Dealing With Insurance During Damage Restoration

Fire Damage & Water Damage

Fire Damage & Water Damage

A huge part of our business is water and fire damage restoration; jumping to handle emergencies and to help homeowners in the Austin, TX and surrounding areas restore their properties. A major step throughout this process is handling the insurance claim; something no one ever wants to do. Regardless of what the claim is, the entire insurance process can be such a hassle. We know exactly how it is, but it is also one of the most important steps in this process. That’s why, we’re putting together any tips we have on today’s blog for you. 

Step One

Right after a disaster has settled, the damage can be overwhelming. Before touching or moving anything around, it’s imperative to document the extent of the damage. For peace of mind, many people opt to hire a professional restoration company (but we’ll touch on that more below). Everything from your small, personal belongings to the walls and structure of the home- the more documentation for the insurance company, the better.

Step Two

After everything is documented properly, we’re able to step right in and get to work minimizing damage and securing the area so everything is safe for everyone around. Fire often weakens the structure of the home, so our first concern is you and your family’s safety.

Hiring a Professional Restoration Company

When you work with a professional restoration company, like The Steam Team, we’ll do a separate fire damage analysis that will also be sent to your insurance company (before beginning our restoration process). No matter the size, we document everything, detailing the extent of the damage throughout the entire property.

3 Steps You Should Take After Water Damage - Austin Texas

No matter the source, water damage is a serious issue. To prevent mold from growing and spreading around your home, start off by taking the following three steps. And don’t forget- The Steam Team is your leading cleaning and restoration company in Austin, TX, so don’t hesitate to give us a call if you’re in need of assistance!


Turn Off the Power and Gas


Shut off the electricity and gas from its main source. Of course, if you’re dealing with minor puddles and leaks, you’re likely safe. But in more extreme situations where there is standing water around, it’s necessary to turn off the power for obvious safety concerns. Next, consult an electrician!


Be Careful Around Standing Water


Unfortunately, sometimes enough water may enter our home to the extent that it’s standing. Wading through this flood water is dirty and dangerous, but unfortunately sometimes it’s something we have to do. If you have standing water in your home, make sure you’re wearing proper boots for protection, and safety masks, too. Watch out for dangerous debris and substances floating in the water.


Call the Professionals


In addition to calling your insurance company to come out and assess the situation, make sure to call a professional cleaning and restoration company. They’ll help you start to put everything back in its place, and they’ll have the necessary knowledge and equipment for the situation. The Steam Team is always here for you, through thick and thin! We truly care about our customers; if you have standing water in your home, or a leak you can’t control, don’t hesitate to lean on us!

The Steam Team has over a decade of experience in serving the Austin area- especially in times of trouble. If you’ve had flooding in your home, rely on The Steam Team to remedy the situation; we know exactly what to do.