concerns you might have.


So, first and foremost; how does steam cleaning work?

Using only heat and water to thoroughly clean and sanitize a variety of surfaces, steam cleaning has become a popular, environmentally-friendly cleaning method. A floor wand shoots pressurized water onto the surface which is then immediately vacuumed into a holding tank. The high temperature of the water is what cleans and sanitizes at the same time. Also, by using only water, no additional chemicals are required to achieve a thorough and effective cleaning.


Now, let’s get to the drying part- after steam cleaning. Let’s say you steam clean your carpet floors, how does it dry? And how long does it take to dry?


Here’s the kicker: our answer only pertains to professional services as any machine you can rent or buy is going to work differently than the equipment we use. So, if done right, steam cleaning should not require the additional use of drying equipment. As a professional steam cleaner, we have a truck-mounted system (which is the preferable choice as it leads to shorter drying times). With a truck-mounted system, it is able to use higher pressure and suction leaving behind minimal humidity and moisture in your home surfaces or flooring. We caution homeowners against most at-home steam cleaners on the market just because it’s difficult to know what is left behind.

The Steam Team has a team of highly trained and equipped technicians who are knowledgeable in a variety of cleaning and restoration services. Contact us today to discuss your next steam cleaning project, we’re excited to work with you!

The Benefits of Steam Cleaning Versus Other Methods

If you have carpet in your home, it’s likely that you’ve heard the news that more and more people are choosing steam cleaning as the prefered method for keeping their carpets in great condition. But why? Does steam cleaning really make such a drastic difference? Well, yes! And here are just a few reasons why;


Safer for the Home


When using a steam cleaner, the only forces at work are water and heat. This means that you’re able to avoid using cleaning agents that could have potentially harmful or toxic chemicals in them, while still killing 99.99% of bacteria. Essentially, you’re able to get the job done right without harming any children, pets, or causing any allergic reactions that you might get from other methods.


A Cheaper Alternative


A steam cleaner is not only safer for the home, but easier on the wallet as well. The repeated costs of having to restock on detergents or other cleaning products far outweigh the cost of the steam cleaner itself. And the only payments you’ll need to make for the steam cleaner are water and electricity.


Why Not Just Vacuum?


Unfortunately, many people rely on vacuuming alone to clean their carpets. What they don’t realize is that a vacuum cleaner can only collect a small fraction of the dirt, dust, and other allergens left behind in the carpet. Another issue with vacuum cleaners is that they won’t be able to get rid of dust mites, which may be living in your carpet and eating the residue left behind that a vacuum cleaner just can’t reach. The only method for a complete clean is high pressure steam!


Professional Steam Cleaning

While such methods can be carried out by the homeowner, most people find that a trained professional with more powerful equipment can achieve even greater results. If you’re looking for top-notch professional carpet cleaning, be sure to contact The Steam Team.

Why Should You Refinish Your Hardwood Floors?

Do you think it may be time to refinish your hardwood flooring? Are there scratches, discoloration, or warped boards? Some boards may need to be replaced in certain cases, but ultimately, refinishing your hardwood floors can have a lot of perks! Come on, you know you want to keep reading!


Hardwood Floor Refinishing:


Changes the Look of the Room


Obviously broken boards and discolored areas are going to become eyesores. But when you refinish your hardwood flooring, these eyesores disappear, and you’re left with a better looking flooring. This has the potential to change the look and aesthetic of the entire room! So if you’re in need of a change, consider having your floors refinished… it could do you a lot of good!


Restores Flooring


Hardwood floor refinishing helps to restore your flooring to its original condition, and it can all be done by the professionals! You don’t have to DIY this project or even lift a finger (unless you’re lifting your finger to call The Steam Team….). Once that initial call is made, you’re on your way to a better looking flooring- and room!


Elongates the Flooring’s Lifespan


Hardwood floor refinishing helps your floors to last longer, since refinishing essentially revamps your flooring! You’ll be surprised at the results of a professional cleaning and restoration company. We can restore your flooring to its original condition (or change it entirely), and help elongate its lifespan! You’ll be so happy that you reached out to a professional, because you’ll have professional results.

Ready for your floors to be refinished? Contact The Steam Team for all of your hardwood flooring needs! We can help refinish your hardwood, replace warped or broken boards, and ultimately restore it to its original condition! We’re only a phone call away; give The Steam Team a call today! You won’t regret it, that’s for sure!

Top 3 Reasons to Get Smoke Out of Your Home ASAP

A fire is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a home! Not only do fires cause structural damage, but they also ruin your possessions and even cause water damage (from firefighters having to put out the fire!). But no matter how devastating the event may be, it’s important to get the right help and begin to remove smoke and soot from your home as soon as possible!


Smoke and soot are dangerous to:


Your Health


It’s definitely not safe to inhale smoke and soot! When dealing with the cleanup after a fire, be sure you’re wearing a safety mask to prevent smoke inhalation. We know you may be going through a tough crisis, but your health and safety still come first- and we’re here to remind you.


Your Possessions


Smoke is notorious for causing discoloration, especially on walls and upholstery. Some of this can be washed out, but not always! Time is precious, here; the quicker you act, the higher the chance of saving your possessions. Contact a professional cleaning and restoration company for help cleaning your furniture and other personal items! They’re your best bet for restoring everything to its original condition.


Your Home


Smoke and ash affect everything. From the flooring to the walls, to the ceilings and furnishings- everything must be cleaned after a fire. Some things won’t be able to be salvaged; this is why it’s important to act ASAP! The sooner you act, the better chance you have at restoring your personal items to their original condition!

In the case of a house fire, don’t hesitate to contact The Steam Team when you begin the cleanup process! We’re here to help, and we’re available 24/7 in the case of any emergency, fire-related or not. Just give us a call when you’re ready!

3 Reasons to Rid Your Home of Smoke and Ash After a Fire

House fires are devastating all around. You lose possessions, you take on structural damage to your home, and smoke and ash feel nearly impossible to get rid of! But with the help of a professional cleaning and restoration company who really knows what they’re doing, you can have your home back to normal in no time! And you definitely want to be hasty about it; here are three reasons to rid your home of smoke and ash after a fire:


Simply put, smoke and ash cause...


Damage to Your Possessions


Smoke and soot can cling to your possessions, causing discoloration, staining, that stench; ultimately the smoke ruins them. It’s important that you immediately contact the professionals for help with the cleanup! You want to make sure it’s done correctly, in order to protect the health of you and your loved ones.


Damage to Your Home


Smoke clings to walls, countertops, and flooring, too. The evidence of that devastating house fire is everywhere. But let’s get rid of it! The Steam Team can come in and effortless steam clean your walls, countertops, flooring, draperies- almost anything. Contact the professionals, like us, and we’ll be out in no time to help restore your home to its original condition!


Damage to Your Health


Finally, smoke and ash pose a health risk. Not to mention, smoked-damaged property slowly and gradually releases toxic gases and chemicals into the environment- that doesn’t sound good for your health, does it? Contact the professionals for help removing smoke and soot completely from your home.

Whatever the issue may be, The Steam Team has your back! From general cleanup and restoration to cleaning up after a house fire, we know exactly what to do! We also have top-notch equipment that we like to bring along; you’ll be shocked at our results!

Living in Downtown Austin and Cleaning Your High Rise: A Word From the Professionals

It’s wintertime, and it may also be time to give your office a good, thorough, deep cleaning before springtime rolls around! You wouldn’t believe the amount of dirt, dust, and dander that lurks between the fibers of your office carpet. And the dust that clings to draperies is also ridiculous! Fortunately, The Steam Team can help! Contact The Steam Team


The Steam Team can help clean your:


Draperies and Window Blinds


The Steam Team doesn’t use any regular duster on your window blinds. We steam clean them, instead! And often times, we can complete this process without even removing them from where they hang! How’s that for convenient?

Desks and Surfaces


Grime builds up on your desk, too, especially if you occasionally (or not so occasionally) eat lunch at your desk! It’s easy to do, not to mention the dust that accumulates! With a steam cleaner (and especially with the type of equipment that we use) we can easily remove dust, dirt, and grime from your desks and other surfaces like shelving, end tables, and coffee tables!


Carpeting and Flooring


Yes, the cleaning crew does wonders for your carpet! But nonetheless, it still needs a thorough cleaning every now and then. A professional-grade steam cleaning machine can reach deep down to the pits of your carpet and extract allergens, dander, dirt, dust, debris, and so much more! You’ll be amazed at just how clean your office is.

It doesn’t matter how big the project is, it’s not one too big for The Steam Team! The Steam Team has been serving the city of Austin, TX for over a decade now; we’re not stopping any time soon! So if your office is in need of a deep, thorough, steam cleaning, just give us a call! Don’t wait! Your office needs it, and you’ll love working inside of it after we’re done cleaning!

Does Steam Cleaning Work for Every Type of Carpeting?

As you ponder which method of cleaning you should be using, consider steam cleaning! Steam cleaning has a number of benefits (which we’ll outline below), and guess what! It can be used on any type of carpeting! So no matter what type of carpeting you have in your home, steam cleaning is right for you. How’s that for versatile? Below are a few more benefits to steam cleaning; we hope it’s enough to convince you to switch on over!


Safe for the Environment


Because steam cleaning only uses hot water and high pressure, it’s completely safe for you, your family, and the environment. It doesn’t use any chemicals at all! So in addition for it being such a safe method of cleaning, you’ll also save money on chemicals and cleaning products.


Eliminates Grime From the Toughest Places


Nooks and crannies, grout, ceiling fans, and window blinds. What do all of these things have in common? They’re tough to reach! But with a professional-grade steam cleaner, these places can be cleaned and sanitized with ease! Window blinds can be cleaned without even removing them from where they hang.


Restores Your Carpet


If your carpet is looking dull, dusty, or matted down, contact a professional steam cleaner! We can restore your carpet to its original condition: clean and pristine! You’ll be utterly amazed at the results of such a simple cleaning process! But we promise; steam cleaning really is effective, efficient, and reliable.

Finally, a method that’s perfect for you and your home: steam cleaning. When you choose steam cleaning, consider hiring the professionals to come out and clean your home for you. They, like The Steam Team, have all of the right equipment for the job and will complete it in no time! The Steam Team is available 24/7 for anything you might need; just give us a call!

Top 3 Tips to Tackle Tile and Grout Cleaning

Austin Texas Murals

Austin Texas Murals

Ceramic tile and grout are often overlooked, since cleaning them can certainly be an irritating chore. Far too many people spend a lot of time on their hands and knees with a toothbrush, scrubbing each individual grout line for hours on end. But if you’re able to follow these three simple tips, you’ll find that tile and grout cleaning has never been easier!


Preventative Measures


Our first tip is to be sure to take all proper actions to prevent your tile and grout from getting dirty in the first place! The better care you take of your tile, the less likely it’ll need to be deep cleaned. Some ways to do this are;

  • Always keep your floors dry, even if the spill is just water or ice.

  • Add mats or rugs on top of the tile in areas that are stepped on frequently.

  • Vacuum regularly.

  • Always rinse with water after a spill.


Mopping Tile


Once you’ve removed the dirt by sweeping or vacuuming, you’re ready to mop. Mix hot water with a mild detergent and use a rag or chamois mop, rather than a sponge mop. A sponge mop could push dirty water into your grout, which would only make for a harder job later. Change your bucket of cleaning solution often so you won’t end up with a cloudy film of dirt on the floor.


Steam Cleaning Grout


Rent or purchase a steam cleaner that can effectively clean and sanitize all types of tiles and grout. Make sure that it comes with a small brush attachment for the grout. When you have the steam cleaner set up and heated up, move the cleaning brush back and forth over the grout. You’ll find right away that it’s much easier than using a toothbrush! Lastly, when you’re finished cleaning, use a towel or dry mop to wipe up any excess moisture.

If the job of cleaning your own tile and grout ever becomes too frustrating or won’t work with your busy schedule, always keep in mind that The Steam Team professionals can do it for you!

Caring for Hardwood Floors: The Secret to A Longer Lifetime

Hardwood flooring looks beautiful in our homes, and lasts a long time, too! With the proper care, you can elongate the lifespan of your hardwood flooring! Here are three simple rules to caring for your hardwood the proper way! We hope you find them helpful!


Vacuum or Sweep Regularly


The first step to caring for your hardwood flooring is to vacuum and sweep. It’s important that you vacuum or sweep your floor on a routine basis. Doing so will surely catch all of the dust, dirt, and grime that builds up on your floor! So when chore day comes around, make sure you’re incorporating your hardwood flooring into the cleaning routine!


Place Area Rugs Around Your Home


Next, let’s talk about placing area rugs around your home. Area rugs help protect your flooring from regular wear and tear, caused by foot traffic. Simply put, they serve as a barrier between the soles of our feet and the hardwood flooring. They also add a touch of personality to the room!


Clean Spills and Spots Immediately


Finally, stain removal; let’s discuss what to do when an accident happens! As soon as an accident occurs (don’t we wish we could prevent them!), it’s important that you tend to it! Clean up spills and stains immediately. You can use a DIY concoction, or your favorite household cleaner, just as long as it’s safe for hardwood flooring! You wouldn’t want to cause even more damage by using the wrong cleaner.

If you need assistance caring for your hardwood flooring, don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call! We have over a decade of experience with a wide variety of cleaning and restoration projects! Hardwood flooring shouldn’t be steam cleaned, but we have plenty of experience refinishing it and restoring it to its original condition! So pick up the phone today!

Taking Care of Mold in Your Place of Business

Mold: we don’t like to think about it, and we certainly don’t like dealing with it. But the fact of the matter is, sometimes we have to. Is mold growing in your place of business? Here’s some information about mold contamination, as well as a couple of suggestions as to what you should do- should a moldy situation arise!




Mold grows and thrives in dark, damp environments. It only needs twenty four hours to grow and spread; that’s hardly any time at all! That’s why it’s so important to contact the professionals as soon as you spot a mold problem. The quicker you get to the problem, the faster you stop it from spreading!


Mold Contamination


Mold contamination is absolutely no joke. It spreads extremely quickly and needs to be contained as soon as is possible. In addition to being a natural pest, mold is a health risk. Those with allergies and asthma will definitely suffer more from a mold issue. It’s hard to know how mold will affect you and your coworkers, so it’s better to not even risk it!


Contact the Professionals


When a “moldy situation,” arises, it’s really important that you contact the professionals immediately! They’ll have the right tools and equipment for the job- not to mention plenty of expertise and experience! This is no project you want to do on your own, trust us- The Steam Team!

You don’t have to do everything on your own. Contact The Steam Team for all of your needs regarding mold and mold contamination. We’re available 24/7 for emergency situations, so you can always rely on us. Whether it’s a mold problem or a simple clean up job, we’re the right team of experts for it! You’ll be utterly amazed at our results. And if it’s a mold problem, well, you’ll be relieved!

3 Advantages of Concrete Staining

Are you searching for a way to spruce up your backyard? We all need a little change now and then; The Steam Team understands this. That’s why we’d love to tell you all about concrete staining, and help you change up the look of your patio and backyard! So let’s get right to the point:


In short, concrete staining...


Spruces Up Your Patio


Tired of that dull, grey, boring concrete color? So are we (in secret)! Let us give you a hand by revamping your patio and changing its color entirely. From grey, to beige, to terracotta, you can have any color you want! Your patio will look beautiful when The Steam Team is finished with it.


Rids Your Patio of Uneven, Broken Concrete


We can also help rid your patio of uneven and broken, cracked concrete. We’ll make sure your patio is even and safe before we begin staining it. It’s part of the job! When we’re finished, you’ll be shocked by the results! It’ll be like having a whole new patio!


Changes the View of Your Backyard


Concrete staining will change the view of your entire backyard! A little change never hurt anyone; in fact, it’s refreshing and renewing! It may even inspire you to begin a few DIY projects, too! Get the whole family involved. And to think that it all started with concrete staining…

The Steam Team has over a decade of experience, expertise, and the best equipment for any concrete staining job, but also for any cleaning and restoration job! Whatever your need is, we can fulfill it. We have experience restoring homes after fires and floods, and deep-cleaning office spaces until they’re practically sterile! We can do the same in your home. Just give The Steam Team a call today; you won’t regret it!

Restoring Your Home From Fire Damage: Advice from The Experts

According to the National Fire Protection Association, there were 352,000 house fires reported in The United States in 2016 alone! A fire can spread very quickly, engulfing an entire house in less than five minutes! Even when the fire has gone out, the trouble is far from over. But if you’re careful to follow this advice, you can make your home good as new!


Safety and Preparation


First things first, NEVER enter a fire-damaged area until fire officials give you the all clear- and even when you do, be sure to make use of the proper safety attire;

  • Waterproof boots

  • A body suit made from plastic

  • A breathing mask

  • Goggles

  • Industrial strength cleaning gloves


Once you’re all suited up, the next step is to search the structure for any breaches, and seal them immediately. The best method for addressing a breach is by using a rugged tarp that can create a full seal around the breach.




Now that you’ve protected yourself and your home from any potential harm, you’re ready to get to work on the house itself. You’ll want to begin by removing any water from the house, which is normally pooled all over the ground after a fire. You can remove the water using a water pump and a press extractor, which can either be purchased from a supplier, or at a local store such as Home Depot. The next step is to remove the soot and ash from all the surfaces of objects in the house. This can be done with sponges and heavy-duty cleaners. With the soot removed, you can examine the damage and decide whether your things can be restored, or need to be thrown out.


Once the fire-damaged items have been removed, walk around and see the extent of the damage to the floors, walls, and ceiling, to determine what needs repairing. Thoroughly clean the soot off of the entire foundation- This step may take a few days. When that’s finally done, you’ll want to replace the filters in all of your heating and A/C units to reduce that smokey smell. Then, you’re finally prepared for the long process of fully restoring those heavily impacted areas.


Professional Help

If doing all that work yourself sounds too daunting, you’re in luck, The Steam Team has restoration professionals that are ready for your calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! They’ll start by inspecting the entire structure of your building(s) to get a good picture of the extent of the damage. This process allows you to get a full report on the scope of the damage, as well as a great estimate of repair costs.

3 Tips for Keeping Tile and Grout Clean in Austin Texas

Are you noticing the grime build up and take over your tile and grout? It happens easily; grout is porous in nature and therefore easily absorbs liquids. This causes staining and discoloration! But it’s not a lost cause. With a few good practices put in place, and the help of a professional clean and restoration company, like The Steam Team, we can keep your tile and grout looking clean and bright- easily!


Prevent Spills and Accidents


The first step to keeping tile clean is to just be very, very careful. Try your best to prevent spills and accidents by keeping liquids away from the tiled floor (unless you’re in the kitchen, of course), and tend to accidents immediately. Remember that the faster you handle a spill, the less likely it is to stain!


Scrub, Scrub, Scrub!


After sweeping and mopping comes scrubbing! It can’t be avoided, unless you’ve decided to steam clean your tile and grout. Otherwise, scrubbing it is. Grab your scrub brush and your household tile cleaner and bust out that elbow grease! You’re going to need it.


Steam Cleaning Tile and Grout


We always recommend steam cleaning when it comes to caring for tile and grout. There are many benefits to this type of cleaning; for instance, it cleans without chemicals, and therefore won’t damage your tile and grout. It easily extracts dirt and grime from deep within the pores of grout, and leaves it looking like new! It’s efficient, effective, and perfectly safe for the environment. All it uses is hot water, and high water pressure.

The Steam Team has over a decade of experience in cleaning and caring for tile and grout! If you let us take over the job, we’ll be sure to do it right, and do it right the first time. Don’t be shy; give us a call today!

Cleaning Out the Office: Tips From the Pro's

It’s a new year, and perhaps time for a bit of change in your office! Let’s do some rearranging, redecorating, and most importantly, cleaning. Nothing feels more renewing than stepping into a freshly cleaned office! The Steam Team has five simple guidelines for you to follow if you want to keep your office as clean as possible.


Dust Regularly


Offices collect dust very quickly and need to be cleaned more than just occasionally! We can’t avoid it. Even if you aren’t thrilled about it, dust surfaces, corners, computers, and draperies on the regular.


Keep Window Blinds Clean


Window blinds trap all kinds of dust, dirt, and debris and they can be quite inconvenient to clean! Who feels like removing their blinds and washing them, or dusting each slat one by one? Fortunately, with a professional-grade steam cleaner, The Steam Team can clean your office’s blinds without even removing them!


Vacuum Often


You never know what’s lurking deep within the fibers of your carpet. Dust mites, dirt, debris, dander, and crumbs (from eating lunch at your desk) could all be hiding out in your carpet. Vacuum thoroughly at least once a week to keep the flooring looking great!


Avoid Eating at Your Desk


Try not to eat lunch at your desk! Instead, head to the break room; that’s what it’s for, right?. Besides, it can feel incredibly refreshing to step away from your work for some time. Sometimes lunch can get messy; eating at your desk will cause grime to build up faster; you simply can’t avoid spills!


Call The Steam Team


Our last one: call The Steam Team for all of your high rise cleaning needs! We have over a decade of experience cleaning office buildings, homes, apartments, retail spaces, and so many more- you can definitely rely on us to get the job done quickly!

Is Steam Cleaning Safe for Your Family?

So you’re getting ready for some heavy duty cleaning, and wondering which method you should use! The Steam Team always strongly encourages steam cleaning, as it’s completely safe for your family, and the environment! Let’s take a glance at the many benefits of steam cleaning so that you can make an informed decision about which method you should use this time around!


What is Steam Cleaning?


Steam cleaning, or hot water extraction, uses absolutely nothing but hot water and high water pressure to extract grime from many types of flooring and surfaces alike. It doesn’t use any chemicals at all! That’s what makes it so safe for your family.


Why Choose Steam Cleaning?


Steam cleaning is cost efficient. You won’t be spending money on chemicals or household cleaners! You won’t even need ‘em! We know- it’s a huge relief.


Steam cleaning is a versatile method of cleaning. It can clean anything from natural stone flooring, carpeting, tile and grout, and even counter top and draperies! Forget that scrub brush and mop and bucket; all you need is a good ‘ol steam cleaning machine!


The professionals can do it all for you. How convenient is that? You can save both time and energy by hiring a professional cleaning and restoration company to help you out. Just make sure you’re choosing wisely; sometimes it’s better to hire a professional than to rent a machine. A professional steam cleaning company will have the perfect equipment for the job.

The Steam Team is ready and willing to help clean your house today! Go online to view our cleaning and restoration services, and then give us a call! We’re available 24/7 for anything you might need, from cleaning up the house, to restoring your home after a disaster. Whatever it is, we’re here for you!