Commercial Cleaning in the Summer: 5 Tips to Keep Your Office Clean

High Rise Cleaning Austin

High Rise Cleaning Austin

Now that summer’s arrived, you may be lacking motivation when it comes to cleaning your office. We get it; the heat gets to everyone! But as always, we’re here to help; below are five tips for tidying up your office and keeping it that way, all summer long! Check out our specials on our website. 


Keep Your Desk Tidy


Keeping your desk clean and orderly bodes well for first impressions by customers. While it’s tempting to eat your lunch at your desk and keep working, we encourage you not to! This makes your desk messy much quicker, and you risk spilling food onto the floor.


Clean Behind Office Furniture


Maybe you have upholstered chairs or couches in your office, and maybe there are too many dust bunnies lurking behind them! These are the places that are most easily forgotten about, and thus cleaned the least. Grab a vacuum or broom and clean out the dust behind your office furniture!


Reorganize Old Files and Paperwork


Most of your documents may be stored electronically, but this has its downsides, so you’re bound to have loose paper lying around somewhere. Keep it organized! Separate files and paperwork into file cabinets and containers. Your office will look so much less cluttered at the end!


Dust Bookshelves and Desks


Grab a dust cloth or some furniture polish and go to town! Removing dust and grime from the surfaces in your office will increase air quality and make things look much neater. It’s tedious, but you won’t regret your hard work in the end.


Take Care of Your Carpet


Your office carpet endures a ton of daily foot traffic, and who knows what else! It’s wise to have it cleaned periodically by the professionals- like The Steam Team! The Steam Team is highly experienced in commercial cleaning, and can restore your carpeting to its best condition. Just give us a call today! Call or visit us at 9901 Burnet Rd. Austin, Texas 78758 today.

Is it time to clean your rugs? Austin Texas

Austin Cleaning Specialist

Austin Cleaning Specialist

When was the last time you cleaned your rugs? Don’t say never! Though it’s often a chore that we forget about, cleaning and deodorizing the rugs is equally as important as keeping our floors and surfaces clean. We spend far too much time lying on our rugs, sweating and leaving behind other unsightly things for it not to be cleaned periodically! Below are a few tips on cleaning your rugs and keeping it that way.


Removing Stains


If you have pets, or you like to have your midnight snacks in bed, you’ve likely caused a stain or two, but don’t fret! They can easily be removed. Just make sure to find a specially formulated cleaner to remove stains from the rugs.


Eradicating Dust, Dander, Etc


The easiest way to remove dust and debris from your rugs is to use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner.  Press down firmly to reach and release dust mites that are lurking beneath the surface. You can even use the attachment to dust the fringe, as well! A thorough job is a job well done.




To deodorize your rugs, you may consider spraying its surface with Lysol to kill germs and bacteria. You can also sprinkle it with a mixture of baking soda and essential oil, like lavender (lavender has a soothing effect, smells wonderful, and helps you fall asleep). Let the mixture settle before vacuuming it away.

Don’t forget- The Steam Team of Austin has tons of experience in a wide array of cleaning and restoration projects! We can clean your area rugs for you in a jiffy, and no, you won’t have to worry about excess moisture, as a professional-grade steam cleaner leaves behind virtually no moisture and absolutely no residue! Your rugs will be fresh, clean, and dry- ready for your next good night’s sleep.

The Scoop on Pet Stains and Area Rugs Austin Texas

Area Rug Cleaning Company Based In Austin Texas

Area Rug Cleaning Company Based In Austin Texas

We adore our pets, just not the stinky, smelly things they leave behind. If you have area rugs, you know even more of the challenges of keeping a clean floor with little paws running around, but unfortunately all floor types are affected at times. From urine, to vomit,, to left behind odors of these unsightly occurrences, we’ve got the scoop on how to cover it all. And not cover it up- but extract those stains for good! Austin Texas area rug cleaning services. 


Removing Pet Stains from area rugs


Accidents will happen no matter how hard you try to prevent them, and they can be very unpredictable! When dealing with pets, you’re usually dealing with either urine, or vomit stains. For urine, in order to prevent odors from settling into your rug fibers, try to catch the accident as soon as it happens. Absorb the moisture with a stack of paper towels, or an old bath towel. Stand on the stack so that it soaks up as much as possible. Then, curate a cleaning mixture with 2 cups of white vinegar, 2 cups of warm water, and 4 tablespoons of baking soda.


Vomit is acidic, and that’s why it stains carpet so easily. When cleaning vomit, find something to scrape the hardened pieces away, first. Then absorb what’s left with an old towel or paper towel. Need a DIY cleaning solution for this part? Try using two cups of warm water, one tablespoon of salt, one tablespoon of Dawn detergent, and ½ Cup of vinegar for sanitization! Once you’ve removed the stain, remove your solution with a clean, damp towel. And remember- always blot the stain, instead of rubbing.


We hope these tips have helped you spruce up your home and get it back to the way it was pre-Fido! Knowing how to remove these stains and odors is a handy skill to have! Area rug cleaning company based in Austin Texas located at 9901 Burnet Rd. Call 512-451-8326 today. 

The Most Efficient and Effective Damage Restoration in Austin, Tx

Water Damage Austin 

Water Damage Austin 

It doesn’t matter what the type of damage is, it’s always devastating to your home, your sanity, and many other facets. Floods cause water damage that spreads mold throughout your home. Mold in itself is a damage issue. Fires destroy everything and anything in their wake- we totally understand why these times are stressful, and why you might need to lean on the help and support of professionals!


Water/Flood Damage Restoration


It doesn’t have to be a flood or natural disaster (tropical storm, hurricane, etc). Sometimes all it takes is for a pipe to burst, or an appliance to go kaput, and suddenly everything is soaked and dripping! Your immediate concern is likely mold growth, as it only takes twenty four hours to begin spreading. But with The Steam Team’s help, we can dry out your home in no time- while you get busy getting back to work!


Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration


The thing about fire and smoke damage is that it often involves water damage cleanup, as well. You’ll definitely want to call in the professionals in these scenarios. Our team of restoration professionals will first inspect your property for structural and smoke damage, and determine where to begin. Until we arrive, you can help out by setting up box fans, and opening windows for proper ventilation. This will help air out your home so that it’s a safer environment to work in. We’ll handle the rest!


The Steam Team is your leading water and fire damage restoration company in Austin, Texas, and we’re happy to help turn a disastrous situation into the clean, safe home that you remember. In the case of a fire, flood, or damage from a natural disaster, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’re available 24/7 to help meet your needs!

A Quick Guide to Furniture Maintenance

Cleaning By The Steam Team Austin

Cleaning By The Steam Team Austin

Many homeowners prefer upholstery furniture for its advantages, such as its long lifespan, easy cleanup, and aesthetic appeal! Here at The Steam Team, we’ve set out to help you maintain your furniture so that it lasts as long as possible, and looks as if you’ve just bought it. Just follow this quick guide to upholstery maintenance and you’ll be good to go! Contact us today for quick reliable service. 


Always Dust and Vacuum Your Furniture


Routinely use a dry cloth to dust your upholstered sofa and furniture, and keep it looking clean and inviting! You can also use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner to remove the dust and debris from the tightest of crevices and corners. There’s nothing like a perfectly clean sofa after a long day of, well, cleaning.


Make Sure to Avoid Products Not Suitable for Upholstery


Avoid using cleaning products that aren’t specifically designed for upholstered material. You could easily damage your sofa by ignoring this great rule of thumb, but by following it, you can elongate its life span and help your furniture look its best. Unfortunately most all-purpose cleaners aren’t suitable for upholstery, so you’ll likely have to seek out a specific formula. We also offer the most thorough rug cleaning ever. For all your textiles visit our office cleaning plant located at 9901 Burnet Rd. Austin, TX 78758.


Properly Protect Your Furniture


Lastly, be sure to properly protect your upholstered furniture on a routine basis. However, again make sure you’re using the correct product. A professional cleaning company can help you decipher which cleaning and conditioning formula that you should use.

Keeping your upholstery clean and protected will help to optimize its elasticity, help it last much longer, and of course, help it to look inviting to not only you, but any house guests you have over! And don’t forget- The Steam Team is constantly standing by to help you with any of your cleaning and restoration needs! We’re happy to come out and help your leather furniture sparkle.

The Top 3 Benefits of Area Rug Cleaning Austin Texas

Rug Cleaning Experts Austin, Texas

Rug Cleaning Experts Austin, Texas

Many homeowners these days are wondering which method they should choose when they set out to deep clean their area rugs! Dry cleaning, shampooing, or steam cleaning, or something else entirely? Of course, those of us at The Steam Team always encourage homeowners to steam clean their rugs, but let’s look at a few reasons why, just in case you need some convincing. Below are 3 great reasons for steam cleaning your rugs!


Steam Cleaning Offers a “Clean,” You Can Have Confidence In


Remember all those times you’ve vacuumed your area rugs, only to notice the traces of dust, fur, and other unsightly things that were left behind? Well, finally, you’ll be able to trust that your rug is 100% clean. It’ll feel ah-mazing. Steam cleaning extracts it all, and leaves so little moisture that it dries remarkably quickly. No moisture, no mold!


Steam Cleaning Kills Germs, Bacteria, and More!


It’s true! Steam cleaning kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria- with only heat, and intense water pressure! And if you or anyone in your home has allergies, you’ll be relieved to know that it also knocks out allergens and pet dander. You’ll breathe easier, as it even increases indoor air quality.


You Don’t Have to DIY


For once, you can sit back, put your feet up, and relax when you call The Steam Team to come out and take care of your area rugs. Our years of expert training and knowledge, combined with our state of the art, professional-grade equipment are no match for what lies in the fibers of your rugs. Using nothing but steam and a bit of moisture, our carpet cleaners can extract dirt, dust, debris, and anything else from deep within your flooring. You won’t have to do a thing! Just give us a call!

Can Rug Stains Resurface?

Rug cleaning in Austin Texas

Rug cleaning in Austin Texas

You called in the professionals after trying to pull out all of the tricks in the book to get rid of that unsightly stain smack dab in the middle of the rug -- but what happens after they leave? Is it possible for rug stains to resurface? Whether you’re dealing with dirt, wine, or even your pet’s business; you want to make sure those tough stains won’t return after a thorough cleaning. So, we’ve put together a little guide to help you when determining whether or not the stain will return after a cleaning. Voted best area rug cleaning in Austin, Texas. Visit our rug cleaning plant located at 9901 Burnet Rd. Austin Texas. 


What Type Of Stain Is It?

Depending on what the stain is, it will help determine whether it will get out and stay out. Is it sticky? Is it much darker than the floor? What have you used to try to remove it? In some cases, it may take more than once to really get every bit of the mess that’s nestled itself inside your carpet fibers.


How Long Has It Been There?

Another factor to consider is how long has it been stuck in the floor? Is it fresh or is it years old? Depending on how embedded it is into the fibers can help determine the results of the stain removal.


Your General Rug Maintenance

When we say you should have a deep cleaning at least a few times a year, we mean it. Taking good care of your rug and keeping it up on its maintenance and cleaning will make removing stains, odors, and other unknown icky objects much easier!


So when it comes time to get your scheduled deep clean, don’t delay. And if you’ve been dragging your feet just remember – routine deep cleaning and treatments will make your carpet’s life and beauty live on much, much longer! Contact us today to schedule your next maintenance appointment. For area rug cleaning call us today. 

Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning In Austin

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Dryer Vent Cleaning

It may be easy and all too convenient to forget about, but neglecting your dryer vents can have a dangerous impact on the health of you and your family! Neglecting them can turn into a fire hazard. And while it’s less concerning, it’s still important: not cleaning out dryer vents can cause your laundry to take much longer to dry, which costs you more money in the long run. Ultimately, there are several reasons as to why we should have a professional take a look at our dryer vents. Below we’ll discuss the consequences of ignoring your dryer vents, as well as what The Steam Team has to offer! Voted best Austin dryer vent cleaning company for both homes and commercial. 


A Less Efficient Dryer


Lint and debris buildup in your dryer can cause the machine to work far less efficiently, which tends to spark a rise in your electricity bill and lead to other (possibly flammable) issues. To keep your dryer working efficiently and up to par, be sure those lint traps are as clean as a whistle! Laundry is a mundane chore already- don’t make matters worse for yourself! Visit our office today located at 9901 Burnet Rd. Austin, Texas 78758 in Austin, Tx.


Excessive Lint Buildup


Lint tends to build up very gradually; you may not notice it’s happening. And after a certain point, cleaning out the lint collector on your dryer isn’t enough- and a more extreme measure needs to be taken, as blockage can become a fire hazard.


How Can The Steam Team Help?


Sometimes you just need to call in the professionals. As we mentioned before, keeping the lint traps clean isn’t always enough, and handling a meticulous cleaning project on your own can be dangerous. When the time comes, put your trust in The Steam Team; with our 35+ years of experience and state of the art dryer equipment, you can rest assured that you’re situation is in the best of hands! Contact us today for all you dryer vent cleaning needs in the Austin, Texas area. 

Choosing the Best Rug Cleaning Method Austin Texas

Rug Cleaning Austin

Rug Cleaning Austin

When you set out to clean your rugs, you have a decision to make. Which method of cleaning should you choose? Shampooing, steam cleaning, dry cleaning? Another method? There are several options when it comes to rug cleaning, and below we’ll review each one- so you can easily make a decision when you’re cleaning your flooring! We hope this helps for all your rug cleaning needs in Austin, Texas! 




Shampooing involves scrubbing your carpet in a circular motion, using liquid detergent. The foam that’s produced from the detergent absorbs dirt and debris and is vacuumed away after drying! Shampooing also helps with carpet odors, and you can buy or rent a machine to do the heavy work for you.


Foam Cleaning


While this isn’t the best method for removing stains, it works well for removing dirt from your carpet. A machine is used to stir foam into the carpet fibers. This foam picks up dirt, dust, dander, and other debris, leaving your carpet clean and fresh again. Only a small amount of water is used.


Dry Carpet Cleaning


In this process, a machine uses rotating absorbent pads to extract oils and debris from areas in the carpet that are stained. So if you’ve got a nasty one hiding underneath the couch, you might want to break out the dry carpet cleaning machine!


Steam Cleaning


When it comes to your carpet, The Steam Team strongly recommends choosing to steam clean. A professional-grade steam cleaner easily extracts debris from deep within your carpet fibers,  using nothing but hot water and intense pressure. Steam cleaning is 100% safe for the environment, your pets, and your family. And it leaves no residue behind, and very little moisture. Your carpet will dry remarkably quickly, and we’ll never leave you with wet flooring! We hope you choose this method- we know you won’t regret it!

What You Need to Know About cleaning Hardwood Flooring Austin

Floor Cleaning 

Floor Cleaning 

Beautiful hardwood flooring isn’t wanted only for its gorgeous wood grain, but also it’s incredible longevity. Even if you want carpet for a period of time, lay some carpet over it and when you want your hardwoods back – simply remove it! Refinish and ta-da, it’s like new floors all over again! But, before you get started taking on a big project like refinishing hardwood floors, there are some things you should know.  Voted best cleaning company in Austin Texas


Types of Finish

There are multiple types of finish you can use to refinish your flooring. You’ll want to research the different kinds for a bit before choosing one – which will ultimately depend on the look you want to achieve with your flooring. Three types of finish are; varnish (matte-glossy finish), polyurethane (plastic-ish finish), and penetrating sealer (natural looking finish). Visit 1904 West Koenig Lane Austin Texas 78756.



If treated properly and taken care of, a hardwood floor can last over 100 years – that means you’re only refinishing your flooring 10 times! However, that also means that it’s not something you’ll become highly experienced at over 100 years if you’re only doing it 10 times, so it may be worth hiring a professional to ensure that the job is done correctly.


Avoid Oil

For the future, if you’re cleaning your wood floor avoid oil-based cleaners and waxes. When it comes to refinishing your hardwood, you can’t refinish anything that has been treated with an oil-based product. Call 512-451-8326 today!


When to Hire a Professional

Although it may seem more cost-effective to try and do this yourself, it’s not an easy project and you wouldn’t want to damage your floors. If you hire a professional you’ll be guaranteeing that the job is done correctly and you know your floors will look new for many years to come! Our professional technicians here at The Steam Team are highly experiences and use state-of-the-art equipment to get the job done. Serving Austin Texas and Round Rock Texas. 


How To Keep Your Area Rug Looking Brand New

Austin Area Rug Specialist

Austin Area Rug Specialist

Area Rugs aren't cheap (and for good reason, too) but if you want to keep those rugs looking like they were just delivered, you’ll have to learn some area rug maintenance. Luckily, the maintenance is actually pretty simple and doesn’t require much time at all – you just have to remember to keep up with it. Best Rug Cleaning In Austin, Texas. 9901 Burnet Rd. Austin Texas 78758


Tip #1: Avoid Sunlight

When considering the placement of your new area rugs; it’s highly recommended to stay away from direct sunlight (unless you’ve specifically picked a special rug that can withstand a heavy amount of sun). Direct sunlight will drastically fade the new and bright color of your fabric over time, making the lifespan of your beautiful new furniture exceptionally shorter.


Tip #2: Fluffing & Rotating the area rugs

For everyday wear, you’ll need to fluff your cushions regularly. By regularly, we mean at least 3-4 times throughout the week. While you’re fluffing your area rugs, consider rotating them to a different spot or even just turning them over. Fluffing and rotating your rugs will ensure that not one area is worn more than the others and will keep your furniture consistently looking fresh!


Tip #3: Break Out the Vacuum

When you break out the vacuum to give your floors a once-over, spend the extra ten minutes and run it over your area rugs. This will collect any and all dust that has accumulated and settled into your cushions. If you think about how much dust your other furniture collects on the surface (that you can see), translate that over to your area rugs – it collects the same amount of dust just inside the rug -- AH! Austin Texas!


For spot treating and stains, we recommend to always call a professional to come steam clean your area rug for you. Chemicals will shorten the lifespan of your beautiful furniture and could end up causing further problems rather than helping. We’re sure you bought that beautiful sofa to be in your home a long, long time so we want to help you to keep it in tip-top condition! 512-451-8326


The Best Way to Clean Natural Stone in Austin TX

Best Tile Cleaning Austin

Best Tile Cleaning Austin

Whether we’re talking about natural stone countertops or natural stone flooring -- it all needs to be cleaned and properly maintained over time. Voted best tile cleaning in Austin, Texas. 


If you are having new floors installed, typically the stone is sealed upon installation – but this will only last for a few years, so you’ll need to clean them and seal them again several times over their lifespan. When it comes to cleaning, the best method to use is steam cleaning. We’re not bias, we promise, it’s efficient, effective, and you can hire a professional to get the job done for you!


Regular Maintenance

Like any other floors, natural stone requires a good bit of regular maintenance – sweeping, mopping, dusting, etc. With a regular cleaning routine, your daily filth won’t add up as quickly making your floor cleaner for longer periods of time.  


The biggest problem people can have with natural stone is that it’s porous and can absorb liquids and stains very easily. When it comes to these situations, time is key – quickly wipe up the liquid before it has time to settle.


How to Clean Natural Stone

Stay away from cleaners with harsh chemicals (such as acids) as they tend to have negative effects on natural stone such as scratching and wearing down the stone more than usual. While this may not be an immediate difference, the discoloration can worsen over time. Carpet and tile cleaning in Austin, Texas. 


Efficient and Effective

If your natural stone flooring has damage to it (scratches, discoloration, stains, etc.) you’ll want to hire a professional to ensure that your stone is restored and taken care of properly.


The Steam Team has a team of highly trained professional technicians who only use state-of-the-art equipment. Together with their experience and knowledge, we can advise you on how to best care for your flooring -- whether it’s natural stone, hardwood, tile, or carpet. Contact us today for more information!

Top 3 Water Damage Restoration Tips Austin Texas

Water Damage Professionals in Austin

Water Damage Professionals in Austin

We know how difficult it can be to recover from a flood or any damaging amount of water -- it’s devastating. That’s why we want to share a few tricks we’ve had up our sleeve for getting you through the first steps to restoring your furniture from water damage. Austin Texas Water clean up. 


First and foremost, you should always do is call an expert on water removal. They will safely remove any excess water from your home and ensure that the mold is under control. But, here are 3 things you should know in the meantime:


1. Slow Drying

Even if your cleaning company hasn’t made it there yet, you can begin removing furniture away from the damaged areas. Once any furniture is in the clear, it can start drying out. If you have furniture that was damaged with removable parts, you’ll want to make sure they are all removed and separated. Do not leave any wooden furniture to dry outside in the sun because you wouldn’t want it to warp!


2. Ventilation

As far as any water damage to your floors and walls, the best thing you can do before your cleaning crew comes is to open all doors and windows to let the air circulate. Turning on any fans that you have around the house will also help to ventilate the damaged areas. If you are dealing with a small amount of damage in a restricted area, you may be able to ventilate the area by yourself. However, it is always recommended to contact a cleaning and restoration company (like us!) who have the right equipment and already know how to properly treat the damage.


3. Immediacy

Saving the best (and most important) for last: always act immediately. DO NOT WAIT. The sooner the water is extracted and drying begins, the safer you are. The longer you wait, the more bacteria is likely to grow and you face a big chance for mold. Call us immediately if you are dealing with any water damage! We know how time sensitive these situations can be, and our staff is properly trained to deal with any water damage. Call your Austin Texas Water Damage company at 512-451-8326 today.

Tile Cleaning: Buying a Machine vs. Hiring a Professional in Austin

Tile Cleaning Austin

Tile Cleaning Austin

There’s no doubt that you can buy (or even rent) a tile cleaning machine that will clean your tile – however, there’s also no doubt that a professional would handle everything more efficiently and effectively. While there may be benefits to buying your own tile cleaning machine, you may want to look at the benefits of hiring a professional as well.  Voted best tile cleaning in Austin.


Top Benefits of Buying (or Renting) Your Own Machine:


Cost effective – Buying your own machine may be more cost effective if you plan on cleaning your carpet often. On the contrary, renting may be more cost effective if you plan on using it once or twice.  Voted best tile cleaning in Austin, Texas.


Convenience – You’re not welcoming anyone else into your new home besides a new machine. It’s definitely convenient to be able to just walk to the garage (or wherever you store your machines) and begin cleaning your tile and grout.  


Benefits of Hiring a Professional:


Power – the machines that a professional tile and grout cleaning company uses are industrial grade and usually hooked up to their vehicle. This allows for a much pressure and stronger suction to ensure that all of the dirt, debris, and other grime is lifted from your tile.


Knowledge and Expertise – This is a major one. Professional tile cleaners are cleaning tile all day every day – they know everything there is to know about tile and how to clean it. When you have especially tough stains or odors, they know how to remove them.  


You be the judge, but it is always recommended to ensure the best tile cleaning and the longest life for your flooring – call in the professionals. Here at The Steam Team, our technicians are experienced, knowledgeable, and use state-of-the-art equipment. Contact us today to learn more!

The Best Way to Hide a Stain

Professional Cleaning

Professional Cleaning

Have a stain in your carpet that’s causing a big eyesore? Expecting company tonight? Do you need to cover it up before the cleaning company arrives? No worries – we’ve got a couple tricks up our sleeve for you!  


1. The easiest solution would be to move a couple pieces of furniture around. If you have an ottoman, that’s the simplest way to cover the stain, assuming it is in a convenient spot. Otherwise, you can move your other furniture (couch, coffee table, ottoman, end tables, etc.) around in different positions until you can find one that you like that will also cover the stain. Sometimes this works out really nicely, too – you may find a different feng shui for your living room! Cleaning in Round Rock, Texas.


2. Have an extra area rug laying around? Another easy solution! Pull the area rug over the stain for the time being – remember, it won’t be there forever, it doesn’t need to look perfect! If you don’t have an extra area rug, it wouldn’t hurt to pull one from another area for a little bit.


3. We’ll probably surprise you with this one -- Believe it or not, the best way to remove that pesky stain is with a steam cleaner. Hiring a professional will ensure that the entire process is handled effectively and efficiently. Our technicians are experienced, knowledgeable, and use state-of-the-art technology and equipment to best service every one of our customers.


If you’re looking for some extra tips to clean these stains out of your carpet, stay tuned! We’re always passing along some helpful cleaning tips on our blog. If you’re in need of a professional eye for those stains, don’t hesitate to give us a call at The Steam Team!

How Are Your Austin Allergies- Need Duct Cleaning?

air duct cleaning austin

air duct cleaning austin

It’s that time of year again – our Austin allergies are at an all-time high! Have you been walking around sniffling and blowing your nose non-stop lately? That’s sure what it feels like, anyway! Even if you stay inside, it still feels like you can’t escape the tiny cedar particles that seem to be everywhere.  Austin, Texas


There is one thing around the house you could do to help your allergies. Even if you have an air purifier, you won’t be able to fully combat those allergens until you’ve had your air ducts cleaned!


Air Duct Cleaning


When’s the last time you had your HVAC or air ducts cleaned? We’re willing to guess it was last year, or maybe even before that!  


A good, professional, deep cleaning for your air ducts can actually help to alleviate these kinds of allergy symptoms. Here at The Steam Team, we use state of the art “source removal” equipment to remove all of these allergens and pollutants from the air inside your home.


That’s not all…


You’ll enjoy a cleaner, fresher air quality without feeling like you’re breathing cedar in constantly.

As if the lack of allergens in your home isn’t enough, cleaning your air ducts can also improve your HVAC system’s efficiency. The air will be able to flow more freely through the system without all the dust and debris in the way, meaning your system doesn’t have to work as hard.

It won’t take as long for your HVAC system to heat or cool your home, increasing your home’s energy efficiency and decreasing your energy bills (which always reach an all-time high during the summer time).


What are you waiting for? Combat those Austin allergies with a professional air duct cleaning and breathe easy knowing your air is clean. Contact us at The Steam Team today!

How Cleaning Affects Indoor Air Quality Austin Texas

Air Duct Cleaning In Austin TX

Air Duct Cleaning In Austin TX

It’s no secret that we spend most of our time indoors, rather than outdoors. We think we’re breathing in cleaner, healthier air since we’re in a more controlled environment, but are we? Is the air inside more clean and pure than the air outside? Studies show that sometimes, it isn’t! According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the air outside is two to five times more polluted than the air inside! So, knowing this, what can we do about it? The Steam Team of Austin can clean your Air Ducts and help with allergies. 


How Cleaning Affects Indoor Air Quality


Imagine your carpet, rugs, air ducts as if it’s a giant trap for dust, dirt, allergens, dander, and other nasty, harmful substances. That’s basically what it is! We kick these substances into the air by walking on the carpet. Since we can’t avoid walking on our own flooring, we can at least avoid it’s filth- by keeping carpet in tip top shape, and calling in the professionals when we need to. The Steam Team Austin Duct Cleaning Specialists


Keeping your carpet clean does far more than improve appearance in your home or office. It affects the health of your family, self, and/or customers! And since steam cleaning is entirely safe for the environment, it’s definitely the better way to clean and maintain your flooring. Steam cleaning requires the usage of nothing but hot water, and extreme pressure. There will be no residue left behind from cleaning solutions, and no damage from harsh chemicals! Austin Air Duct Cleaning for commercial and residential customers. 


If you’re concerned about mold growth (as you should be when we’re talking about moisture), let us reassure you. The moisture left in your carpet from steam cleaning will dry so quickly that you won’t even need to worry about mold growth or infestations.


Professional cleaning companies like The Steam Team of Austin will never leave you with wet carpet! Call us today for a deep cleaning that you can rely on- and for an improvement in your health and wellbeing! Serving Austin for over 36 years

5 Cleaning Myths - BUSTED! Austin TX Rug Cleaning

Cleaning Up Water Damage In Austin 

Cleaning Up Water Damage In Austin 

Homeowners are always questioning whether their cleaning methods are proper, or if they should be doing something else. There are all sorts of myths out there that we can debunk! So let’s take a glance at a few myths about steam cleaning and carpet cleaning, and figure out whether or not they’re true! Austin Texas Rug Cleaning.


Myth #1 Steam Cleaning WIll Leave Too Much Moisture in my Carpet


False! While a steam cleaning machine uses moisture, you’ll have no need to worry about mold! The Steam Team uses a vacuum that removes 85% of moisture- and we will never leave you with wet carpet!


Myth #2 My Carpet Doesn’t Need Steam Cleaning - Household Cleaners Will Do


Busted! Household cleaners can only do so much, reach so far into your carpet fibers, and sometimes they make matters worse. They could also leave behind a residue that a steam cleaner definitely won’t leave. Rug Cleaning in Austin, Texas.


Myth #3 My Carpet is Clean “Enough”


Not always true. Your carpet may look fine on the surface, but deep down, you’ve no idea what’s lurking underneath. A steam cleaner extracts dirt, dust, dander, and so much more from way within your carpet fibers- leaving it clean and pristine.


Myth #4 I have a Great Cleaning Routine - I Don’t Need Professionals


While we’re happy to hear you’ve established an effective cleaning routine, it’s true that every carpet needs professional treatment from time to time. You won’t regret calling in the professionals. There’s just something about knowing that your carpet is truly in tip top shape!


Myth #5 Steam Cleaning Uses Harsh Chemicals


Another myth busted! All that The Steam Team cleans with is intense heat, and pressurized water. No chemicals or cleaning solutions… nothing. It’s completely safe for your family and the environment!


Don’t hesitate… give The Steam Team Austin a call today! We’ll have your carpet looking fantastic in no time! Area Rug Cleaning Professionals! 

The Dangers of Leaving Your Area Rug Untouched

The Steam Team Rug Cleaning Austin

The Steam Team Rug Cleaning Austin

When was the last time your area rug was cleaned? When was the last time it was professionally cleaned? There are definitely dangers to leaving that fine rugs untouched, and many benefits to having a professional take care of it! Let’s take a look at a few reasons as to why we should have our flooring occasionally treated by a professional steam cleaning company.


#1 Germs and Bacteria


Feeling those allergies a bit more than usual, lately? Steam cleaning is notorious for knocking out germs, bacteria, dander, allergens, you name it! A steam cleaner reaches deep within the fibers of your carpet to pull these substances and more to the surface, leaving your rug spotless and sanitized.


#2 Unsightly Stains


First impressions are everything, aren’t they? When your clients walk into your office, you want them to notice how clean and spotless your carpet is- not that stain you’ve been trying to hide underneath your chair! Steam cleaning easily removes stains- new and old. We are the number one area rug cleaning company in Austin, Texas.


#3 Obnoxious Odors


Is there a certain, peculiar odor coming from your rug? Not good, friends! This could be from an old spill or stain, or from a general lack of maintenance. Fortunately, a professional steam cleaning company such as The Steam Team can extract odors from your carpet- using nothing but high pressurized water and intense heat! Meaning, you won’t have to worry about residue, or any chemicals worsening the scent.


No matter how neglected or unsightly you think your area rug may be, The Steam Team is bound to have a solution. Never hesitate to contact The Steam Team for any commercial or residential cleaning service, as we’ve covered it all- from stains to spills, to treating window blinds and cleaning upholstery! The Steam Team has you covered all around, so give us a call! We have been cleaning area rugs in Austin and Round Rock for over 36 years

Safety First! Are Your Cleaning Products Safe for Your Home?

Austin Texas Cleaning

Austin Texas Cleaning

With such a variety of cleaning products on the shelf, it’s difficult to make a decision as to what would be ‘best’ for your home. Functionality aside, how can you be sure that the chemicals you’re bringing into your home are safe? That concern grows when children or pets are added in the mix -- so, for today’s blog, we’ve put together those chemicals you should stay away from in cleaning products and a great alternative for safe and effective cleaning at home.


Number one on our list (and probably in your home) is everybody’s favorite chemical; ammonia. Ammonia is actually one of the most common chemicals found in household cleaning products and is often encouraged for use on extremely tough spots and stains. BUT ammonia is also known to cause skin irritation, burns, and damage to the respiratory tract. Although ammonia is also found in our bodies and in nature, inhaling it can result in a variety of health effects.


Luckily, there are many companies that have already successfully phased out ammonia and many safe and natural cleaners have taken its place. There are also several ingredients that you probably have laying around your house such as lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, and water that can be mixed to create a safe alternative to ammonia.


The best solution to avoid harmful chemicals in your home is to change your cleaning method -- not product. No matter what surface or area you’re cleaning, there’s one method that’s both versatile enough to target practically everything and do it safely and effectively: steam cleaning. Combining high heat, pressure, suction, and water, steam cleaning can turn your stained, faded surfaces back in time to looking brand-new! All with the peace of mind knowing you’re not bringing harmful chemicals into your home.


Is it time to clean those carpets? Resurface the hardwood? Give us a call at The Steam Team today!