Is it time to clean your rugs? Austin Texas
/Austin Cleaning Specialist
When was the last time you cleaned your rugs? Don’t say never! Though it’s often a chore that we forget about, cleaning and deodorizing the rugs is equally as important as keeping our floors and surfaces clean. We spend far too much time lying on our rugs, sweating and leaving behind other unsightly things for it not to be cleaned periodically! Below are a few tips on cleaning your rugs and keeping it that way.
Removing Stains
If you have pets, or you like to have your midnight snacks in bed, you’ve likely caused a stain or two, but don’t fret! They can easily be removed. Just make sure to find a specially formulated cleaner to remove stains from the rugs.
Eradicating Dust, Dander, Etc
The easiest way to remove dust and debris from your rugs is to use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner. Press down firmly to reach and release dust mites that are lurking beneath the surface. You can even use the attachment to dust the fringe, as well! A thorough job is a job well done.
To deodorize your rugs, you may consider spraying its surface with Lysol to kill germs and bacteria. You can also sprinkle it with a mixture of baking soda and essential oil, like lavender (lavender has a soothing effect, smells wonderful, and helps you fall asleep). Let the mixture settle before vacuuming it away.
Don’t forget- The Steam Team of Austin has tons of experience in a wide array of cleaning and restoration projects! We can clean your area rugs for you in a jiffy, and no, you won’t have to worry about excess moisture, as a professional-grade steam cleaner leaves behind virtually no moisture and absolutely no residue! Your rugs will be fresh, clean, and dry- ready for your next good night’s sleep.