How Best to Clean Your Office Area Rugs in the Winter

As our year comes to a close, we end up reflecting back on the good, the bad, and the ugly of 2017. This past year has had it’s shares of ups and downs, just like the years before it- but we’ve definitely found ourselves in a lot dirtier situations here in Texas. Hurricane Harvey brought torrential downpours not just for the Houston area, but for all surrounding areas, too. The floodwaters left behind tons of dirt and grime that could even be potentially dangerous to our health. What better way to kick off the New Year than with a thorough clean for your whole office?


Germs spread like wildfire- and in the winter time, more often than usual. Typically this can be traced back to the colder temperatures causing us to stay indoors more, and thus, spread our germs with each other. Winter time is the worst time of year for the common cold, flu, and other respiratory illnesses- so here are our tips for keeping your workplace (and home) disinfected and germ-free!


Heat & Pressure


Germs, bacteria, and other allergens are no match for a steam clean! The intense heat and pressurized water ensures that nothing is left behind to continue spreading. This method of cleaning is completely safe for the environment, and will not leave behind any excess moisture or harmful residue- so there’s no need to worry about mold growth!




Regular vacuuming routines do wonders for keeping up with the dust, dirt, and allergens that plague our carpets on a daily basis. It’s likely that the cleaning crew does a fabulous job of this, but we should still expect the office flooring to need the occasional deep cleaning, just as your house does, so...


Call The Professionals!

With our qualified team of experts and professional-grade equipment here at The Steam Team, we’ll have your office looking, smelling, and feeling perfectly pristine!

Area Rugs and Oriental Rugs: Basic Cleaning Tips and Professional Care

Cleaning Company Austin

Cleaning Company Austin

There are all different types of flooring; from hardwood floors, carpets, and tile to natural stone floors and even area rugs. Rugs are mostly made up of the same fibers that make up our carpets, but their care differs from carpets drastically. Depending on the type of rug you have, you’ll want to take a few extra steps and give a little more TLC to those beautiful pieces of decor in your home to ensure that they have a long, lasting lifetime.


Oriental Rugs


Oriental rugs are handmade with special care in various sizes (though most of them are larger area rugs). Because they’re handmade, they require extra care and cleaning to get the most out of their beauty and keep them from becoming worn over the years. With the proper care, however, your oriental rug could last centuries and even become a family heirloom!


Basic care for oriental rugs typically involves light vacuuming and turning the rug occasionally so that each fiber gets the same amount of wear. If your oriental rug sits in direct sunlight, it’s important to turn it every so often so that the colors don’t begin to fade. Last but certainly not least, be extremely gentle with the fringe. Check the labels for care instructions, and contact a professional cleaning service for help caring for them.


Area Rug Cleaning


As long as your rug is small enough to pick up, you can start by beating it clean. That’s right- shake your rug outside first, and then hang it on a clothesline for a good beating. Afterward, bring it back inside to finish cleaning it by vacuuming. When vacuuming your rug, use the gentle setting and start from the center, working your way outward. Lift any fringe on the edges to be able to vacuum beneath, and viola! You’re done!


Call in The Professionals


A few times throughout the year, it’s best to call in the professionals for a thorough deep clean of your area rugs. When you call The Steam Team, your rug won’t be finished cleaning until our technicians have given it a thorough inspection and we specialize in caring for oriental rugs, so you won’t be disappointed! If you have any questions please call or visit our website. 

Tips for Basic Rug Care at 512-451-8326

The Steam Team rug cleaning 

The Steam Team rug cleaning 

Area and Oriental rugs make great decorative pieces in our homes, and with a little TLC, we can keep them looking great and even increase their longevity! Below you’ll find a few basic cleaning and care tips for area and oriental rugs, and we’re certain you’ll find them helpful! Happy cleaning!


Rug Cleaning


As long as your rug is small enough to pick up, you can start by beating it clean. That’s right- this is a great way to take out your frustrations! Shake your rug outside first, and then hang it on a clothesline for a good beating. Afterward, bring it back inside to finish cleaning it by vacuuming.


When it comes to washing your rugs, first make sure the rug is “machine washable.” Check the label on your rug for instructions such as these. Also check for the appropriate temperature to avoid damaging the fibers of your rugs! After shaking your rug outside, toss it in the washing machine with all settings corresponding to the washing instructions, and you’re good to go!


When vacuuming your rug, use the gentle setting and start from the center, working your way outward. Lift the fringe to vacuum beneath, and viola!


Be gentle with the fringe of your area rugs. Check the labels for care instructions, and contact a professional cleaning service for help caring for them. You can definitely rely on The Steam Team to properly care and preserve your rugs- just give us a call!


Call in The Steam Team at 512-451-8326


Sometimes it’s best to call in the professionals. When you call The Steam Team, your rug won’t be finished cleaning until our technicians have given it a thorough inspection. You can count on us to get the job done safely and correctly!

The Scoop on Pet Stains and Area Rugs Austin Texas

Area Rug Cleaning Company Based In Austin Texas

Area Rug Cleaning Company Based In Austin Texas

We adore our pets, just not the stinky, smelly things they leave behind. If you have area rugs, you know even more of the challenges of keeping a clean floor with little paws running around, but unfortunately all floor types are affected at times. From urine, to vomit,, to left behind odors of these unsightly occurrences, we’ve got the scoop on how to cover it all. And not cover it up- but extract those stains for good! Austin Texas area rug cleaning services. 


Removing Pet Stains from area rugs


Accidents will happen no matter how hard you try to prevent them, and they can be very unpredictable! When dealing with pets, you’re usually dealing with either urine, or vomit stains. For urine, in order to prevent odors from settling into your rug fibers, try to catch the accident as soon as it happens. Absorb the moisture with a stack of paper towels, or an old bath towel. Stand on the stack so that it soaks up as much as possible. Then, curate a cleaning mixture with 2 cups of white vinegar, 2 cups of warm water, and 4 tablespoons of baking soda.


Vomit is acidic, and that’s why it stains carpet so easily. When cleaning vomit, find something to scrape the hardened pieces away, first. Then absorb what’s left with an old towel or paper towel. Need a DIY cleaning solution for this part? Try using two cups of warm water, one tablespoon of salt, one tablespoon of Dawn detergent, and ½ Cup of vinegar for sanitization! Once you’ve removed the stain, remove your solution with a clean, damp towel. And remember- always blot the stain, instead of rubbing.


We hope these tips have helped you spruce up your home and get it back to the way it was pre-Fido! Knowing how to remove these stains and odors is a handy skill to have! Area rug cleaning company based in Austin Texas located at 9901 Burnet Rd. Call 512-451-8326 today.