How to Protect Your Carpet From Everyday Wear and Tear

Wear and tear on and damage to our carpet is inevitable. We simply can’t help but wear it down over time! But it’s okay, because we can definitely do things to prevent wear and tear and keep our carpet in great condition! Just follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be well on your way to preventing messes, stains, and wear and tear.


Place Floor Mats at Entrances


It helps tremendously to place floor mats at the entrances to your home! You wouldn’t believe how much dirt becomes attached to our shoes while we’re out walking out and about- or, maybe you would believe it. If you have a doormat at the entrance to your home, the dirt that gets caught on the mat won’t even have the opportunity to reach your carpet! It’s simple, yet brilliant.


Remove Shoes at the Door


Much like the “doormat technique,” as we’re going to call it, designating an area by the door for shoes also prevents dirt and mud from touching your carpet! You can find a basket, or construct a shelf to hold your family’s shoes. Then maybe you should clean out the basket on occasion… you know, to remove all that dirt that’s not messing up your carpet!


Have Your Carpet Professionally Cleaned


And lastly, occasionally we have to bite the bullet and surrender control to the professional carpet cleaners, like The Steam Team! A professional cleaning and restoration company can come out and restore your carpet to its original condition- that’s how effective they are. Consider hiring the professionals on occasion to keep your carpet looking clean and pristine.

Did you know that The Steam Team has been serving the Austin community for well over a decade, now? It’s fact! And we’d be absolutely thrilled to come out and help you clean up your carpet! Give us a call today, or go online to view our services!

How Do You Clean Furniture Austin Texas?

How do you clean your leather furniture? Not sure how to? Well, that’s okay because below, we have five tips for cleaning for leather upholstery! We’ll start with the basics, and move onto the tasks that require professional treatment. And remember, The Steam Team has over a decade of experience in caring for leather furniture. And we’re just a phone call away!


Dry Dusting


Dust builds up quite quickly; we just tend to ignore it, procrastinating the chore. But procrastinate no more! Grab your clean, white, microfiber cloth and begin at one end of the furniture, working your way to the other. This will pick up most of the dirt and dust.


Utilizing the Vacuum


Your vacuum likely has a handy dandy attachment that’s perfect for your leather sofa! Use this attachment to reach areas like cushion corners and crevices, or even underneath your couch! If your vacuum lacks this attachment, skip to the next step:


Cleaning With a Moist Cloth


For light stains and stubborn areas of dirt, moisten a microfiber cloth and wipe gently. Be sure that you’re thorough, as you’d hate to have to redo your cleaning job!


Using Soaps and Detergents


If that bit of moisture doesn’t lift the dirt from your leather, try rubbing the microfiber cloth across a bar of mild soap. Do not rinse your furniture. Instead, buff it dry with a new, dry cloth. It’ll get the job done!


Steam Cleaning for the Best Results


For best results, we always recommend steam cleaning. Steam cleaning can achieve a clean that you’ll hardly be able to even believe. And what’s even better- it can all be done by the professionals. You don’t even have to lift a finger.

For help cleaning your leather furniture, don’t hesitate to call The Steam Team! We have over a decade of experience and expertise, plus all of the right equipment for the job!

How To Blast Bacteria Around Your Home

This year, we’ve had one of the worst flu seasons yet! Families everywhere are combating the illness by fighting bacteria and germs around their home. How can you help your family? Well, let’s look at another method of cleaning: steam cleaning. Steam cleaning may just be the method that gets us all out of this mess! Contact The Steam Team ASAP today for a thorough deep cleaning, or visit our website for more details on our services.


Steam Cleaning VS Other Methods of Cleaning


To start, steam cleaning kills 99.9% of all germs and bacteria. So, flu season? Be gone! With a professional grade steam cleaner, you’ll eradicate those pesky germs from your home, and hopefully everyone will stay perfectly healthy. And you can rest peacefully, knowing that you home is clean, clean, clean.


But there are other advantages to steam cleaning, as well! For instance…


It’s a Versatile Method of Cleaning


Steam cleaning is very versatile! You can steam clean virtually any surface and flooring in your home (as long as it’s not hardwood!). From countertops, to baseboards, to carpeting and more; The Steam Team can take care of it all! That’s what makes it such a versatile method of cleaning: we can essentially clean your home from top to bottom.


It’s Safe For Your Home, Children, and Pets


Because steam cleaning uses nothing but high pressurized water and hot steam, it’s perfectly safe for the environment. You won’t have to worry about your pets licking off any residue from a cleaning product, or your children putting their fingers in their mouths after crawling around on the flooring. It’s perfectly safe!


Whether you’re looking for your home to be thoroughly steam cleaned in order to eradicate germs and bacteria, or you just need a good, old fashioned, deep cleaning, The Steam Team is here for you! Give us a call today!

3 Tips for Clean Up After Christmas

Well friends, now the holidays are over and we’re looking forward to a fresh start in 2018! Let’s talk about cleaning up after the holidays. It can be a mess, and accidents can happen no matter how careful we are. We also have to properly store decorations, and there’s a load of dishes to tend to! But don’t worry, and don’t get overwhelmed. The Steam Team has your back.


Make a List


...and check it twice! Nah, just kidding; that time of the year has ended. But do make a “To Do,” list for all of the chores you need to complete. It’s no secret that taking it one step at a time is less overwhelming. So make your list, down that cup of coffee, and get to cleaning!


Work from Top to Bottom


When cleaning, we always suggest starting from the “top,” of the room and working down to the bottom. Start with countertops, shelving, and other surfaces. You can feel free to brush crumbs onto the floor, because that’s what you’ll be cleaning last. Sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping will be necessary- and maybe a little bit of steam cleaning for those wine spills and stains, eh?


Call the Professionals


Sometimes the professionals need to step in, and it makes everything all the easier! Don’t be afraid to call in The Steam Team for a little post-holiday help! We’ll be out in no time, will restore your home to its pre-Christmas condition, and you’ll be more than pleased with the results.


Our team of trained experts can easily extract dirt, debris, and stains from your carpet, and we can even steam clean your countertops, tables, and other surfaces, too! Just give us a call and we’ll be out ASAP to help you clean up after the holidays. We’re excited; are you?

The Best Way to Remove Stains From Your Rugs

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If you’re a pet owner, you know firsthand the struggle it is to keep carpet clean! No matter how much we love our pets, they can really make a mess. They track in mud from outside, “go to the bathroom,” in all of the wrong places, and sometimes get sick in inconvenient places, too. So naturally, the carpet takes a beating! Luckily, today we have the best tips for removing these stains. And don’t forget- The Steam Team is always available to professionally clean your carpet, and restore it to its original condition!


Mud Stains


When Fido tracks in mud, you’ll first want to scrape away all of the dried pieces. A vacuum is the best equipment to use after you’re finished scraping. Next, create a cleaning solution! Squirt about ¼ tsp of dishwashing liquid into half a cup of warm water. Once the solution suds, dab it onto the stain, and rinse clean with fresh water.


Urine Stains


Catch these stains ASAP! Dog urine that is left to dry not only leaves behind a stain and odor, but also allows for bacteria to spread. Use paper towels to soak up wet urine, and place something heavy on top to make sure you get it all. Then, with an enzymatic cleaner, wet the area, and blot away the stain. You could also use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda, or club soda!


Vomit Stains


After you’ve picked up the bulk of the vomit, spray the area with cold water. Then, saturate a cleaning sponge in your trusty solution and dab the stain until it’s disappeared. Afterward, you’ll probably want to throw that sponge away!


The Steam Team is here for you through all of your carpet needs. Whether it’s removing a stain, or deep-cleaning your entire house, we’re the ones for the job! Just give us a call today.