Possible Covid Infection In Your Home or Business? Call The Steam Team

water damage by Steam Team Inc.

water damage austin texas since 1983

We’ve all learned the importance of keeping our home and business clean through the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have frequent guests you’ve probably been even more conscious of the cleanliness in your space. Here at The Steam Team, we want to help protect your home or business from all bacteria and viruses, which is why we’re offering a covid-19 cleanup service, both pre-treatment and post-treatment cleanup of your home or business.

Contact Steam Team

If you’re interested in our Covid cleanup service, feel free to give us a call today for a free consultation, where you’ll get to discuss exactly how you’d like your home or business cleaned. Call us at 512-451-8326 or email customerservice@thesteamteam.com and we’ll be in touch with you for a free consultation. We can clean all types of Coronaviruses! 

Thorough Covid Cleanup

Safety always comes first with The Steam Team, and as soon as our technicians arrive, they’ll have all the OSHA-certified personal protective equipment they need to get the job done. During the cleaning process, all surfaces in the home or business office will be disinfected using EPA-approved products only. Our technicians will get every detail, disinfecting door knobs, light switches, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, faucets, sinks and many other frequently touched areas. This is the perfect cleaning process if someone in your home or business has had covid-19 recently, and you’re wanting to ensure the virus is removed from all possible surfaces.

After the initial cleaning is finished, we’ll protect your surfaces to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold, fungi etc., by applying the long-lasting antimicrobial Bioshield 75. This powerful antimicrobial, when used in conjunction with other cleaning products, will protect your surfaces and keep them cleaner for even longer than just the standard disinfectant! It’ll reduce the growth of bacteria and other substances for a period of 90 days.

To receive this complete Coronavirus cleanup, be sure to contact us at 512-451-8326 or email us at customerservice@thesteamteam.com.

What Should You Do To Clean Up After Fire Damage?

Fire Damage Austin, Texas

Most people don’t expect that their home or business will ever suffer fire damage, but in case it does happen, you need to be prepared. After the fire is extinguished, there will be a long, expensive clean-up process before you can rest easy. You might be thinking of cleaning up on your own to save money. Here’s why you shouldn’t, and some advice on what to do instead.

Lingering Smoke

Even after the fire is gone, smoke will likely still remain inside the structure, and much of it will cause irritation to the eyes, nose and throat if you’re not properly equipped. Right after a fire, the smoke may still be thick enough to cause you to pass out from carbon monoxide poisoning if you’re trying to clean the property on your own.

Health Risks

Depending on how much smoke you’re exposed to and for how long, it could even increase your risk of developing long-term health problems later like lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. For example, firefighters are known to develop these health issues at a higher rate.

Children and the Elderly

Even if some amount of cleaning has already been done on the burned home or business, children, elderly people, or anyone with a weakened immune system should still not risk going into an environment that may have smoke, soot or harsh chemicals in the air.

Harmful Chemicals

In the wake of a fire, especially one that has reached the kitchen of a home, there may have been harsh chemicals that burned, creating toxic smoke and sometimes even combustion. To stay safe from these dangerous chemical reactions, you should keep your distance from the burned property and let professionals handle it.

The Safe Way To Clean Up

Because of the potential dangers listed above that can occur after fire damage, you should leave the cleaning and restoration up to professionals only. We just happen to have an expert team that can safely clean and restore your home and hopefully many of your personal belongings. For more information on our fire damage restoration service, visit The Steam Team website.

Marble Polishing: DIY or Professional Help?

Marble cleaning in Austin, Texas.

Marble cleaning in Austin, Texas.

The Steam Team has a long history of helping our customers with various cleaning, restoration and remediation services, and we’re proud of the work our technicians do. When it comes to the upkeep of marble, we have enough experience and expertise to treat any marble countertop, column, floor, or any other surface. That’s why we’ve decided to share some helpful information on how to take great care of the marble surfaces in your home, and you can decide whether to do it yourself, or seek help from our professional technicians.

Advice for DIY Marble Polishing

When it comes to polishing marble surfaces, you need to know what signs to look out for that tell you when it’s time to have your marble polished. Marble is a sensitive material, especially when it comes to anything acidic. If it has sustained damage to the protective seal, you’ll want it to be polished as soon as possible. If the marble appears more dull or dirty in some areas, or the shine seems to be gone and it won’t go back to normal by simply wiping with a damp cloth, the protective seal may be damaged. If the seal isn’t replaced soon, the exposed marble could easily be damaged even more. Experts say you should have your marble sealed every two to three years, though the best maintained marble surfaces could hold out for four or five years.

Marble Polishing With The Steam Team

As stated before, marble is sensitive to anything acidic, meaning many common household cleaners or home-made methods will only damage marble. Only specifically designed marble polishers should be used. If you don’t want to search for these products and go through the process of polishing the marble yourself, give us a call! Our professional technicians will use our very own line of marble polishing products to give you the very best results that only a professional can give.

For more information on marble polishing or any of our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

How Do You Handle Leaking Appliances?

Commercial High-rise Water Damage Professionals Austin, Texas

Commercial High-rise Water Damage Professionals Austin, Texas

Appliances are everywhere around our home. From the dishwasher to the washing machine and even our toilets- they help us move through our days easier. Unfortunately, they’re not perfectly designed (technology hasn’t advanced that far, yet) and they do breakdown occasionally. What happens when your appliances breakdown? What if your appliances start to leak? How do you handle a leaking appliance?

Don’t worry, these are all questions we’re here to answer for you on today’s blog.

Appliance Leak Cleanup

If you have an appliance that continually holds or filters water, it should be monitored regularly to check for leaking or malfunctioning. Even a slow, steady drip can turn into a major flooding problem if given enough time to develop. Fortunately, The Steam Team offers water damage restoration services to the following appliances: water heater, washing machine, AC unit, refrigerator or ice maker, and sink and dishwasher. Don’t stress; just pick up the phone instead! 

Plumbing Overflow

Plumbing is no exception when it comes to taking care of water overflow! Too often, our toilets leak, our shower tub stops up, or the sink floods the bathroom! It’s disastrous! Luckily, again, The Steam Team is here to help. We’ll help repair and clean up damage from leaky, broken, burst, or frozen pipes. We’ll also take care of your drain, sink, toilet, or water heater! You can count on us to get the job done right the very first time. 

Contact The Steam Team

We’ll inspect the situation, determine what to do, and get to work right away. You won’t need to worry about doing it yourself, dealing with the damage, or even dealing with mold- we’ll take care of everything for you. 

If any of your appliances have gone kaput, don’t hesitate to give us a call! We’re available 24/7 for anything you may need to repair or cleanup. Just contact The Steam Team right away. 

Is Your Hardwood Floor In Need Of Professional Refinishing?

Your hardwood flooring, like nearly everything else in your home, has a limited number of years before signs of damage and deterioration will start to appear. In the case of hardwood flooring, these signs mean that the floor will need to be professionally re-sanded and resealed. Here are the key signs that you should look out for:

Scratches and Marks

Most hardwood surfaces accumulate small scratches and marks over time. If these don’t irritate you too much, don’t bother having your floor refinished just yet. But pay close attention to these scratches and marks, if any of them penetrate the seal of the floor, they’ll leave the hardwood open to further damage that will require the whole floor to be replaced. If you notice a penetrated seal, it's time to have your hardwood floor refinished.

Color Changes

A significant change in color may be a sign of deterioration in your hardwood flooring. Particularly if the boards have become more grey over time. This likely means that the polyurethane is wearing off and your floors will need to be refinished soon. If you wait too long, the boards will turn black and they’ll need to be replaced completely. Exposure to sunlight for long periods of time can also cause color changes in hardwood, and will also mean you need to have the floors refinished.

Water Damage

Have you noticed dark spots showing up in certain areas of the floors? Or maybe the floor has warped in shape over time in only certain areas? These are signs that there’s water damage underneath the floorboards. This is another case where you’ll want professionals to help you out as soon as possible. Sanding and refinishing will likely be needed, and some boards may even need to be removed so that water from beneath the boards can be extracted.

If you see any of these signs appear in your hardwood floor, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team.

The Steam Team's 24 Hour Fire & Water Damage Service

Unfortunately, fire and water damage related emergencies are extremely common and extremely costly for many home and business owners. Millions of these catastrophes occur in the United States every year and you always want to be sure that you’re placing the care of your home into the right hands. It’s important to find a company with the right equipment and technicians for the repair job, as well as finding a company that is available 24 hours a day, so that you can get the help you need right away.

Introducing our team of experienced technicians here at The Steam Team.

Our Commitment

We try to foster an attitude of care and commitment to our local Austin residents and to anyone we come in contact with. Our love for our community is what drives us to leave every resident we serve feeling satisfied with the job we’ve accomplished, and it’s also why we offer our water and fire damage repair services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We want to be certain that when disaster strikes, we are there to help our community, no matter what time or day. No matter the extent of the flooding, water damage, mold or fire and smoke damage, our technicians will be on top of it.

Our Technicians

Our professional and highly trained technicians are the reason we were voted best water damage company in Austin by the Austin Monthly. They always remain professional, courteous and efficient when it comes to assisting home and business owners with whatever the issue may be.

When our technicians arrive, they’ll start with a thorough inspection of all the damages and determine how to best treat the issue and give you a good estimate of costs. Then they’ll get to work, whether its water extraction, mold remediation, full reconstruction, providing emergency power, structure cleaning, or whatever else is needed to get your home back in shape. For more information on fire and water damage repair and restoration, visit The Steam Team website.

How Do You Clean Your Drapery?

When you own any home or business, great care must go into maintaining the property and keeping it looking fresh and clean. Unfortunately, too many home and business owners tend to use the wrong cleaning methods or entirely overlook some parts of the property that still need attention. One commonly overlooked part of any property is the drapery. Are you properly cleaning your drapes? Do you clean them as often as you should? Are you able to identify when your drapery is in need of cleaning? If you aren’t sure of the answer to these questions, we’re here to help!

When To Clean Your Drapes

Most people believe that their drapes only need to be cleaned when they appear physically dirty. But, depending on various factors like smoking in the property and the type of heating system in your property, your drapes may not show signs of dirt for up to six years. In reality, they need to be cleaned every two years. Otherwise, dirt and grime that may not yet be visible will start to deteriorate the drapes. But professional cleaning can save and perhaps even triple the lifespan of your drapery!

Steam Team Drapery Cleaning

The fabric of your drapes will usually be very different than clothing fabric, and therefore should not be cleaned using the same methods. When having your drapes cleaned, you need methods designed specifically for your kind of drapery. That’s why you should call in The Steam Team. Our professional technicians will inspect your drape fabrics and select the right clean for the job. For more delicate draperies, we’ll use either a low moisture hot water extraction method or a dry cleaning process to safely clean the fabrics. For more information on drapery cleaning and our many other services like austin water damage, visit The Steam Team website.

Marble Polishing 101: What You Should and Shouldn't Do

Marble is a naturally beautiful material that can be used for a variety of surfaces around any home or business. But it’s important to remember that marble can also be a very sensitive substance, and must be properly maintained in order to ensure that it lasts as long as you need it to. Follow these tips form The Steam Team to keep your marble in pristine condition.

What Not To Do

Marble is very sensitive to anything acidic. Using any generic household cleaners will likely etch or damage the marble or degrade the sealant, so make sure never to use these cleaners on marble. Using common DIY items like vinegar, ammonia, lemon or orange cleaners will also be too acidic and cause damage to your marble. For daily cleaning, it’s better to just use a sponge with hot water.

Proper Marble Care

As stated before, proper day-to-day marble cleaning should be done with a sponge with hot water, and dried with a soft cloth. It’s also important with marble to clean up spills immediately so that they don’t cause any lasting damage to the surface. With a marble countertop, use cutting boards, coasters and trivets as often as you can to avoid letting the marble come into contact with anything damaging. Similarly, for marble floors use door mats, runners and rugs as often as you can to protect the material. For marble polishing, only use polish specifically designed for marble surfaces.

The Steam Team Marble Polishing

You should know by now that marble can only be cared for with certain products. Luckily, The Steam Team has a complete line of products specifically for marble polishing. Our professional technicians will use the right products and methods to properly polish any marble surface in your home, and they can even apply a new sealant if needed. For more information on how we can help you in your home or business, visit The Steam Team website. We also offer 24 hour water damage clean up services.

How The Steam Team Handles Pet Odor

We love our pets but there are few things as irritating as coming home to find that your floor is riddled with urine stains and the air is filled with pet odor. In many cases, the urine can even soak through the carpet into the padding underneath, or even the subfloor underneath that, causing the odor to linger and allowing for bacterial growth. But don’t worry, The Steam Team can help.


To begin treatment, the urine stained area must be removed or neutralized. In some cases, the entire carpet, padding, or even subfloor may need to be removed, and sometimes the odor still persists. But if the urine is allowed to sit in the carpet long enough, the odor will settle into other furniture in the home over time. Luckily, The Steam Team has a wide range of solutions for these issues.

Urine Control

Keep in mind, the cleaning and removal of urine spots and stains may not entirely remove the odor from the home. Pet urine is easier to clean when it is fresh, if it is allowed to sit for days or weeks it will become “alkaline”, and will permanently stain the carpet. This means that it may not be possible for all urine spots to be removed. To prevent permanent staining, blot urine spots with a white cloth or paper towel as soon as you notice them.

The Professional Method

In the case of deep “alkaline” urine stains that are harder to remove, The Steam Team professionals will follow all of these steps for stain removal. In less extreme circumstances, some of these steps will be left out:

  • Pulling up the carpet.

  • Removing the affected padding.

  • Cleaning the back of the carpet.

  • Treating the floor with a specialized enzyme treatment.

  • Sealing the floor with an odor barrier.

  • Treating the back of the carpet with an enzyme treatment.

  • Installing new tack strip.

  • Installing new padding.

  • Re-installing carpet.

  • Clean carpet.

  • Topically apply enzyme.

For more information of what we can offer including full service water damage, visit The Steam Team website.

5 Reasons Why Steam Cleaning is Essential

Steam cleaning is becoming increasingly popular as people continue to search for better, safer cleaning methods to use in their home or place of business. If you haven’t yet jumped on the trend, here’s some helpful information from The Steam Team on why this cleaning practice might become the new norm.

A Variety of Uses

One thing that makes steam cleaners so easy to use is that they don’t require any chemicals, just water and heat. This also means that steam cleaners can be used on a wide variety of surfaces, even things like upholstery and curtains. They’re also great for getting rid of fat and grease, cleaning tiled floors and walls, and even cleaning the inside of your car! 

Great Against Mold

One of the most significant benefits of using a steam cleaner is how effective they are against mold. Many people use bleach to get rid of mold, but in fact, bleach only turns the mold white so that it blends in with the surface. The high temperature of steam cleaning kills the mold while the bristles help remove it from those hard to reach places.

Safer For You and Your Family

Since only heat and water are used in steam cleaning, your home or place of business will remain free from the chemical residue or pollution that some cleaners may leave behind. This will make the environment much safer for you and those around you.


Steam cleaning significantly benefits people with allergies and asthma, since it uses all natural steam to remove dirt and grime from all surfaces. Therefore, it won’t aggravate any allergies or cause respiratory issues.

Professional Steam Cleaning

Now you see the benefits that steam cleaning offers to anyone in search of a better, safer clean. However, you may not want to spend all the money on buying your own expensive steam cleaner, or the effort of cleaning your property yourself. But don’t worry, that’s why The Steam Team is here. Our professional technicians will use top-of-the-line steam cleaners and other methods to rejuvenate your home. For more information on the services we offer, visit The Steam Team website.

How To React When Water Damage Occurs

Water may be essential to our daily lives, but it can really cause damage to our homes during a storm, leak, or even a fire! But wherever you are, whatever you’re facing, if it’s water damage, The Steam Team has you covered. We’re experts at water damage recovery and even mold remediation- because, you know, that’s an issue too when it comes to water damage. If you encounter water damage in or around your home, here’s what you should do:


Act Quickly


It’s important to act as quickly as possible once you discover water damage! Remember, it only takes 24-48 hours for mold to begin growing and spreading throughout your home! If you don’t want a serious mold issue on your hands, then get moving, get moving, get moving!


Dry Out the Area


Next, do your best to dry out the area until the professionals arrive. We know that this is no simple task, especially when you’re battling mold and other contaminants! But remember that the longer you leave an area moist, the more likely it is that mold will form. So do your best to act as quickly as possible!


Call in The Steam Team


Do you live in the Austin, TX area and have a water damage problem on your hands? Then you’re in luck! The Steam Team is a group of trained professionals who have plenty of expertise in cleaning up after water damage, and restoring your home to its original, pristine condition.

The Steam Team really knows what they’re doing when it comes to water damage! You can put your trust in us. We’ve been at this for over a decade; that’s ample time to learn the ropes! So remember, as soon as you encounter water damage in or around your home, give The Steam Team a call!

How The Steam Team Handles Water Damage Restoration

Flooding can happen in the blink of an eye- one minute water is overflowing and the next you’re surrounded by it. We know how difficult it can be to get every bit of water out of your house, deal with the insurance company, and then have to worry about putting your home back together again- that’s why The Steam Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your restoration needs.


Restoring a home from water damage is not an easy project, we don’t recommend that you try to take it on yourself (especially during such a stressful time). Bringing in the professionals will ensure that everything is taken care of properly and will leave you with ease knowing you’re at no risk for mold.


The Water Damage Restoration Process


After water floods your home, whether it be from a storm, busted pipe, or broken appliance- the first thing to do is to remove any and all water from the house (if possible). We know that the biggest hassle for homeowner’s is often dealing with their insurance companies throughout this process, so we actually take that off of your shoulders and work with them directly.


Then, we’ll focus on your belongings and other surfaces around the home. We’ll clean and sanitize the area to ensure the health and safety of you and your family. The fans come next to begin drying everything out, from the flooring to the furniture. We’ll ensure that there isn’t any structural damage and check around for any signs of mold spores and growth. When it comes to restoration and remediation, we’ve got the experts!


So next time you find yourself facing a tragedy like water damage, don’t hesitate to call The Steam Team- even if it’s the middle of the night, our emergency crews are available!


3 Steps After Water Damage Austin Texas

Flood Damge

Flood Damge

With the recent devastation in Texas, homeowners are having to deal firsthand with water damage. Homes are flooded with water so high it’s historical- and roads, too. Water damage is the cause of mold, loss of important possessions, structural damage, and the list goes on and on… sadly. We were voted best in water damage in Austin. If you’re experiencing water damage in your home, give the professionals a call immediately, and follow these three initial steps:


Turn Off the Power


Here’s what you should do first: Immediately cut off the gas and electricity from its main source. This is for rather obvious safety matters. Luckily, you’re safer around puddles and leaks (turning off the power isn’t as necessary here), but if you’re already in standing water, don’t touch it; it could be dangerous. Consult with an electrician first!


Check for Standing Water


As soon as the scene is safe, survey the damage and check for any standing water, and then begin to pump it out. Standing water is notorious for causing damage and growing mold. Wear safety masks and of course, high quality boots. Flood waters are filled with debris and dangerous substances that we shouldn’t be wading around in, but unfortunately, sometimes we have to. We are #1 in water damage in Austin, Texas! 


Call the Professionals

The Steam Team is your leading professional steam cleaner in the Austin area, and we’ve been serving the city for over a decade now. We have plenty of experience with flood damage and cleaning up after natural disasters. If your home has been affected by the recent flood waters, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’re always available to help you out, and we truly care about our customers. Give us a call as soon as possible! If you have water damage in Austin call us now at 512-451-8326. We provide professional water damage service. 

Commercial Cleaning: Keeping Your Restrooms Clean

Commercial Cleaning The Steam Team

Commercial Cleaning The Steam Team

Restrooms can sometimes be a harsh reality. In order to continuously keep commercial restrooms clean and sanitary, it’s likely that you’ll have to implement systems or bring in outside help.

Bringing in Outside Help


Deep Cleaning

One of the most common complaints with cleaning high-traffic restrooms is keeping the tile and grout clean. In some cases, this could on the floor, backsplash, or even countertops. Grout can be especially difficult to clean around moisture, but steam cleaning will undoubtedly do the trick.

Targeting Trouble Areas

Of course the tile and grout aren’t the only areas that need attention around the bathroom - especially with how damage-prone the environment already is (from the constant waterflow). Cleaning around the bathroom becomes much more efficient when you target the sinks, floors, counters, toilets, trash cans, etc.


Additionally, if you take preventive measures to keep these target areas from collecting grime, you’ll find that a deep clean can turn a sort-of clean restroom into a room that looks brand-spanking-new!

Cover Every Surface

Last, but certainly not least, don’t leave any surface behind! When you make sure to touch every surface before leaving the restroom, you’re guaranteed a spotless environment.


Now, remember when we talked about bringing in outside help? That’s really the secret to ensuring that your commercial restrooms are continuously spotless. It’s not as daunting as you may think - in fact, it’ll take a huge stress off of your shoulders!


Are you looking for a commercial cleaning company? We’d love to take a look at your office! Give us a call, here at The Steam Team, today.


What's Hiding in Your Office Carpet?



Keeping the carpet clean in your office is essential for the health your coworkers, clients, and of course yourself. Because we can’t see them, It’s easy to forget about the dust, allergens, and other creepy crawlies lurking in your carpet! But once your carpet begins to stain you’ll know something is wrong. Why wait for stains to appear, when it could already be time to call your local cleaning and restoration company! It’s important to have your carpet routinely cleaned by a professional at least occasionally, and here’s why:

The Importance of Keeping Carpet Clean


  1. Health Benefits


Carpet can harbor many indoor air pollutants and allergens that are harmful to our health. Dust, dander, lead, cockroach allergens, and many more materials could be found in our carpet at home and in the office. What’s worse, these particles are kicked up into the air as we walk or vacuum over our floor. You’re likely unsure about what exactly is lurking in your office carpet, so it’s best to have it steam cleaned on a regular basis. Doing so would be a favor to your health, as well as the health of your clients and coworkers.



  1. First Impressions


Undoubtedly, your clients take a thorough look around when they enter your office for the first time. They may notice your fancy leather chairs before they spot your carpet, but they will, at some point, find that stain you’ve been trying to hid beneath the trash can. Luckily, The Steam Team can help you win a few professionalism points by deep cleaning your carpet for you this quarter!


Steam cleaning brings results that you simply can’t beat! If your office is overdue for a deep, thorough carpet cleaning, or you need some help with a tricky stain, don’t hesitate to call The Steam today!