Navigating the Aftermath: Comprehensive Guide to Cleaning Up After a Kitchen Fire with Heavy Smoke

Restoration contractor austin


Experiencing a kitchen fire can be a harrowing event, and the aftermath, particularly the cleanup process, can be equally challenging. Fires involving heavy smoke not only leave visible soot and damage but also introduce lingering odors that necessitate thorough and systematic cleaning. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the step-by-step process of cleaning up after a kitchen fire with heavy smoke, addressing both visible damage and the less obvious but equally impactful effects of smoke.

  1. Ensure Safety First:

Before embarking on the cleanup journey, prioritize safety. Ensure that the fire has been fully extinguished, and the kitchen is safe to enter. If necessary, consult with the fire department or a professional inspector to assess structural integrity and potential hazards. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, masks, and safety goggles, to safeguard against residual smoke particles and cleaning chemicals.

  1. Assess the Extent of Damage:

Begin the cleanup process by conducting a thorough assessment of the damage caused by the kitchen fire. Examine the affected areas, taking note of visible soot, damage to appliances, cabinets, walls, and ceilings. Pay attention to the degree of smoke penetration, as smoke particles can infiltrate porous surfaces, leading to lingering odors. This assessment will guide the subsequent steps in the cleanup process.

  1. Ventilate the Space:

Before diving into the cleaning process, facilitate proper ventilation to remove any remaining smoke or lingering odors. Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate throughout the kitchen. Consider using fans to enhance air circulation and expedite the dissipation of odorous particles. Adequate ventilation is crucial in creating a safer and more comfortable environment for the cleanup efforts.

  1. Remove Soot and Residue:

Soot, a byproduct of combustion, often settles on surfaces as a fine, black powder. Begin by dry cleaning surfaces to remove loose soot using a dry chemical sponge or a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter. Exercise caution to avoid spreading the soot further. Once loose soot is removed, proceed to clean surfaces with a specialized smoke and soot cleaner, following the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

  1. Clean and Sanitize Surfaces:

Soot and smoke residue can adhere to various surfaces, including countertops, appliances, and walls. Clean these surfaces with a combination of mild detergent and warm water. For more stubborn stains, consider using a specialized cleaner designed to cut through smoke residue. Sanitize surfaces thoroughly to eliminate any lingering bacteria or contaminants.

  1. Evaluate Appliances and Electronics:

Kitchen appliances and electronic devices are susceptible to smoke damage, which can affect their functionality. Consult with professionals to assess the condition of these items. In some cases, appliances may need repairs or replacement due to the impact of smoke and heat. Electronics should undergo a thorough inspection to ensure their safety and functionality.

  1. Address Smoke Odors:

One of the most challenging aspects of post-fire cleanup is addressing lingering smoke odors. Begin by removing and cleaning curtains, blinds, and other soft furnishings. Launder or dry-clean items as needed to eliminate odors. For walls and ceilings, use a specialized smoke odor neutralizer or a mixture of white vinegar and water. Consider placing bowls of activated charcoal or baking soda in strategic locations to help absorb lingering odors.

  1. Clean and Disinfect HVAC Systems:

The HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system can circulate smoke particles throughout the home. Clean and disinfect the HVAC system, including ducts and filters, to prevent the spread of odors. Consider replacing air filters, as they may have trapped smoke particles. Consult with HVAC professionals to ensure that the system is thoroughly cleaned and functioning optimally.

  1. Inspect and Clean Cabinets and Cupboards:

Kitchen cabinets and cupboards may retain smoke residue, especially if they are made of porous materials. Inspect both the exterior and interior surfaces, removing items and cleaning them individually. Wipe down surfaces with a mixture of mild detergent and water, and consider using a specialized cleaner for stubborn stains. Ventilate the cabinets thoroughly to eliminate trapped odors.

  1. Flooring: Addressing Soot and Odors:

Flooring, whether tile, hardwood, or carpet, requires meticulous attention during the cleanup process. Vacuum or sweep loose soot from hard surfaces and carpets. For carpets, consider professional cleaning or replacement if the damage is severe. Clean and sanitize hard flooring surfaces, and use specialized odor-neutralizing products to address any lingering smells.

  1. Consult with Restoration Professionals:

In cases of extensive damage, or if the cleanup process becomes overwhelming, consider consulting with restoration professionals. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to address fire and smoke damage comprehensively. Restoration professionals can conduct a thorough assessment, provide detailed cleanup plans, and ensure that the property is restored to a safe and habitable condition.

  1. Work with Your Insurance Provider:

Contact your insurance provider promptly to initiate the claims process. Provide detailed documentation, including photographs and a comprehensive list of damaged items. Work closely with the insurance adjuster to ensure that all necessary repairs and replacements are covered. Prompt communication with your insurance provider facilitates a smoother and more efficient recovery process.

  1. Prevent Future Incidents:

After the cleanup process is complete, take proactive measures to prevent future kitchen fires. Install smoke detectors in strategic locations, check and replace batteries regularly, and consider investing in a fire extinguisher for the kitchen. Practice safe cooking habits, such as never leaving cooking unattended and keeping flammable materials away from heat sources. These preventive measures contribute to a safer and more secure home environment.


Cleaning up after a kitchen fire with heavy smoke is a meticulous and comprehensive process that requires attention to detail, safety precautions, and perseverance. By systematically addressing visible damage, eliminating smoke odors, and consulting with professionals when needed, individuals can navigate the aftermath of a kitchen fire and restore their homes to a safe and habitable condition. Additionally, working closely with insurance providers and implementing preventive measures ensures a more secure and resilient living environment in the future.

The Only 100% Effective Method For Tile and Grout Cleaning

cleaning in austin texas

Tile flooring can help create a lovely space in your home, whether it's in your kitchen, bathroom or anywhere else in the home. But how should you go about cleaning it? That’s an especially important question when it comes to the grout, which can catch bits of food and dirt in it that may be hard to get out. Many people get on their hands and knees and scrub the tile with a brush. But is that the most effective method?

Professional Help

For a more effective tile and grout cleaning, call in professionals with the right equipment. When you give a call to The Steam Team, we’ll send in professional technicians, and they’ll first give your tile a full inspection to come up with a proper cleaning method for every area of the tile as needed. Then, furniture will be carefully moved and all areas of the tile will be prepared for cleaning and separated from other flooring like hardwood or carpet.

The Right Tools

When the cleaning process begins, we’ll use only the highest quality products, like high powered vacuums to remove all dry soil from the tile. We will aslo sweep by hand if needed. Then, a scientifically advanced cleaning agent will be sprayed over the entire surface of the tile, ensuring the best clean possible. 

A state of the art self-contained pressure cleaning system, manual brushes and a mechanical rotating brush will all be used as needed to clean the tile thoroughly, reaching even the most complex and difficult areas. Then a final rinse solution will be pumped through the machine, leaving your floor looking shiny and new.

Sealing and Inspection

When the cleaning process is complete, our technicians will put finishing touches on the floor. Grout colorizing, if needed, will be done before the sealing process. We will then apply the proper sealer for the specific type of tile in your home or business. Technicians will then have one final walkthrough inspection to ensure that everything was properly cleaned. 

For more information on the services we provide, visit The Steam Team website.

How To Avoid These Dangerous Aftereffects of Fire Damage

Fire Damage Austin

Millions of people experience serious fire damage in their homes every year, and if it happens in your home, as much as you don’t think it will, you need to be prepared. After the fire is put out by firefighters and you’re assessing the damage, you might be thinking of cleaning up the mess yourself and restoring your home or room to its former glory. But before you get in there and start scrubbing, here are some things you might want to know.

Dangerous Chemicals

The modern home is filled with all sorts of chemical compounds that can become dangerous when they combust or combine with other chemicals. In the event of a fire, the smoke can contain many of these dangerous chemicals and should under no circumstances be inhaled.

Weakened Immune Systems

Infants, children, and the elderly are particularly at risk of health issues as a result of smoke and soot. No children, seniors, or anyone with a weakened immune system should get near a room or building that has just had a fire.

Immediate Dangers

There are also more immediate effects that almost anyone will have when exposed to smoke, such as irritation in the eyes, nose and throat, as well as an odor that can sometimes cause nausea. These are all signs from your body telling you to stay far away from the smoke.

Decreased Oxygen

Inhaling carbon monoxide (which is in smoke) can decrease your body’s supply of oxygen. This can cause reduced alertness, headaches, aggravate existing heart conditions and cause a variety of other health concerns.

Long Term Health Effects

Long term exposure to smoke has been associated to an increase in cardiovascular diseases. Some studies have shown that firefighters, for example, are more likely to develop long-lasting respiratory issues and cardiovascular disease.

The Safe Way

Because of all of the reasons listed above, and many more, it is highly unsafe to try cleaning and restoring a fire damaged home yourself. To keep you and your loved ones safe, hand the job over to the professionals. The Steam Team experts will be able to safely restore your home to its former glory. Don’t hesitate to call.

How To Avoid Fire Damage In Your Home Austin, Texas

Fire Damage Clean Up Austin Texas

The Steam Team has a lot of experience dealing with the aftermath of fires, since we offer fire damage cleaning and restorations services. From our many years of serving the central Texas community, we’ve learned a thing or two about how these fire disasters start and how they might be avoided with the right practices. Here’s some important advice on avoiding fires in your home.

Check Your Dryer Vents

You might not think too much about it, but a dryer vent that’s left uncleaned and builds up lint can easily lead to a fire and cause irreversible damage to your home. Any buildup of lint or debris in the dryer vent can become flammable and extremely hazardous. Keeping your dryer vents cleaned is of utmost importance when it comes to preventing fire disasters. Even if a fire doesn’t occur, a buildup of lint or debris will cause the dryer to work harder, raising your energy bill in the long run.

Yearly Inspection

The common recommendation from most professionals is that you have your dryer vents and connected systems inspected and cleaned once every year. Here at The Steam Team we offer that very service. All vents, ducting and connected systems will be thoroughly cleaned to help keep your home safe from fire disaster.

Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning

Our professional technicians will be ready for your call if you need dryer vents cleaned and you haven’t done it yet this year. They’ll arrive with the most powerful and effective equipment for the job and we’ll offer you fair pricing backed with a guarantee. We handle not only residential, but commercial dryer vent cleaning as well! If you want to help avoid fire damage in your home or business, call in The Steam Team. For more information on our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

Restoring Your Home From Fire Damage: Advice from The Experts

According to the National Fire Protection Association, there were 352,000 house fires reported in The United States in 2016 alone! A fire can spread very quickly, engulfing an entire house in less than five minutes! Even when the fire has gone out, the trouble is far from over. But if you’re careful to follow this advice, you can make your home good as new!


Safety and Preparation


First things first, NEVER enter a fire-damaged area until fire officials give you the all clear- and even when you do, be sure to make use of the proper safety attire;

  • Waterproof boots

  • A body suit made from plastic

  • A breathing mask

  • Goggles

  • Industrial strength cleaning gloves


Once you’re all suited up, the next step is to search the structure for any breaches, and seal them immediately. The best method for addressing a breach is by using a rugged tarp that can create a full seal around the breach.




Now that you’ve protected yourself and your home from any potential harm, you’re ready to get to work on the house itself. You’ll want to begin by removing any water from the house, which is normally pooled all over the ground after a fire. You can remove the water using a water pump and a press extractor, which can either be purchased from a supplier, or at a local store such as Home Depot. The next step is to remove the soot and ash from all the surfaces of objects in the house. This can be done with sponges and heavy-duty cleaners. With the soot removed, you can examine the damage and decide whether your things can be restored, or need to be thrown out.


Once the fire-damaged items have been removed, walk around and see the extent of the damage to the floors, walls, and ceiling, to determine what needs repairing. Thoroughly clean the soot off of the entire foundation- This step may take a few days. When that’s finally done, you’ll want to replace the filters in all of your heating and A/C units to reduce that smokey smell. Then, you’re finally prepared for the long process of fully restoring those heavily impacted areas.


Professional Help

If doing all that work yourself sounds too daunting, you’re in luck, The Steam Team has restoration professionals that are ready for your calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! They’ll start by inspecting the entire structure of your building(s) to get a good picture of the extent of the damage. This process allows you to get a full report on the scope of the damage, as well as a great estimate of repair costs.