Cleaning 101 from The Steam Team of Austin Texas
/Spring Cleaning Austin TX
Having both carpets and upholstery professionally cleaned can make quite a difference in your home. Not only is everything clean and sanitized, but pairing these two chores does wonders for brightening up your environment! Below you’ll find a few simple ways to clean and care for your upholstered furniture- so hopefully while we’re out to clean your carpet, we can tackle your upholstery, as well!
Avoid Placing Upholstered Furniture in Direct Sunlight
Direct sunlight can be harmful to our furniture, as it causes the fabric to fade and discolor. Avoid placing upholstery near bright, sunny windows, and rotate cushions periodically.
Vacuum to Remove Dust, Crumbs, Etc
Especially if you have children, crumbs seem to find their way into every crevice of the couch. Even if you vacuum the surface of your upholstered furniture, you’ll often have to remove cushions to get t
o the root of the issue. You certainly don’t want ants and other “creepy crawlies,” feeling attracted to your couches and loveseats…
Clean Stains- Spot Test First!
When it comes to your precious (expensive…) furniture, it’s better to be safe than sorry. With any cleaning solution it’s best to perform a spot test before moving forward. Test an inconspicuous area of the furniture first (on the bottom, or backside of the piece) to make sure that the solution is appropriate. And of course, don’t waste your time with solutions that aren’t made specifically for upholstered furniture.
When in Doubt, Call the Steam Team
The Steam Team can help by treating your upholstery with a fabric protectant! We strongly encourage our customers to contact us about how they can preserve their beautiful, treasured pieces of furniture and keep stains, pets, and traffic from damaging their appearance. Not only does our fabric protectant help to resist spills, but it also protects against ultraviolet radiation. So don’t hesitate to give us a call today! Our phone number can be found here!