How Do You Clean Your Drapery?

When you own any home or business, great care must go into maintaining the property and keeping it looking fresh and clean. Unfortunately, too many home and business owners tend to use the wrong cleaning methods or entirely overlook some parts of the property that still need attention. One commonly overlooked part of any property is the drapery. Are you properly cleaning your drapes? Do you clean them as often as you should? Are you able to identify when your drapery is in need of cleaning? If you aren’t sure of the answer to these questions, we’re here to help!

When To Clean Your Drapes

Most people believe that their drapes only need to be cleaned when they appear physically dirty. But, depending on various factors like smoking in the property and the type of heating system in your property, your drapes may not show signs of dirt for up to six years. In reality, they need to be cleaned every two years. Otherwise, dirt and grime that may not yet be visible will start to deteriorate the drapes. But professional cleaning can save and perhaps even triple the lifespan of your drapery!

Steam Team Drapery Cleaning

The fabric of your drapes will usually be very different than clothing fabric, and therefore should not be cleaned using the same methods. When having your drapes cleaned, you need methods designed specifically for your kind of drapery. That’s why you should call in The Steam Team. Our professional technicians will inspect your drape fabrics and select the right clean for the job. For more delicate draperies, we’ll use either a low moisture hot water extraction method or a dry cleaning process to safely clean the fabrics. For more information on drapery cleaning and our many other services like austin water damage, visit The Steam Team website.

Marble Polishing 101: What You Should and Shouldn't Do

Marble is a naturally beautiful material that can be used for a variety of surfaces around any home or business. But it’s important to remember that marble can also be a very sensitive substance, and must be properly maintained in order to ensure that it lasts as long as you need it to. Follow these tips form The Steam Team to keep your marble in pristine condition.

What Not To Do

Marble is very sensitive to anything acidic. Using any generic household cleaners will likely etch or damage the marble or degrade the sealant, so make sure never to use these cleaners on marble. Using common DIY items like vinegar, ammonia, lemon or orange cleaners will also be too acidic and cause damage to your marble. For daily cleaning, it’s better to just use a sponge with hot water.

Proper Marble Care

As stated before, proper day-to-day marble cleaning should be done with a sponge with hot water, and dried with a soft cloth. It’s also important with marble to clean up spills immediately so that they don’t cause any lasting damage to the surface. With a marble countertop, use cutting boards, coasters and trivets as often as you can to avoid letting the marble come into contact with anything damaging. Similarly, for marble floors use door mats, runners and rugs as often as you can to protect the material. For marble polishing, only use polish specifically designed for marble surfaces.

The Steam Team Marble Polishing

You should know by now that marble can only be cared for with certain products. Luckily, The Steam Team has a complete line of products specifically for marble polishing. Our professional technicians will use the right products and methods to properly polish any marble surface in your home, and they can even apply a new sealant if needed. For more information on how we can help you in your home or business, visit The Steam Team website. We also offer 24 hour water damage clean up services.

Your Pets Are Safe From Steam Cleaning

Are you ready to start steam cleaning this summer? Perhaps you are, and you have a few questions about the process! For instance, does this method of cleaning keep my pets safe? We’re here to at least answer that question, and maybe more! So stay tuned, and read more below! 

What is Steam Cleaning? 

Steam cleaning, or hot water extraction, is a method of cleaning that extracts dirt and grime from just about anything- using only hot water high water pressure! You can steam clean anything from the carpet, to the window blinds. You can rent a machine to clean your home yourself, or call in the professionals to do the legwork for you! 

Is Steam Cleaning Safe For Pets? 

Steam cleaning is absolutely safe for pets! Because it doesn’t involve the use of any chemicals or harsh cleaning solutions, and because it doesn’t leave behind any residue, it’s completely safe to steam clean around your pets. So if that carpeting could use a good deep cleaning because of Fido’s accidents, well, we’ve got you covered. 

Call in The Steam Team

The Steam Team is a professional cleaning and restoration company that excels in carpet cleaning! So, like we said, if your carpet needs to be steam cleaned, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team. We understand the plight of keeping everything clean and pristine when there are pets around. That’s why we’re so willing to lend a hand! 

Whether it’s your carpet that needs cleaning, your tile and grout, or upholstered furniture, The Steam Team has your back. We’ve been helping the city of Austin, TX for over a decade now, and would love to come out to your home and make a difference. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with cleaning this season; just call in The Steam Team!

Back to the Basics: A Quick Guide to Cleaning

So you’ve given up your traditional methods of cleaning and have decided to go with steam cleaning! First of all, we’re proud of you! Second of all, let’s go back to the basics of steam cleaning. What’s it all about? Well, here are five facts about steam cleaning that are bound to get you even more excited about your new endeavor!


Steam Cleaning is Completely Safe


Steam cleaning is absolutely, entirely safe for your children, pets, other family members, and the environment in general. It doesn’t involve the use of any chemicals at all. That means that no potentially harmful substances are used while we clean, and we won’t leave behind any residue!


Steam Cleaning Saves You Money


That’s right! Steam cleaning saves you money. You won’t need to purchase any cleaning supplies if you’re steam cleaning- since a steam cleaning machine won’t use them! You’ll love

having that extra cash stowed away for a rainy day.


Steam Cleaning REALLY Cleans


Finally, a clean that you can trust! You’ve seen the before and after pictures, right? Then you know that steam cleaning really gets at that grime and dirt. Nothing gets past a professional grade steam cleaning machine!


Steam Cleaning Kills Germs and Bacteria


Bring it on, springtime. Bring all of your germs and bacteria. Let us fight them away with our professional grade steam cleaning machine! With high pressurized water and intense heat, we can take care of germs and bacteria in bathrooms, kitchens, entry ways- wherever!


Steam Cleaning Eradicates Allergens


Having trouble this allergy season? We can’t blame you; Austin is the allergy capital of the nation! But before you throw in the towel and succumb to runny, stuffy noses forever- consider steam cleaning. It does wonders for eradicating allergens like dust, dander, and pollen!


Contact The Steam Team today if you’re in need of a serious cleaning! Or log online and view our list of services here!

3 Reasons to Handle Plumbing Overflow Immediately

Plumbing overflow is no matter to be taken lightly. If you have plumbing overflow in your home, it’s important that you act fast. Here are three reasons as to why you should take care of plumbing overflow immediately! And as always, don’t be afraid to rely on The Steam Team for guidance.


Prevent Mold Growth


It only takes twenty four hours for mold to begin to grow and spread. Mold is notorious for taking over homes and harming the health of those who inhabit them. If you spot mold growing in your home, contact the professionals immediately! It needs to be addressed as soon as possible. This is probably one of the most important factors when dealing with plumbing overflow.


You Might Not Know...


We don’t mean any offense by this, but you might not know what you’re dealing with! This is no DIY project. You could potentially cause more damage just by trying to help. If ever the problem seems to be out of your hands, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team. The Steam Team has over a decade of experience in dealing with plumbing overflow and cleanup; let us do the leg work for you!


You Might Need the Professionals


As we mentioned before, you might need the help of the professionals, like The Steam Team.  A professional cleaning and restoration company will be able to take your hairy situation and turn it into one that works for you once again!

Call The Steam Team today or log online to view our list of services and gather more information! We’re always standing by (literally, 24/7) and would love to help restore your home to its original condition. All it takes is one phone call! We’re not just here for plumbing overflow; we’re here for almost anything.

How Steam Cleaning Battles Bacteria

Best be warned, friends: flu season isn’t over yet! Families all over the country are battling this dangerous illness, and all of the bacteria around their homes! But do you know what might just get us out of all of this mess? Steam cleaning. That’s right, steam cleaning! Contact The Steam Team today for a list of services, and to schedule a thorough deep cleaning in your home that eradicates germs and bacteria!


Steam Cleaning vs Germs and Bacteria


To start, steam cleaning kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria! Fortunately this means that by contacting a professional steam cleaner, you can effortlessly keep your family healthy this flu season! Why do we suggest contacting the professionals? Because it’s a sure fire way to get your home up to your standards! It’ll be amazingly clean once we’re finished with it!


Other Benefits to Steam Cleaning


We always encourage customers to choose steam cleaning over other methods of cleaning for its many, many benefits. While it’s fantastic that steam cleaning so effectively kills germs and bacteria, it’s also impressive that it cleans without the use of chemicals. That’s right; steam cleaning uses nothing but hot water and high pressurized steam to thoroughly clean your home from top to bottom! This means that you save money on cleaning solutions, and that there won’t be any potentially harmful residue left behind! It’s perfectly safe for the environment, your family, and your pets.


The Steam Team is your leading cleaning and restoration company in Austin, TX, and we’d enjoy helping you out! If you’re having a tough time battling the flu this season, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and give us a call! We’ll come out to your home, inspect areas that need our attention, and turn your home into a clean, healthy environment!

How The Steam Team Handles Water Damage Restoration

Flooding can happen in the blink of an eye- one minute water is overflowing and the next you’re surrounded by it. We know how difficult it can be to get every bit of water out of your house, deal with the insurance company, and then have to worry about putting your home back together again- that’s why The Steam Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your restoration needs.


Restoring a home from water damage is not an easy project, we don’t recommend that you try to take it on yourself (especially during such a stressful time). Bringing in the professionals will ensure that everything is taken care of properly and will leave you with ease knowing you’re at no risk for mold.


The Water Damage Restoration Process


After water floods your home, whether it be from a storm, busted pipe, or broken appliance- the first thing to do is to remove any and all water from the house (if possible). We know that the biggest hassle for homeowner’s is often dealing with their insurance companies throughout this process, so we actually take that off of your shoulders and work with them directly.


Then, we’ll focus on your belongings and other surfaces around the home. We’ll clean and sanitize the area to ensure the health and safety of you and your family. The fans come next to begin drying everything out, from the flooring to the furniture. We’ll ensure that there isn’t any structural damage and check around for any signs of mold spores and growth. When it comes to restoration and remediation, we’ve got the experts!


So next time you find yourself facing a tragedy like water damage, don’t hesitate to call The Steam Team- even if it’s the middle of the night, our emergency crews are available!


Water Damage Restoration and Rentable Equipment

When flooding hits, whether from a busted pipe or a natural disaster, the damage left in its wake is never easy to handle. What once was home sweet home is now soaked- belongings strewn everywhere, potentially ruined. We understand the devastation that hits a family when excess water enters the home- that’s why The Steam Team is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for water damage restoration.


Whether you have tons of damage on your hands or just a small bit of flooding; we can send in our professional technicians or even offer to just rent you drying equipment.


Let’s Talk Equipment

The Steam Team’s rentable drying equipment is top of the line. And while we suggest hiring professionals to do the best job possible, we get it. There are some skilled folks out there who’d like the ability to rent the equipment but do the manpower themselves.  That’s exactly why we offer professional grade drying equipment for rent!


Bring In The Professionals

We know you have a few options to consider when your home is faced with the need for an emergency, water-related makeover. With our 24-hour emergency service, rapid response, we can ensure the peace of mind that we’ll do everything we can to thoroughly dry out and restore your home to its previous condition.


Whether you end up renting our equipment or hiring a professional team to take care of your home, check out our other blogs with tips for taking care of water damage. There are always preventive measures you can take to ensure mold growth is eliminated and that you’re handling any damage in the safest way possible.


If you find yourself facing water damage, don’t hesitate to call us- no matter the time of day. We’re always available to help you.


3 Steps You Should Take After Water Damage - Austin Texas

No matter the source, water damage is a serious issue. To prevent mold from growing and spreading around your home, start off by taking the following three steps. And don’t forget- The Steam Team is your leading cleaning and restoration company in Austin, TX, so don’t hesitate to give us a call if you’re in need of assistance!


Turn Off the Power and Gas


Shut off the electricity and gas from its main source. Of course, if you’re dealing with minor puddles and leaks, you’re likely safe. But in more extreme situations where there is standing water around, it’s necessary to turn off the power for obvious safety concerns. Next, consult an electrician!


Be Careful Around Standing Water


Unfortunately, sometimes enough water may enter our home to the extent that it’s standing. Wading through this flood water is dirty and dangerous, but unfortunately sometimes it’s something we have to do. If you have standing water in your home, make sure you’re wearing proper boots for protection, and safety masks, too. Watch out for dangerous debris and substances floating in the water.


Call the Professionals


In addition to calling your insurance company to come out and assess the situation, make sure to call a professional cleaning and restoration company. They’ll help you start to put everything back in its place, and they’ll have the necessary knowledge and equipment for the situation. The Steam Team is always here for you, through thick and thin! We truly care about our customers; if you have standing water in your home, or a leak you can’t control, don’t hesitate to lean on us!

The Steam Team has over a decade of experience in serving the Austin area- especially in times of trouble. If you’ve had flooding in your home, rely on The Steam Team to remedy the situation; we know exactly what to do.

The First Steps in Fire Damage Restoration

The Steam Team Austin

The Steam Team Austin

A house fire can start from a variety of sources and can spread quite rapidly. It’s completely devastating when you suffer from a house fire, no matter the cause. It’s both difficult and dangerous to handle the fire or the fire damage by yourself, but, many homeowners try to take the task upon themselves. In our blog today, we’re covering the best way to help as a homeowner who has suffered from fire damage recently because we want you to be as equipped as you can.


Act Immediately

As soon as the fire starts, there are a few phone calls you should make. First and foremost, 911 -- the firefighters should be the ones to deal with extinguishing the house fire. Next, your insurance company -- they’ll help you through the next steps to make sure you’re taken care of. Finally, a professional cleaning and restoration company -- like us, here at The Steam Team, who can help you along the way through the restoration process until your home looks as if it was never damaged.


After the Fire; Survey the Damage

After the firefighters have successfully extinguished the fire and you’ve made the necessary phone calls, you may be tempted to begin surveying the damage. The smoke that still remains in the air and the soot settling on the surfaces around your home pose a huge risk to your health -- especially without any protective gear. That’s why it’s so important to call in the professional restoration team. When our fire damage restoration technicians arrive at your home, they will first begin surveying the damage. Afterward, we’ll begin the restoration process by making sure your home is protected from further damage.

The Steam Team understands how devastating a house fire can be to you and your family. We strive to restore your home to its previous condition using our many years of experience, and expert restoration techniques. Let us handle this burden for you, and call The Steam Team today!

The Best Way to Remove Stains From Your Rugs

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If you’re a pet owner, you know firsthand the struggle it is to keep carpet clean! No matter how much we love our pets, they can really make a mess. They track in mud from outside, “go to the bathroom,” in all of the wrong places, and sometimes get sick in inconvenient places, too. So naturally, the carpet takes a beating! Luckily, today we have the best tips for removing these stains. And don’t forget- The Steam Team is always available to professionally clean your carpet, and restore it to its original condition!


Mud Stains


When Fido tracks in mud, you’ll first want to scrape away all of the dried pieces. A vacuum is the best equipment to use after you’re finished scraping. Next, create a cleaning solution! Squirt about ¼ tsp of dishwashing liquid into half a cup of warm water. Once the solution suds, dab it onto the stain, and rinse clean with fresh water.


Urine Stains


Catch these stains ASAP! Dog urine that is left to dry not only leaves behind a stain and odor, but also allows for bacteria to spread. Use paper towels to soak up wet urine, and place something heavy on top to make sure you get it all. Then, with an enzymatic cleaner, wet the area, and blot away the stain. You could also use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda, or club soda!


Vomit Stains


After you’ve picked up the bulk of the vomit, spray the area with cold water. Then, saturate a cleaning sponge in your trusty solution and dab the stain until it’s disappeared. Afterward, you’ll probably want to throw that sponge away!


The Steam Team is here for you through all of your carpet needs. Whether it’s removing a stain, or deep-cleaning your entire house, we’re the ones for the job! Just give us a call today.

The First 3 Steps to Take After Water & Fire Damage Restoration Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi Water Damage

Corpus Christi Water Damage


No matter how drastic the damage is, fires are always devastating. Your personal items may have been destroyed, parts of your home damaged, and your sanity- wrecked. We totally understand how these times can be stressful; that’s why we’re here to help! Below you’ll find a guide consisting of the first three steps you should take after a fire! Pay close attention as we believe these tips are highly helpful! Immediate Corpus Christi water damage service. 


First, Make a Few Phone Calls


First, you’ll want to call your insurance company! They’ll need to come out and evaluate the area and damage, and make estimates.


Ventilate the Area


Before the next step, make sure you set up box fans around the area and open every existing window; this will help to air out your home and protect you against smoke and ash inhalation. This simple step goes a long way in making sure the environment is safe for everyone involved in the cleanup process. Corpus Christi drying equipment rental


Call in The Steam Team


Often times, fire damage results in water damage as well. How else would those flames be stifled? You’ll need a professional cleaning and restoration company to help you remedy the situation, and The Steam Team is perfect for the job! Our team of trained professionals will arrive promptly at your home, assess the damage, and begin cleanup immediately. We’ll also inspect your property for structural damage, as well as smoke damage- just in case.


When it comes to disastrous situations, The Steam Team is available 24/7, around the clock, to help you out! Don’t hesitate to give us a call during a fire, flood, or other natural disaster! We’ll be out in a jiffy to make estimates, clean up, and protect your home from the damage and dangerous of smoke and fire damage. We’re your leading cleaning and restoration company in Austin, TX- so don’t wait! 24 hourCorpus Christ water damage service. 

Top 3 Water Damage Restoration Tips Austin Texas

Water Damage Professionals in Austin

Water Damage Professionals in Austin

We know how difficult it can be to recover from a flood or any damaging amount of water -- it’s devastating. That’s why we want to share a few tricks we’ve had up our sleeve for getting you through the first steps to restoring your furniture from water damage. Austin Texas Water clean up. 


First and foremost, you should always do is call an expert on water removal. They will safely remove any excess water from your home and ensure that the mold is under control. But, here are 3 things you should know in the meantime:


1. Slow Drying

Even if your cleaning company hasn’t made it there yet, you can begin removing furniture away from the damaged areas. Once any furniture is in the clear, it can start drying out. If you have furniture that was damaged with removable parts, you’ll want to make sure they are all removed and separated. Do not leave any wooden furniture to dry outside in the sun because you wouldn’t want it to warp!


2. Ventilation

As far as any water damage to your floors and walls, the best thing you can do before your cleaning crew comes is to open all doors and windows to let the air circulate. Turning on any fans that you have around the house will also help to ventilate the damaged areas. If you are dealing with a small amount of damage in a restricted area, you may be able to ventilate the area by yourself. However, it is always recommended to contact a cleaning and restoration company (like us!) who have the right equipment and already know how to properly treat the damage.


3. Immediacy

Saving the best (and most important) for last: always act immediately. DO NOT WAIT. The sooner the water is extracted and drying begins, the safer you are. The longer you wait, the more bacteria is likely to grow and you face a big chance for mold. Call us immediately if you are dealing with any water damage! We know how time sensitive these situations can be, and our staff is properly trained to deal with any water damage. Call your Austin Texas Water Damage company at 512-451-8326 today.

Steam Team: All About Overflow Cleanup in Austin, Texas

Water & Fire Damage Contents Storage Austin, Texas

Water & Fire Damage Contents Storage Austin, Texas

The Steam Team has been voted best in Austin, TX for cleaning and restoration services. We’re available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, to help with anything from carpet and tile cleaning, to overflow cleanup. Let’s go over the services we offer when it comes to overflow- whether it be from your sinks, appliances, or toilets!


Plumbing Overflow


Whether it’s your business or residential home, we understand how stressful it can be when the pipes burst and the floors are flooded with water. That’s only one reason why we’re available 24/7- so that you don’t have to wait or worry. We can help with any severity of water damage by assessing the damage, sanitizing the area, restoring any structural damage, all the while carefully monitoring the entire process.


Appliance Leaks


This one is pretty common, friends! Of course, it’s best to routinely monitor any appliances that hold or filter water- but we know how quickly and easily life takes over. We forget about those potential leaky appliances… until we’re calling The Steam Team, right?


Our team of trained professionals will assess the damage, and offer assistance with appliances such as your washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator, sink, AC unit, and your water heater. Once the leak is repaired and the water is extracted, we’ll thoroughly clean, sanitize, and dry the area with our professional-grade equipment. Problem solved!


Sink & Drain Overflow


Sink and drain overflow could be caused by a clogged sink, backed up garbage disposal, or a busy, multitasking homeowner who’s forgotten to turn the faucet off- oops! We’ve all been there.

Even if you discover the issue in the middle of the night- we’ll be there to help you clean, sanitize, and dry the affected area.

The Steam Team is ready and willing to help you cleanup any type of overflow and water damage, regardless of the appliance. Don’t be shy- give us a call!