3 Ways to Freshen Up Your Home

How’s your upholstered furniture looking these days? Is it in need of an old fashioned deep cleaning? It’s possible! Don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call if that’s the case. And in the meantime, follow these three guidelines for keeping your upholstery as fresh as can be! Happy cleaning!


Starting with Vacuuming


There’s a handy upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner that does wonders for cleaning your furniture! It can reach inside those nooks and crannies like nobody’s business! It can also reach underneath cushions and pillows for your convenience. You can easily remove dirt, dust, pet fur, and dander from your furniture.


Moving onto Stain Removal


Are there any unsightly stains or spots on your upholstery? Let’s remove them! In most cases, stains can be removed with the right cleaning solution and a little bit of patience and elbow grease. In worse cases, a professional may need to be called in, like The Steam Team. Steam cleaning is great for restoring your upholstered furniture to its former glory!


Finishing by Steam Cleaning


Finally, consider steam cleaning your upholstery. A professional grade steam cleaning machine won’t harm your furniture, and it won’t use any chemicals to clean it. High pressurized water and hot, hot steam are all that’s needed in this process! Your furniture will look absolutely amazing after a good old fashioned steam cleaning, done by yours truly, The Steam Team.


The Steam Team is your leading cleaning and restoration company in Austin, TX! We’ve been serving this beautiful city for over a decade now, and there’s no way anyone can stop us! So give us a call today. We’ll come out, take a good look at your upholstered furniture, and get to cleaning right away. You’ll barely believe our results!

The Benefits of Steam Cleaning Versus Other Methods

If you have carpet in your home, it’s likely that you’ve heard the news that more and more people are choosing steam cleaning as the prefered method for keeping their carpets in great condition. But why? Does steam cleaning really make such a drastic difference? Well, yes! And here are just a few reasons why;


Safer for the Home


When using a steam cleaner, the only forces at work are water and heat. This means that you’re able to avoid using cleaning agents that could have potentially harmful or toxic chemicals in them, while still killing 99.99% of bacteria. Essentially, you’re able to get the job done right without harming any children, pets, or causing any allergic reactions that you might get from other methods.


A Cheaper Alternative


A steam cleaner is not only safer for the home, but easier on the wallet as well. The repeated costs of having to restock on detergents or other cleaning products far outweigh the cost of the steam cleaner itself. And the only payments you’ll need to make for the steam cleaner are water and electricity.


Why Not Just Vacuum?


Unfortunately, many people rely on vacuuming alone to clean their carpets. What they don’t realize is that a vacuum cleaner can only collect a small fraction of the dirt, dust, and other allergens left behind in the carpet. Another issue with vacuum cleaners is that they won’t be able to get rid of dust mites, which may be living in your carpet and eating the residue left behind that a vacuum cleaner just can’t reach. The only method for a complete clean is high pressure steam!


Professional Steam Cleaning

While such methods can be carried out by the homeowner, most people find that a trained professional with more powerful equipment can achieve even greater results. If you’re looking for top-notch professional carpet cleaning, be sure to contact The Steam Team.

3 Advantages of Concrete Staining

Are you searching for a way to spruce up your backyard? We all need a little change now and then; The Steam Team understands this. That’s why we’d love to tell you all about concrete staining, and help you change up the look of your patio and backyard! So let’s get right to the point:


In short, concrete staining...


Spruces Up Your Patio


Tired of that dull, grey, boring concrete color? So are we (in secret)! Let us give you a hand by revamping your patio and changing its color entirely. From grey, to beige, to terracotta, you can have any color you want! Your patio will look beautiful when The Steam Team is finished with it.


Rids Your Patio of Uneven, Broken Concrete


We can also help rid your patio of uneven and broken, cracked concrete. We’ll make sure your patio is even and safe before we begin staining it. It’s part of the job! When we’re finished, you’ll be shocked by the results! It’ll be like having a whole new patio!


Changes the View of Your Backyard


Concrete staining will change the view of your entire backyard! A little change never hurt anyone; in fact, it’s refreshing and renewing! It may even inspire you to begin a few DIY projects, too! Get the whole family involved. And to think that it all started with concrete staining…

The Steam Team has over a decade of experience, expertise, and the best equipment for any concrete staining job, but also for any cleaning and restoration job! Whatever your need is, we can fulfill it. We have experience restoring homes after fires and floods, and deep-cleaning office spaces until they’re practically sterile! We can do the same in your home. Just give The Steam Team a call today; you won’t regret it!

Is Steam Cleaning Safe for Your Family?

So you’re getting ready for some heavy duty cleaning, and wondering which method you should use! The Steam Team always strongly encourages steam cleaning, as it’s completely safe for your family, and the environment! Let’s take a glance at the many benefits of steam cleaning so that you can make an informed decision about which method you should use this time around!


What is Steam Cleaning?


Steam cleaning, or hot water extraction, uses absolutely nothing but hot water and high water pressure to extract grime from many types of flooring and surfaces alike. It doesn’t use any chemicals at all! That’s what makes it so safe for your family.


Why Choose Steam Cleaning?


Steam cleaning is cost efficient. You won’t be spending money on chemicals or household cleaners! You won’t even need ‘em! We know- it’s a huge relief.


Steam cleaning is a versatile method of cleaning. It can clean anything from natural stone flooring, carpeting, tile and grout, and even counter top and draperies! Forget that scrub brush and mop and bucket; all you need is a good ‘ol steam cleaning machine!


The professionals can do it all for you. How convenient is that? You can save both time and energy by hiring a professional cleaning and restoration company to help you out. Just make sure you’re choosing wisely; sometimes it’s better to hire a professional than to rent a machine. A professional steam cleaning company will have the perfect equipment for the job.

The Steam Team is ready and willing to help clean your house today! Go online to view our cleaning and restoration services, and then give us a call! We’re available 24/7 for anything you might need, from cleaning up the house, to restoring your home after a disaster. Whatever it is, we’re here for you!

What Floors Can You Steam Clean?

What floors can you steam clean? Just about any, as long as it’s not hardwood! Below are a few different types of flooring that you can steam clean- and boy does it pay off (the steam cleaning, that is)! There’s just nothing that compares to the clean that this method provides. Once you start steam cleaning, you’ll hopefully never return to any other method again (unless necessary, of course)!


TIle and Grout


Steam cleaning is best for tile and grout. Why is this the case? Because grout is porous, and absorbs spills and accidents more easily than other types of flooring. Tile needs special care, as it can become stained and scratched easily, too! That’s why we recommend steam cleaning for tile and grout.


Marble and Stone


A professional-grade steam cleaner can easily clean marble and stone flooring! And you don’t have to worry about any damage occurring to your beautiful stone floorings; a steam cleaner is gentle. Using nothing but hot water and high water pressure, a steam cleaner cleans up a marble floor in no time!




Sometimes, vacuuming and shampooing aren’t enough, and greater measures should be taken on carpeting. Steam cleaning, for example! A steam cleaner reaches deep within the fibers of your dirty carpet, and extracts debris, dust, dirt, dander, and anything else lurking down in there! It’s your absolute best bet for keeping your carpet clean.

The Steam Team is more than happy to help keep your flooring in optimal condition! Visit our website to view our services, or give us a call today! We can come out to your home or commercial office, inspect the area, and do what needs to be done! You won’t have to lift a finger. Doesn’t that sound like the best plan? We think it does! Contact The Steam Team today.

3 Reasons to Call a Professional Cleaning and Restoration Company

Maybe you need some work done around the house, and you’re not sure who to call. Should you DIY the project, or call in a professional? Whatever your need is, we recommend calling in the pro’s for just about anything; after all, what could go wrong? Here are three reasons you should give The Steam Team a call whenever you’re in need.


We’ll Do it Right the First TIme


We’ll make sure the job is done right the very first time we set out to do it. There’s nothing worse than having to redo a project, or even a portion of one. Fortunately, The Steam Team doesn’t have that problem! Everything is done right the very first time.


We Won’t Make Any Mistakes


When you DIY a project, you run the risk of making a mess of the situation; it could happen to anybody. You never know. So hire a professional, who will make sure there aren’t any mistakes to be made! You can trust that The Steam Team knows exactly what we’re doing, and won’t make any mistakes- ever.


We’re Reliable and Trustworthy


The Steam Team has been assisting the Austin community for over ten years now! We have plenty of experience when it comes to any cleaning or restoration project. Our team of trained experts have no trouble at all tackling water damage, fire damage, deep cleaning, stain removal, or any other service!

Give The Steam Team Carpet Cleaning a call today and you won’t regret it. You’ll be highly impressed with our results; we guarantee it! So whatever it is- flood damage, or a pesky stain you can’t seem to remove, or even a hardwood floor that needs refinishing, hand it over to The Steam Team, and let us take care of it for you. We’re beyond happy to help out!

Moving? 3 Tips to Clean Our Your Old Home and Get Ready for the New!

Moving into a new home can be an overwhelming experience for everyone involved! There are so many things you have to do, like cleaning out the entire kitchen, everything in those old closets, and you even have to worry about the attic! But don’t worry; we’re here to simplify the process for you. Here are three areas you should focus on when cleaning out your old home, and getting ready for the new!


Cleaning Out Appliances


Stainless steel appliances tend to have steaks on their surface. But steam can easily remove these streaks- without the use of chemicals. There will be no residue left behind on the stainless steel!


Cleaning Out the Bathroom


The bathroom is a great place to start when cleaning out your old home; it won’t be visited as frequently as, for example, the living room. The main areas of importance in the bathroom are going to be the shower- especially if it’s tiled, the sink area, and the flooring. A professional-grade steam cleaner can easily extract grime from the tile and grout in your shower, as well as on the floor!


Carpeting and Flooring


The carpeting and flooring of your old home deserve your ultimate tender loving care. A steam cleaner, using nothing but hot water and high water pressure, can extract dirt, dust, debris, and other nasty, unwanted substances from deep within your carpet fibers. You can also use a steam cleaner on marble and natural stone flooring, or tile.


The Steam Team has well over a decade of experience cleaning and restoring homes to their original, pristine condition. When you set out to clean out your old home, consider contacting The Steam Team; we’re available 24/7, and can take care of anything, from a dirty bathroom floor, to hardwood floor that needs refinishing. Don’t hesitate; give us a call today!

Office Cleaning Over the Holidays

Well friends, it’s that time of year. It’s time for the holidays to come to an end and for the new year to begin! Time to clean up our offices in preparation. The holidays are a great time for office cleaning since we have so much time off, so let’s review what needs to be cleaned this time around!


When cleaning your office, here are a few areas to focus on, and more importantly, areas that we can clean for you! Contact The Steam Team of Austin, Texas anytime, any day, and we’ll be out to assist you with anything you need!


Desks, Tables, and Other Surfaces


We’re often guilty of eating lunch at our desks; it’s just so convenient, isn’t it? But unfortunately, it’s terrible for our desk, in the sense that it dirties it up a lot quicker! And it’s not just your desk that you’re worried about; end tables need regular cleaning, too! Luckily, The Steam Team can help with that.




Whether it’s carpet, tile, or wood flooring, The Steam Team can help you keep the floors of your office clean! Steam cleaning is a safe and effective method for keeping your floors clean; it doesn’t use any chemicals, and easily extracts dust, dirt, and other nasties from flooring.


Window Blinds


You wouldn’t believe the amount of dust and debris that accumulates on our window blinds! Fortunately, The Steam Team can clean your window blinds without even removing them from where they’re hung! It’s easy, simple, and convenient- much better than removing them and washing them in a tub!

The Steam Team is happy to help you keep your office clean this season! Just give us a call; we’re available 24/7 to help you out! Your clients, coworkers, and the like will be impressed with the job we do, you just wait and see!