Who Has The Best Rug Cleaning Service in Austin?

Austin Rug cleaning

Anyone who owns a rug knows that they need to be cleaned regularly to keep yourself and your Austin home in top condition. But did you know that if you’re only vacuuming your rugs, it’s not going to get the clean it needs? Experts would tell you that to keep the air quality in your home fresh, an occasional professional cleaning should be done on your rugs. But what company is the right choice for this service?

The Steam Team Rug Cleaning Technicians

There are many services available for having your rugs professionally cleaned, but not all of them can do what The Steam Team can do. Our Austin trained technicians will come equipped with the right knowledge and the best tools for the job. Our hot water extraction technology can easily clean deep into any carpet and remove all dirt and debris that a regular vacuum can’t reach. Any stains that were in the carpet will be wiped out with our high-powered cleaning methods as well. We also use powerful truck-mounted equipment to clean any rug or carpet.

Restoration Cleaning and High-Powered Drying

Another thing that sets The Steam Team of Austin apart is our restoration rug cleaning service. That means even in circumstances of extreme damage and soiled rugs, such as flooding, we can still clean your rugs A powerful machine will be used to loosen all dirt before our hot water extraction method is used.

Our high-powered drying is yet another reason to choose us for your Austin rug cleaning needs. This means you won’t have to wait long periods of time for the carpet to dry, just ask our technicians for the high-powered drying process and they’ll use powerful fans to expedite the drying.

For more information on our Austin rug cleaning service, as well as the many other services we offer, please visit The Steam Team of Austin website.

Keeping Your Textiles as Luxurious as Possible

If you want your furniture to last and look as luxurious as possible, there are just a handful of simple guidelines to follow! Here at The Steam Team, we’re happy to help you learn how to care for your leather upholstery. Follow these three simple rules and you’ll be well on your way to success!


Keep it Clean


Cleaning leather upholstery isn’t as complicated as one might think! Just keep a few microfiber cloths on hand for regular dusting, and use your vacuum cleaner attachment to reach the corners of your furniture and beneath cushions. For spills and stains, be sure you’re only using a cleaner that’s specifically formulated for leather furniture- and even then, it’s wise to perform a spot test.


Keep it Conditioned


Leather is just like our skin, in that it needs to stay moisturized in order to stay healthy. Be sure to condition your leather furniture every 6-12 months, and maybe more frequently if your pets are allowed on the furniture. It also helps to keep leather out of direct sunlight, as this can dry out the leather or cause discoloration.


Call in The Steam Team


Whenever your leather furniture is due for a deep cleaning or a professional conditioning, feel free to call in The Steam Team! Our leather technicians will have absolutely no issue restoring your leather to its original condition. You’ll be impressed with our results! And hopefully we’ll hear from you again, as we handle a wide array of cleaning and restoration projects!


The Steam Team has been serving the city of Austin, TX for a long time now! We don’t plan on stopping anytime soon; we simply love what we do! So if your home could use a thorough deep, steam cleaning, or your leather furniture needs replenishing, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

The Best Way to Care for Your Area Rug

Here at The Steam Team rug cleaning, we’re all about giving your carpeting the proper care and treatment! Even when it comes to area and oriental rugs. Today we’re going to talk about the best way to care for your area rugs and help them last even longer! Here are three things you can do to care for your area rugs!


Vacuum Often


Vacuuming isn’t something we take lightly when it comes to caring for area rugs! It has to be done, friends. Vacuum at least twice weekly, depending on the amount of foot traffic your rugs receive, in order to keep them in tip top shape! Once you get into the swing of things, it actually becomes quite easy!


Spot Treat Stains


When it comes to removing stains from your area rugs, treat them just like you would your carpet! Lean on your trusty carpet cleaner, or even consider calling in a professional carpet cleaning company. Companies like The Steam Team have plenty of experience with area rugs, and would love to help you out!


Call in the Pro’s


When the going gets tough and you can’t make it to your area rugs, The Steam Team understands. Sometimes, you just need the help of a professional- someone who really knows what they’re doing and have been at it for years! It’s not that we doubt your abilities; it’s that we know The Steam Team can handle anything when it comes to your area rugs.


If you live in the Austin area, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team! We’ve been serving the community of Austin for over a decade now, and we’re not stopping any time soon! We have plenty of experience under our belts with a wide variety of cleaning and restoration projects. So whatever you need, just give us a call!


How to Care for Area and Area Rugs

Ah, our area and oriental rugs… sometimes we use them to cover those gross, unsightly stains, and sometimes they’re family heirlooms, passed down from generation to generation. Either way, they look lovely in our homes, and they need to be deep cleaned occasionally. But how do you clean your rugs? Well, let’s take a stab at answering that question today!


Cleaning Area and Oriental Rugs


Here’s how the process works when you call The Steam Team to take care of your area or oriental rug! First, we use our expert knowledge to inspect your textiles. Just by looking at the fibers and dyes involved in your carpets, we can tell which cleaning type we need to use. Then, using a pile lifter and vacuum, we’ll remove soil and dirt from the fibers of the rugs. Finally, we’ll perform a final inspection to make sure we’ve thoroughly cleaned your rugs! We won’t leave until they look brand new.


You Can Trust The Steam Team


Through a process that we’ve been practicing for over a decade now, The Steam Team can remove dirt, dust, allergens, debris, and stains from your area and oriental rugs! Just think about it: these substances cling to the carpet fibers in our rugs. Our children play on them, our pets nap on them, and we walk on them all day long (which, grossly pushes clouds of dust into the air!). It’s important to keep your area and oriental rugs clean- for the sake of cleanliness, and for your health! But don’t worry- The Steam Team is always here to help!


You can rely on The Steam Team to properly clean your area and oriental rugs! For over a decade now, we’ve been cleaning rugs in the Austin area. And don’t worry; we know exactly what we’re doing, and have the perfect tools for the job (they’ll be gentle and safe for your precious rugs)!

Professional Carpet Cleaning Austin Tx

Ah… keeping carpet clean. The struggle! It’s not easy, especially if there are pets or children in the home. Or if you’re just clumsy and prone to spilling food and drinks! But don’t worry, if ever you’re in a true pickle with your carpet, you can always call in the professionals, like The Steam Team! We have plenty of experience and expertise when it comes to keeping carpet clean. But until we arrive, follow these 5 guidelines:


Place Doormats at Entrances and Exits


Placing doormats at the entrances and exits of your home will help catch dirt and dust before it reaches your carpet. Isn’t that a handy trick? It’ll save you time and inconvenience when vacuuming, too!


Remove Shoes at the Door


Like the doormats, removing shoes at your door will keep dirt off of carpet. Encourage every member of the household to do this, especially children (their shoes are always the muddiest!).


Vacuum Often


Carpet should be vacuumed at least weekly to keep up with dirt and dust around the home. It also prevents carpet fibers from becoming matted down, which is very unsightly. Keep your carpet clean and soft by vacuuming on the regular.


Clean Up Spills and Stains Immediately


This is rule #1 to carpet cleaning! As soon as an accident happens, clean it up! Letting liquids and spills sit on the floor increases their chances of staining your carpet!


Call the Professionals Periodically


It’s wise to occasionally call in the professionals for a deep cleaning! Sometimes, there’s only so much we can do for our carpet, and we need to let the pro’s step in.

Following these five simple “rules,” will help your carpet stay clean and looking great! And as always, don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call when you need assistance. We’re your #1 option for professional cleaning and restoration; let us prove it to you.

Carpet Cleaning Round Rock

With the cooler weather and holidays approaching, we may be getting ready for parties and house guests to come visit! But before they arrive, it’s wise to do a little bit of house cleaning (or a lot!). So let’s discuss a few areas that need our attention the most! We want our guests to not only feel welcome in our home, but to also be dazzled at how clean everything is. And, not to brag, but when they ask how you did it, you can send them to us: The Steam Team Carpet Cleaning of Austin.


Bathroom Tile and Grout


Tile and grout are notorious for staining and discoloration. It’s porous by nature, so it absorbs spills and accidents very easily and needs to be cleaned often! When cleaning tile and grout, it’s important to remember not to use any abrasive materials as to not scratch your tile. We recommend steam cleaning tile and grout; it’s easy, saves you time and labor, and cleans effectively!


Living Room Carpeting


Remember all of those carpet stains you’ve been hiding beneath your area rugs? Well, we can help to remove them! A professional grade steam cleaning machine can reach deep within the fibers of your carpet and extract the dirt and debris lurking underneath. They’ll look sparkling clean when we’re finished.


Kitchen Countertops


Steam cleaning is great for kitchen countertops and other surfaces, whether they’re granite, marble, or other natural stone! It effortlessly removes grime and all of those sticky substances that have gone unnoticed for far too long! Rely on The Steam Team to get your kitchen ready to be shown off this season!


The Steam Team has been serving the city of Austin for over 4 decades now! If you’re in need of some deep cleaning as you’re getting ready for the holidays, don’t hesitate to give us a call! We can effortlessly prepare your home for house guests this holiday season!

The Top 3 Benefits of Area Rug Cleaning Austin Texas

Rug Cleaning Experts Austin, Texas

Rug Cleaning Experts Austin, Texas

Many homeowners these days are wondering which method they should choose when they set out to deep clean their area rugs! Dry cleaning, shampooing, or steam cleaning, or something else entirely? Of course, those of us at The Steam Team always encourage homeowners to steam clean their rugs, but let’s look at a few reasons why, just in case you need some convincing. Below are 3 great reasons for steam cleaning your rugs!


Steam Cleaning Offers a “Clean,” You Can Have Confidence In


Remember all those times you’ve vacuumed your area rugs, only to notice the traces of dust, fur, and other unsightly things that were left behind? Well, finally, you’ll be able to trust that your rug is 100% clean. It’ll feel ah-mazing. Steam cleaning extracts it all, and leaves so little moisture that it dries remarkably quickly. No moisture, no mold!


Steam Cleaning Kills Germs, Bacteria, and More!


It’s true! Steam cleaning kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria- with only heat, and intense water pressure! And if you or anyone in your home has allergies, you’ll be relieved to know that it also knocks out allergens and pet dander. You’ll breathe easier, as it even increases indoor air quality.


You Don’t Have to DIY


For once, you can sit back, put your feet up, and relax when you call The Steam Team to come out and take care of your area rugs. Our years of expert training and knowledge, combined with our state of the art, professional-grade equipment are no match for what lies in the fibers of your rugs. Using nothing but steam and a bit of moisture, our carpet cleaners can extract dirt, dust, debris, and anything else from deep within your flooring. You won’t have to do a thing! Just give us a call!

How To Keep Your Area Rug Looking Brand New

Austin Area Rug Specialist

Austin Area Rug Specialist

Area Rugs aren't cheap (and for good reason, too) but if you want to keep those rugs looking like they were just delivered, you’ll have to learn some area rug maintenance. Luckily, the maintenance is actually pretty simple and doesn’t require much time at all – you just have to remember to keep up with it. Best Rug Cleaning In Austin, Texas. 9901 Burnet Rd. Austin Texas 78758


Tip #1: Avoid Sunlight

When considering the placement of your new area rugs; it’s highly recommended to stay away from direct sunlight (unless you’ve specifically picked a special rug that can withstand a heavy amount of sun). Direct sunlight will drastically fade the new and bright color of your fabric over time, making the lifespan of your beautiful new furniture exceptionally shorter.


Tip #2: Fluffing & Rotating the area rugs

For everyday wear, you’ll need to fluff your cushions regularly. By regularly, we mean at least 3-4 times throughout the week. While you’re fluffing your area rugs, consider rotating them to a different spot or even just turning them over. Fluffing and rotating your rugs will ensure that not one area is worn more than the others and will keep your furniture consistently looking fresh!


Tip #3: Break Out the Vacuum

When you break out the vacuum to give your floors a once-over, spend the extra ten minutes and run it over your area rugs. This will collect any and all dust that has accumulated and settled into your cushions. If you think about how much dust your other furniture collects on the surface (that you can see), translate that over to your area rugs – it collects the same amount of dust just inside the rug -- AH! Austin Texas!


For spot treating and stains, we recommend to always call a professional to come steam clean your area rug for you. Chemicals will shorten the lifespan of your beautiful furniture and could end up causing further problems rather than helping. We’re sure you bought that beautiful sofa to be in your home a long, long time so we want to help you to keep it in tip-top condition! 512-451-8326


Carpet Cleaning in Round Rock Texas

Carpet Cleaning in Round Rock, Texas

Carpet Cleaning in Round Rock, Texas

There are two types of people when it comes to cleaning. The first type either puts it off as long as possible, and then does a surface clean before people come over, or they make sure their home is always spotless. While most of us would like to be members of group number two, let’s face it – we’re just not.


So when company comes over we panic for a good five minutes before starting the hurried process of shoving papers in drawers, haphazardly running the vacuum, and spaying way too much air freshener. Instead of that hassle, here are a few tricks to avoid the panic and enjoy taking people into your home.

If You Have Time, Get The Pros


The first trick to impressing your guests and having a clean house is to actually have a clean house. Get your floors and upholstery deep cleaned twice a year and don’t forget your grout, tile, and stone! Keeping up with routine maintenance will make quick cleans a breeze.

Get Rid Of Clutter, But Be Organized


If you need to get rid of clutter and get rid of it fast, don’t just shove things in drawers and hope for the best. Take an extra 10 minutes to be smart about it. Put things in the rooms where they belong, keep like products together, and throw away anything you don’t need.

Don’t Waste Time On The Non-Essentials


If you’re in a rush, this isn’t the time to make sure all the dust is gone from the top of the fan or start a new, in-depth project. Make sure the floors are clean and free of toys, trash, and random items, wipe down the counters, and clean up the bathroom. This will help your place look sparkling even when you don’t have time for a full clean.


Finally, make sure to relax and enjoy your guests. They’re visiting to see you, not just your home. Clean up, stay up with your home maintenance, and remember to enjoy yourself– even if you didn’t get those carpet stains removed!