Navigating the Aftermath: Comprehensive Guide to Cleaning Up After a Kitchen Fire with Heavy Smoke

Restoration contractor austin


Experiencing a kitchen fire can be a harrowing event, and the aftermath, particularly the cleanup process, can be equally challenging. Fires involving heavy smoke not only leave visible soot and damage but also introduce lingering odors that necessitate thorough and systematic cleaning. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the step-by-step process of cleaning up after a kitchen fire with heavy smoke, addressing both visible damage and the less obvious but equally impactful effects of smoke.

  1. Ensure Safety First:

Before embarking on the cleanup journey, prioritize safety. Ensure that the fire has been fully extinguished, and the kitchen is safe to enter. If necessary, consult with the fire department or a professional inspector to assess structural integrity and potential hazards. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, masks, and safety goggles, to safeguard against residual smoke particles and cleaning chemicals.

  1. Assess the Extent of Damage:

Begin the cleanup process by conducting a thorough assessment of the damage caused by the kitchen fire. Examine the affected areas, taking note of visible soot, damage to appliances, cabinets, walls, and ceilings. Pay attention to the degree of smoke penetration, as smoke particles can infiltrate porous surfaces, leading to lingering odors. This assessment will guide the subsequent steps in the cleanup process.

  1. Ventilate the Space:

Before diving into the cleaning process, facilitate proper ventilation to remove any remaining smoke or lingering odors. Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate throughout the kitchen. Consider using fans to enhance air circulation and expedite the dissipation of odorous particles. Adequate ventilation is crucial in creating a safer and more comfortable environment for the cleanup efforts.

  1. Remove Soot and Residue:

Soot, a byproduct of combustion, often settles on surfaces as a fine, black powder. Begin by dry cleaning surfaces to remove loose soot using a dry chemical sponge or a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter. Exercise caution to avoid spreading the soot further. Once loose soot is removed, proceed to clean surfaces with a specialized smoke and soot cleaner, following the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

  1. Clean and Sanitize Surfaces:

Soot and smoke residue can adhere to various surfaces, including countertops, appliances, and walls. Clean these surfaces with a combination of mild detergent and warm water. For more stubborn stains, consider using a specialized cleaner designed to cut through smoke residue. Sanitize surfaces thoroughly to eliminate any lingering bacteria or contaminants.

  1. Evaluate Appliances and Electronics:

Kitchen appliances and electronic devices are susceptible to smoke damage, which can affect their functionality. Consult with professionals to assess the condition of these items. In some cases, appliances may need repairs or replacement due to the impact of smoke and heat. Electronics should undergo a thorough inspection to ensure their safety and functionality.

  1. Address Smoke Odors:

One of the most challenging aspects of post-fire cleanup is addressing lingering smoke odors. Begin by removing and cleaning curtains, blinds, and other soft furnishings. Launder or dry-clean items as needed to eliminate odors. For walls and ceilings, use a specialized smoke odor neutralizer or a mixture of white vinegar and water. Consider placing bowls of activated charcoal or baking soda in strategic locations to help absorb lingering odors.

  1. Clean and Disinfect HVAC Systems:

The HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system can circulate smoke particles throughout the home. Clean and disinfect the HVAC system, including ducts and filters, to prevent the spread of odors. Consider replacing air filters, as they may have trapped smoke particles. Consult with HVAC professionals to ensure that the system is thoroughly cleaned and functioning optimally.

  1. Inspect and Clean Cabinets and Cupboards:

Kitchen cabinets and cupboards may retain smoke residue, especially if they are made of porous materials. Inspect both the exterior and interior surfaces, removing items and cleaning them individually. Wipe down surfaces with a mixture of mild detergent and water, and consider using a specialized cleaner for stubborn stains. Ventilate the cabinets thoroughly to eliminate trapped odors.

  1. Flooring: Addressing Soot and Odors:

Flooring, whether tile, hardwood, or carpet, requires meticulous attention during the cleanup process. Vacuum or sweep loose soot from hard surfaces and carpets. For carpets, consider professional cleaning or replacement if the damage is severe. Clean and sanitize hard flooring surfaces, and use specialized odor-neutralizing products to address any lingering smells.

  1. Consult with Restoration Professionals:

In cases of extensive damage, or if the cleanup process becomes overwhelming, consider consulting with restoration professionals. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to address fire and smoke damage comprehensively. Restoration professionals can conduct a thorough assessment, provide detailed cleanup plans, and ensure that the property is restored to a safe and habitable condition.

  1. Work with Your Insurance Provider:

Contact your insurance provider promptly to initiate the claims process. Provide detailed documentation, including photographs and a comprehensive list of damaged items. Work closely with the insurance adjuster to ensure that all necessary repairs and replacements are covered. Prompt communication with your insurance provider facilitates a smoother and more efficient recovery process.

  1. Prevent Future Incidents:

After the cleanup process is complete, take proactive measures to prevent future kitchen fires. Install smoke detectors in strategic locations, check and replace batteries regularly, and consider investing in a fire extinguisher for the kitchen. Practice safe cooking habits, such as never leaving cooking unattended and keeping flammable materials away from heat sources. These preventive measures contribute to a safer and more secure home environment.


Cleaning up after a kitchen fire with heavy smoke is a meticulous and comprehensive process that requires attention to detail, safety precautions, and perseverance. By systematically addressing visible damage, eliminating smoke odors, and consulting with professionals when needed, individuals can navigate the aftermath of a kitchen fire and restore their homes to a safe and habitable condition. Additionally, working closely with insurance providers and implementing preventive measures ensures a more secure and resilient living environment in the future.

Smoke Damage Cleanup: Restoring Homes and Lives After a Fire

Smoke damage clean up

In the aftermath of a fire, the visible destruction often tells only part of the story. Beyond the charred walls and melted belongings, smoke damage can permeate every corner of a home, leaving a lasting impact on both property and occupants. Smoke damage cleanup is a complex and crucial process that involves not only removing physical residues but also addressing lingering odors and potential health hazards. This comprehensive endeavor not only restores the structural integrity of a home but also provides a sense of normalcy and safety to those affected. In this exploration, we delve into the multifaceted world of smoke damage cleanup, examining the challenges faced, the techniques employed, and the vital role it plays in the recovery process.

**1. Understanding the Nature of Smoke Damage: Smoke damage is a result of the complex interaction between fire, oxygen, and various materials within a home. Different types of fires produce distinct types of smoke, each with its unique characteristics and challenges. While some smoke residues are visible, others are microscopic, making them difficult to detect with the naked eye. Smoke particles can penetrate porous materials, leaving behind stubborn odors and residues that require specialized cleaning methods.

**2. Assessment and Damage Evaluation: The first step in smoke damage cleanup is a thorough assessment of the affected areas. Trained professionals evaluate the extent of the damage, categorizing it based on severity. This evaluation is essential for developing a tailored cleanup plan. Smoke damage can vary significantly, ranging from light soot residues on surfaces to extensive damage that necessitates the replacement of structural elements. Understanding the scope of the damage guides the cleanup process and ensures that no areas are overlooked.

**3. Safety Precautions and Protective Measures: Safety is paramount during smoke damage cleanup. Professionals follow strict safety protocols, wearing protective gear such as masks, gloves, and goggles to shield themselves from harmful residues and contaminants. Adequate ventilation is established to minimize exposure to airborne particles. Additionally, the affected area may be isolated to prevent the spread of contaminants to other parts of the home. These precautions safeguard both the cleanup crew and the occupants, ensuring a secure environment during the restoration process.

**4. Surface Cleaning and Residue Removal: Cleaning surfaces affected by smoke damage requires specialized techniques and cleaning agents. Professionals use HEPA vacuum cleaners to remove loose soot and ash particles from surfaces. Wet cleaning methods, employing appropriate cleaning solutions, are utilized to remove stubborn smoke residues. Non-porous surfaces are relatively easier to clean, but porous materials such as wood, fabric, and drywall absorb smoke particles, necessitating meticulous cleaning and, in some cases, specialized treatments.

**5. Odor Elimination: One of the most challenging aspects of smoke damage cleanup is addressing lingering odors. Smoke particles can embed themselves deeply into porous materials, causing persistent and unpleasant smells. To combat these odors, professionals use a variety of techniques, including thermal fogging, ozone treatments, and specialized deodorizers. Thermal fogging involves dispersing deodorizing agents in a fog form, allowing them to penetrate and neutralize odor-causing particles. Ozone treatments oxidize odor molecules, effectively eliminating unpleasant smells. These techniques are crucial for restoring a fresh and habitable environment after smoke damage.

**6. HVAC System Inspection and Cleaning: The HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system can distribute smoke particles throughout a home. During smoke damage cleanup, the HVAC system is thoroughly inspected, and if necessary, cleaned and deodorized. Air ducts and vents are cleaned to prevent the recirculation of smoke residues. Cleaning the HVAC system ensures that the air circulating in the home is free from contaminants, contributing to a healthier indoor environment.

**7. Content Cleaning and Restoration: Smoke smell damage not only affects the structure of a home but also the contents within it. Furniture, electronics, clothing, and personal belongings may suffer smoke damage. Professional restoration companies employ specialized techniques to clean and restore these items. Depending on the severity of the damage, contents may be cleaned on-site or transported to a specialized facility for detailed restoration. Content cleaning is a meticulous process, involving the use of appropriate cleaning agents and techniques to salvage items whenever possible.

**8. Preventing Future Damage: In addition to smoke smell cleanup efforts, professionals focus on preventive measures to mitigate future smoke damage risks. This may involve reinforcing fire-resistant materials, installing smoke detectors, and educating homeowners about fire safety practices. By taking proactive steps, the likelihood of future smoke damage incidents can be significantly reduced, providing homeowners with peace of mind and a sense of security.

**9. Emotional Support and Recovery Assistance: The aftermath of a fire, and the subsequent cleanup process, can be emotionally overwhelming for homeowners. Restoration professionals often provide not only technical expertise but also emotional support. Empathetic and compassionate communication helps homeowners navigate the challenges of the recovery process. Additionally, restoration companies often collaborate with insurance providers to expedite the claims process, easing the financial burden on homeowners and facilitating a smoother recovery journey.

**10. Restoring Normalcy and Rebuilding Lives: Ultimately, smoke damage cleanup goes beyond physical restoration; it plays a pivotal role in rebuilding lives. Returning a home to its pre-fire condition not only provides a sense of normalcy but also promotes emotional healing. It allows families to move forward, leaving the trauma of the fire behind and embracing a fresh start. The meticulous efforts of restoration professionals, combined with the resilience of homeowners, contribute to the restoration of not just homes but also hope and optimism for the future.

In conclusion, smoke damage cleanup is a comprehensive and intricate process that requires expertise, empathy, and dedication. Professional restoration companies, armed with specialized knowledge and advanced techniques, play a pivotal role in guiding homeowners through the challenging aftermath of a fire. Their efforts extend beyond physical cleanup; they provide emotional support, restore a sense of security, and help families rebuild their lives. In the face of adversity, the collaboration between skilled professionals and resilient homeowners results in the restoration of not just properties but also the strength and spirit of communities.

Pet Odor Disaster? Call The Steam Team of Austin!

Odor Removal Austin, Texas

If you’re a pet owner, you already know that our pets can be as destructive as they are loveable. Many pets leave behind odors from fur or urine stains that can easily overpower a home, especially if the pet was left unattended for a long period of time. If this has happened in your home, it’s time to call in The Steam Team of Austin.

Our Odor Eliminating Process in Austin, Texas

When a home is afflicted by excessive pet odors, there may be varying levels of the odor and of the stains associated with them, so when our technicians arrive on the scene they’ll choose the method best suited to treat the level of odor. Our technicians will use a high-power rinsing process that usually gets pet odor out of any carpet, but if the odor is too deep then the carpet may have to be removed for a full clean. Neglecting your carpet by not having urine stains eliminated will eventually cause bacteria growth and your carpet may have a permanent color change.

If the carpet must be pulled up, our technicians will then remove the affected padding underneath the carpet and thoroughly rinse the backside of the carpet. The floor will be treated with a special enzyme treatment, a new padding and new tack strip will be installed, then the carpet will be put back in place. Finally, the carpet will be cleaned one more time and then a topical enzyme treatment will be applied. Once our technicians have completed this process, the odors will be totally eliminated and you’ll be able to breathe freely again!

The Steam Team of Austin

Only The Steam Team can provide the best trained technicians with high-powered equipment and the most effective methods for eliminating pet odors in the Austin, TX area. If you have a pet odor problem in your home, call in The Steam Team!

How To Avoid Fire Damage In Your Home Austin, Texas

Fire Damage Clean Up Austin Texas

The Steam Team has a lot of experience dealing with the aftermath of fires, since we offer fire damage cleaning and restorations services. From our many years of serving the central Texas community, we’ve learned a thing or two about how these fire disasters start and how they might be avoided with the right practices. Here’s some important advice on avoiding fires in your home.

Check Your Dryer Vents

You might not think too much about it, but a dryer vent that’s left uncleaned and builds up lint can easily lead to a fire and cause irreversible damage to your home. Any buildup of lint or debris in the dryer vent can become flammable and extremely hazardous. Keeping your dryer vents cleaned is of utmost importance when it comes to preventing fire disasters. Even if a fire doesn’t occur, a buildup of lint or debris will cause the dryer to work harder, raising your energy bill in the long run.

Yearly Inspection

The common recommendation from most professionals is that you have your dryer vents and connected systems inspected and cleaned once every year. Here at The Steam Team we offer that very service. All vents, ducting and connected systems will be thoroughly cleaned to help keep your home safe from fire disaster.

Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning

Our professional technicians will be ready for your call if you need dryer vents cleaned and you haven’t done it yet this year. They’ll arrive with the most powerful and effective equipment for the job and we’ll offer you fair pricing backed with a guarantee. We handle not only residential, but commercial dryer vent cleaning as well! If you want to help avoid fire damage in your home or business, call in The Steam Team. For more information on our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

What Do Customers Say About Their Steam Team Cleaning Experience?

cleaning services

cleaning services

If you’re dealing with water damage, a stained carpet, clogged appliances or many other issues in your home or business and you’re thinking about hiring The Steam Team, you might be wondering what previous Steam Team customers have to say. As a general rule, when you’re thinking about paying for the services of any company, it's always a good idea to look at customer reviews. So what do Steam Team customers say about the service they’ve received?

Customer Reviews

The Steam Team has been around a long time now, and we’ve been fortunate enough to receive lots of customer feedback! Let’s check out some of our reviews to give you a good idea of what we can do for you. One customer said, “The Steam Team cleaned my carpet today and brought a 15+ year old carpet back to great condition. I highly recommend this company!”. Another recent review said “I had my first experience with the Steam Team yesterday and couldn't have been more pleased! I had several large, old stains that I was sure would never come up - but I was proven wrong. Overall, it was a great experience”. 

Now it's true that we’re not the only company that offers these sorts of cleaning and restoration services, you can certainly find others. But we’ve seen that our customers have noticed a difference. For example, one customer had this to say; “I used The Steam Team for dryer duct cleaning, and I’ll never again look elsewhere! The last time I had this work done, the company that came out used only a shop vacuum to clean the duct, and I had to call them back twice because they did a terrible job. This time, I called The Steam Team, and they came out with all the necessary equipment, and did a terrific job.”

Steam Team Technicians

So how does The Steam Team consistently get such positive customer feedback? Well, as that last review said, we ensure all of our technicians have the necessary equipment for the job, as well as the right training. But beyond that, our technicians want to get the job done right the first time, and to make sure you have a great experience all around. To see all the services our highly trained technicians offer, please visit The Steam Team website.

Water and Fire Restoration Services: Available 24 Hours a Day

Professional Water Damage Restoration in Austin, Texas. Serving Austin since 1983!

Professional Water Damage Restoration in Austin, Texas. Serving Austin since 1983!

Accidents involving fire or floods in the U.S. are more common than some might think. In 2015, over one million homes were damaged by house fires in the United States according to the U.S. Fire Administration. Worse yet, 14,000 people experience water damage in their homes every day in the United States -- that adds up to over five million every year! Because these things occur so often, The Steam Team offers 24 hour water and fire damage restoration services, and we’re here to tell you how it works.

Steam Team Care

Here at The Steam Team, we have always sought to provide the highest quality service that we can, doing our best to ensure that all of our amazing Austin residents have a positive experience with our technicians and are satisfied at the conclusion of every job. Our care and love for our Austin community is also why we decided to offer fire and water damage restoration and cleanup 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether it’s a sink overflow, burst water main, flooding caused by a storm or extensive damage caused by a fire, we’ll be ready to pick up your call at any day or time.

Our Process of Restoration

The backbone of our water and fire damage restoration services are our professional and highly trained technicians. They will always be helpful and highly professional, from the moment that they show up to inspect your damaged property, until the moment they shake your hand and leave you with your newly restored and cleaned one. They’ll be able to help in a number of ways from water extraction, mold remediation, structure cleaning, providing emergency power and even full reconstruction of some parts of the property. Our technicians are the reason we were voted best water damage company in Austin by the Austin Monthly. So if you have been affected by water or fire damage, call The Steam Team today, we’re ready any time!

Check Out Our Cleaning Service Specials!

Carpet Cleaners Austin, Texas - Voted Best of Austin by The Austin American Statesman

Carpet Cleaners Austin, Texas - Voted Best of Austin by The Austin American Statesman

Here at The Steam Team, we want to provide all of our customers with the very best cleaning services from the very best technicians using only the latest and most effective equipment on the market! But we also want to offer great deals to our customers so that you feel great about both the appearance of your newly cleaned home and about the money you spent! Because of our dedication to providing you a great clean for a great price, we want to show you our Special Service Packages.

The Elite

This plan has everything you could want out of a carpet cleaning package. Our technicians will give your carpet a professional deep clean with high-powered steam cleaners, pre-spotting and pre-vacuuming if required, a pet enzyme treatment on the carpet to keep pet odors from seeping in and then a powerful carpet protector on top of that to keep the carpet safe from spills and other odors. Even after all that, our elite package isn’t over! 

We’ll also groom the carpet to make sure it looks exactly the way you want it before our technicians leave, and we’ll throw in an additional 5 day warranty! The Elite package, as well as all the other specials we’re about to mention, also include moving any furniture out of the way if needed, and putting it back in place when the job is finished. With all of this, you might expect The Elite package to cost you hundreds, but it's only $93 per room!

The Pet

This package includes a professional deep cleaning with high-powered steam cleaners, pre-spotting and pre-vacuuming if required, a pet enzyme treatment and carpet grooming! The Pet package starts at $69 per room.

The Protect

This package includes a professional deep steam cleaning, pre-spotting and pre-vacuuming if required, a carpet protector and carpet grooming to top it off! This package also starts at $69 per room.

The Original

This package is the cheapest and most simple plan, and it includes the same steps as the Pet and Protect, just without the pet enzyme or the carpet protector. This package starts at an easy $45 per room.

So what are you waiting for? With deals like these available, there’s no need to neglect your carpet anymore! Give us a call or visit The Steam Team website for more information.

5 Dangers To Remember After Fire Damage in Austin, Texas

When you’ve had a fire in your home or business and it's just been put out by firefighters, you’ll need to have someone go in the property and do some intensive cleaning and restoration, and you’ll probably need it very quickly. You might be thinking you can go in and handle the job yourself, but here are 5 things you should know about if you’re thinking of attempting this.

Immediate Threats

If you enter a fire-damaged property, there’s likely still smoke in the air inside the building. By entering, you’re putting yourself at risk of irritation to the eyes, throat and nose, and possibly nausea due to the odor of the smoke.

Long-Term Threats

By exposing yourself to smoke inside the property, you could potentially increase your chances of negative long term effects like developing cardiovascular diseases. It's important to know what’s at risk when inhaling smoke.

Dangerous Chemicals

What makes the smoke even more dangerous is that you may not know the source. In many homes, there are cleaning products or other harsh chemicals that could have combusted during the fire or mixed in such a way that they become toxic to inhale.

Weak Immune Systems

Anyone with a weakened immune system such as infants, children or the elderly are at even higher risk of having negative reactions to smoke and soot. Keep anyone with a weakened immune system far away from the property in the aftermath of a fire.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

And perhaps the most immediate and obvious threat, if you enter the property and it's filled with smoke, you could suffer from a lack of oxygen and experience carbon monoxide poisoning, which could cause you to pass out.

The Steam Team

But none of these dangers will be a problem for you or your family at all if you call in The Steam Team! Our professional technicians are trained and given the right equipment to enter these fire-damaged properties and completely clean and restore them. For more information, please visit The Steam Team website.

Cleaning Services With The Steam Team

Cleaning upholstery often requires a certain amount of special care that isn’t needed for cleaning other parts of your home or business, especially since there are many different kinds of upholstery that require different methods to clean. And when you’re cleaning something that people will be sitting on every day, you want to make sure it’s done right. Let’s talk about how calling The Steam Team can help you with all your cleaning services.

Upholstery Professionals

The Steam Team technicians will offer excellent service to all of our customers, starting with recommending only the most appropriate cleaning method for your specific type of upholstery. Then, to be absolutely sure that we’re providing the best service we can to meet your needs, our technicians will test the cleaning method on a small area of the upholstery for you to see and make sure you approve. If the upholstery is easy to clean, our prices will be lower to match. More expensive upholstery requires more expensive cleaning methods.

Fabric Protection

After our professionals clean your upholstery you might want to ask them to apply a fabric protectant. This is a recommended part of our total cleaning program and will save you money in the long run. Over time, spills, pets and children will wear down your upholstery and soon you’ll have to have it cleaned again or even replaced, but not if we apply a fabric protectant. The protectant will easily resist anything that might dull your upholstery over time.

Steam Team Leather Cleaning

Our technicians even come prepared for leather upholstery. They’ll carefully and properly clean the leather, removing all dirt and grime, and replenish the natural oils that help keep the leather in good condition. We’ll bring your leather back to the sleek shine it used to have in no time. For more information on upholstery cleaning and our other services, visit The Steam Team website.

Stained Upholstery is No Problem for The Steam Team

It’s no secret that accidents happen frequently, and can rarely be avoided. The same is true for our upholstery; sometimes we spill things, or the dog jumps onto our furniture with wet and muddy paws! Luckily, The Steam Team is here to remedy the situation! Our team of trained professionals will happily come out to your home and work at removing stains from your upholstery. Here’s how: 

Getting Started

First of all, The Steam Team recognizes that certain types of upholstery have needs that vary from other types. Fortunately for everyone involved, our team of trained experts can easily recommend the appropriate cleaning method for your upholstered furniture. You can sit back and relax while we begin the process of removing those pesky stains! 

The Steam Team Method

Steam cleaning uses nothing but hot water high water pressure to effortlessly and effectively lift stains from upholstery (but also carpet, grout, natural stone, you name it!). We’ve perfected our methods by now, and can’t wait for you to see our results! 

Along with making sure your upholstery is spotless and stainless, The Steam Team can also apply a fabric protectant. Over the years, your furniture has seen some action (especially if you have children or pets, who like to jump on furniture). Stains, spills, and ultraviolet radiation all cause your furniture to eventually appear lackluster. Why not protect your upholstered furniture by applying a fabric protectant? It’s a great investment! 

Cleaning upholstery is just one of our many talents. We have over a decade of experience cleaning and caring for all types of flooring, from carpet to hardwood to natural stone. We also help the cleanup process after disasters strike, like floods or fires! No matter what you need, you can rely on The Steam Team. Just give us a call today! You won’t regret it.

5 Dangers of Smoke and How To Avoid Them

So you’ve just had a fire in your home, and now in place of your most precious items you’re left with only smoke and soot. You might be thinking of cleaning up the mess yourself and restoring your home or room to its former glory. But before you get in there and start scrubbing, here are some things you might want to know.

Chemical Cocktail

The modern home is filled with all sorts of chemical compounds that can become dangerous when they combust or combine with other chemicals. In the event of a fire, the smoke can contain many of these dangerous chemicals and should under no circumstances be inhaled.

A Danger to Young and Old

Infants, children, and the elderly are particularly at risk of health issues as a result of smoke and soot. No children, seniors, or anyone with a weakened immune system should get near a room or building that has just had a fire.

Immediate Dangers

There are also more immediate effects that almost anyone will have when exposed to smoke, such as irritation in the eyes, nose and throat, as well as an odor that can sometimes cause nausea. These are all signs from your body telling you to stay far away from the smoke.

Decreased Oxygen

Inhaling carbon monoxide (which is in smoke) can decrease your body’s supply of oxygen. This can cause reduced alertness, headaches, aggravate existing heart conditions and cause a variety of other health concerns.

Chronic Health Effects

Long term exposure to smoke has been associated to an increase in cardiovascular diseases. Some studies have shown that firefighters, for example, are more likely to develop long-lasting respiratory issues and cardiovascular disease.

How to Stay Safe

Because of all of the reasons listed above, and many more, it is highly unsafe to try cleaning and restoring a fire damaged home yourself. To keep you and your loved ones safe, hand the job over to the professionals. The Steam Team experts will be able to safely restore your home to its former glory. Don’t hesitate to call.

5 Ways To Prevent House Fires

You’ve heard the stories from someone you know, or at least seen someone tell their story on tv. It started out of nowhere, then- before they knew it- countless amounts of money in damage, irreplaceable items lost, and sometimes even loved ones gone. House fires are NO JOKE! In fact, there are about 365,500 house fires in the U.S. every year, according to the National Fire Protection Association. On average, 7 people die in U.S. house fires every day. If you want to keep your home and loved ones safe, it is critical that you follow these 5 tips.


Smoke Alarms


This one should be a no-brainer. Smoke alarms are absolutely essential for keeping your home safe. Make sure you install at least one on every level of your home and inside all the bedrooms in the house.


Battery Changes


Having smoke alarms is great, as long as you alway remember to make sure they’re working. Test the smoke alarms once per month, and if the batteries are dead, replace them.


Checking The Home


Be sure to check certain systems in your home regularly. You may even want to hire a professional to ensure that your home is thoroughly inspected. The things you should regularly check include; the condition of your home’s electrical system, the natural gas/LP gas system in your home, and the air conditioning and heating units in your home.


Kitchen Safety


One of the most common causes of house fires is something going wrong in the kitchen. To ensure your safety in the kitchen, follow these practices: When you’re cooking on a stove and need to leave the stove for a minute or two, turn it off rather than letting it cook unattended. Don’t cook while under the influence of any drugs or alcohol, or if you’re tired. Also, ensure that no clothes or rags are left on or near a burner.


Safe Use of Wires


Faulty wiring and outlets are one of the top causes of house fires. So make sure your wires and outlets are working properly. Do not attempt to plug or unplug anything if your hands are wet. Also, don’t pinch or cover electrical cords with items like rugs.

If all of the above steps are followed, and the unthinkable fire still occurs, remember that The Steam Team has fire damage restoration experts awaiting your call.

Restoring Your Home From Fire Damage: Advice from The Experts

According to the National Fire Protection Association, there were 352,000 house fires reported in The United States in 2016 alone! A fire can spread very quickly, engulfing an entire house in less than five minutes! Even when the fire has gone out, the trouble is far from over. But if you’re careful to follow this advice, you can make your home good as new!


Safety and Preparation


First things first, NEVER enter a fire-damaged area until fire officials give you the all clear- and even when you do, be sure to make use of the proper safety attire;

  • Waterproof boots

  • A body suit made from plastic

  • A breathing mask

  • Goggles

  • Industrial strength cleaning gloves


Once you’re all suited up, the next step is to search the structure for any breaches, and seal them immediately. The best method for addressing a breach is by using a rugged tarp that can create a full seal around the breach.




Now that you’ve protected yourself and your home from any potential harm, you’re ready to get to work on the house itself. You’ll want to begin by removing any water from the house, which is normally pooled all over the ground after a fire. You can remove the water using a water pump and a press extractor, which can either be purchased from a supplier, or at a local store such as Home Depot. The next step is to remove the soot and ash from all the surfaces of objects in the house. This can be done with sponges and heavy-duty cleaners. With the soot removed, you can examine the damage and decide whether your things can be restored, or need to be thrown out.


Once the fire-damaged items have been removed, walk around and see the extent of the damage to the floors, walls, and ceiling, to determine what needs repairing. Thoroughly clean the soot off of the entire foundation- This step may take a few days. When that’s finally done, you’ll want to replace the filters in all of your heating and A/C units to reduce that smokey smell. Then, you’re finally prepared for the long process of fully restoring those heavily impacted areas.


Professional Help

If doing all that work yourself sounds too daunting, you’re in luck, The Steam Team has restoration professionals that are ready for your calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! They’ll start by inspecting the entire structure of your building(s) to get a good picture of the extent of the damage. This process allows you to get a full report on the scope of the damage, as well as a great estimate of repair costs.

3 Frequently Asked Questions About Caring for Leather Furniture After Fire Damage

So perhaps you’ve just bought a brand new set of living room furniture- all leather upholstered. If you’re wondering how to properly care for it, you’ve come to the right place! Below, The Steam Team has three frequently asked questions about leather furniture and how it’s cared for, and we hope you find the answers helpful!


How Can Leather Be Cleaned?


When it comes to cleaning, leather upholstery typically needs to be dusted and vacuumed on a weekly basis. You can wipe it down with a dry microfiber cloth, or a damp cloth if the dust is thicker. Remember to never, ever use a soaking wet cloth on your leather upholstery. Use your vacuum’s cleaning attachment to vacuum corners, nooks, and crannies in leather furniture. It’ll do wonders!


How Often Should Leather Be Conditioned?


Next, comes conditioning. Leather conditioning is just as important as leather cleaning! Leather furniture should be conditioned once to twice a year, depending on the amount of wear and tear it endures on a daily basis, and quickly it’s drying out.


What Causes Leather to Dry Out?


Leather is similar to our skin, which needs to stay moisturized in order to remain healthy and in good condition. What causes leather to dry out? Well, if your sofa or chair is near an air vent, or a sunny window, it could dry out and fade quicker than if it were placed away from the vent/window (or if the window were covered).

The Steam Team has over a decade of experience with cleaning, conditioning, and caring for leather furniture! Especially after fire damage and water damage. If your furniture is in need of a little bit of tender loving care, don’t be afraid to contact The Steam Team. We can clean and restore your leather to its original condition, and you’ll love the results! Visit our locations at 9901 Burnet Road Austin, Texas 78758 or 1904 West Koenig Lane Austin, Texas 78756 or 222 West Ave. Austin, Texas 78701 anytime. 

Cleaning: How to Spot Treat the Most Stubborn Stains

Smoke Damage 

Smoke Damage 

There’s simply no way to catch every toppling wine glass, or every muddy paw before it reaches our beautiful, once-flawless carpet. So what can we do to treat these pesky carpet stains?




Oftentimes, urine stains are left behind after house training sessions, or muddy pawprints plague our entryways. To start, urine stains must always be treated with an enzymatic cleaner. As for mud, vacuum the solid pieces first, and thoroughly dry the carpet. Afterward, combine a teaspoon of mild dishwashing liquid with warm water, and blot away!


Wine & Grape Juice


The dining room, the carpet beneath the bedside table, or even the living room: all common places for wine stains! To treat these stains, soak a sponge in a mixture of one tablespoon of ammonia, and two cups of warm water. Blot the stain, and rinse with cold water after it’s been removed.


Bodily Fluids


Blood and vomit will likely require a professional’s attention. But until these pro’s arrive, layer the affected area with a coat of baking soda. This will help to reduce the foul odor that’s likely oozing from the stain.




Coffee stains- the typical light-brownish-yellowish patches that are found near desks, or on kitchen rugs. Try applying your own mixture of dishwasher detergent and white vinegar. Blot the stain, as opposed to rubbing!




Pens break frequently and we’re lucky if the ink misses our clothing on its way down to our once-pristine office carpeting! Ink can be removed by applying rubbing alcohol to a white cloth, and blotting the area until the cloth comes back clean.

If you’ve given these tactics a try without success, consider calling your local carpet cleaning service, or restoration company, but certainly don’t let those stains sit any longer. The Steam Team is made up of experienced technicians who can restore your carpet to its previous condition. Call today!

How to Get Rid of Dirty Carpets

The Steam Team Austin, Texas

The Steam Team Austin, Texas

Ah, carpet flooring… it’s comfortable, cozy, and cushiony. It can be made in a multitude of different colors, textures, and designs. We can match it perfectly with our furniture. Carpet adds warmth to a bedroom or living room, and provides a cushioned landing for small children at play. But proper cleaning and maintenance keeps a homeowner quite busy! Carpet can potentially stain very easily, and requires regular attention.


Routine Cleaning & Stain Prevention


Dust, dirt, and pet hair build up at a surprisingly rapid rate. This makes frequent vacuuming imperative to maintaining carpet flooring, and even lengthening its lifespan. Hopefully your vacuum cleaner has extra attachments for reaching areas like corners, baseboards, or even between couch cushions!


When it comes to areas of your home with higher traffic, you may consider asking your house members and guests to remove their shoes near the front door. The soles of our shoes can track in anything from sand, to mud, grass, or small pebbles… All of which are things we could find in our carpet at a later date!


There is much debate surrounding the “best,” method of removing stains in carpet. When using a cleaning solution, be sure that the product you’ve chosen is designed to be used on carpet, and check to find out whether or not it should be diluted.


Is it Time to Deep Clean Your Carpet?


Over time, our carpet takes enough beating to warrant an occasional deep cleaning, and this is best done by a professional steam cleaning company! Steam cleaning uses intense water pressure and high temperatures to eradicate dirt, debris, and stains from just about any type of flooring.


Companies such as The Steam Team will definitely have the perfect tools for this project:  professional grade equipment, solid expertise, and dependable customer service. Don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call today for efficient stain removal and carpet cleaning!


3 Fun Facts About Steam Cleaning

The Steam Team Austin, Texas Official Sun Glasses

The Steam Team Austin, Texas Official Sun Glasses

Who said cleaning can’t be fun? Steam cleaning may not seem like it could be exciting to you, but when you see the effects it has on various surfaces and environments everyday - it’s certainly intriguing.


Check out these awesome facts about steam cleaning!

  1. Steam cleaning can help improve air quality around the home.

Ridding flooring (and other surfaces) of common allergens, dust particles, and grime build up keeps these things from circulating around the home. With all of these particles, the air quality around your home will start to improve.


Don’t forget to clean your air ducts and you’re sure to breathe clean air!

  1. The steam cleaner was first invented over 150 years ago.

Since then, it’s come a long way! The technology integrated with steam cleaners now is entirely different. Machines are able to be used on various surfaces, materials, and fabrics for a variety of reasons, too. Not only can flooring be steam cleaned, but furniture, window treatments, appliances, air ducts - you name it!


What we know now versus what we knew when steam cleaning was initially invented is monumental.

  1. Carpet should be professionally steam cleaned every 12-18 months.

Regularly cleaning carpets with a steam cleaner helps to eliminate any grime build-up but also keeps allergens and pollutants at a minimum around the home. Remember; steam cleaning is a much more thorough and deep clean versus regular vacuuming. Scheduling a professional to come into your home every 12-18 months has shown to be the most effective and efficient way to protect, clean, and maintain carpet flooring.


If you need a professional to take a look at your carpets, give us a call at The Steam Team today!

What's Hiding in Your Office Carpet?



Keeping the carpet clean in your office is essential for the health your coworkers, clients, and of course yourself. Because we can’t see them, It’s easy to forget about the dust, allergens, and other creepy crawlies lurking in your carpet! But once your carpet begins to stain you’ll know something is wrong. Why wait for stains to appear, when it could already be time to call your local cleaning and restoration company! It’s important to have your carpet routinely cleaned by a professional at least occasionally, and here’s why:

The Importance of Keeping Carpet Clean


  1. Health Benefits


Carpet can harbor many indoor air pollutants and allergens that are harmful to our health. Dust, dander, lead, cockroach allergens, and many more materials could be found in our carpet at home and in the office. What’s worse, these particles are kicked up into the air as we walk or vacuum over our floor. You’re likely unsure about what exactly is lurking in your office carpet, so it’s best to have it steam cleaned on a regular basis. Doing so would be a favor to your health, as well as the health of your clients and coworkers.



  1. First Impressions


Undoubtedly, your clients take a thorough look around when they enter your office for the first time. They may notice your fancy leather chairs before they spot your carpet, but they will, at some point, find that stain you’ve been trying to hid beneath the trash can. Luckily, The Steam Team can help you win a few professionalism points by deep cleaning your carpet for you this quarter!


Steam cleaning brings results that you simply can’t beat! If your office is overdue for a deep, thorough carpet cleaning, or you need some help with a tricky stain, don’t hesitate to call The Steam today!

The Damaging Effects of Smoke After a Fire

Smoke Damage Austin 

Smoke Damage Austin 

No matter the size, all fires produce smoke. Even if the fire was put out almost instantly, just like flooding - the damaging after-effects begin immediately and can actually worsen the longer it’s left untreated. As the damage intensifies, restoring your home can become increasingly costly and time-consuming. As a general rule; it’s never safe to re-enter your home after a fire - always wait for the professionals! Whether the fire first started in your kitchen or in your bathroom - where there’s smoke, there’s soot. While firefighters do some clean up after they extinguish a fire, they aren’t able to clean your home as extensively as you need to. It’s a good idea to call your local restoration company as soon as possible, so they can begin fighting your soot damage.


Yes, you read that right - not the fire, not the smoke - but the soot. While both factors certainly lead to the amount of ash around your home - they’re not acidic (like soot is). In fact, the high temperatures of fire cause concern for many things around your home, but the acidity of soot can affect nearly anything in its path. Often times, it does just that, as smoke typically gravitates towards cooler temperatures - leaving soot behind wherever it travels.

It’s Effect Overtime

Just as your environment reacts to the soot, the soot reacts to your environment - especially if it’s humid. Unfortunately, it begins by (permanently)discoloring any porous material, immediately - and it won’t take long before it begins damaging other surfaces around the home. Even just leaving it to settle for a few hours could cause everything to change - the entire structure of your home can become compromised after too long. Don’t hesitate to call your local restoration company - like us, here at The Steam Team - as soon as you can!