How Well Do Steam Cleaners Work On Non-Carpet Floors?

Austin Cleaning Companies

If you’ve used an Austin cleaner in your home, or paid for a carpet cleaning like us here at The Steam Team, then you don’t need us to tell you how great steam cleaning can be for your carpet. But what about the other types of flooring in your house? Will a steam cleaner work just as well?

Austin Steam Cleaning Tile?

Believe it or not, steam cleaners are great for a lot more than just carpet. Nothing fixes a dirty ceramic tile floor like a steam cleaner. The high pressure steam strips the floor of residue and chemicals left over by other household cleaning products. If you have any pets or children that spend a lot of time on the floor, it’s very important to keep these harmful chemicals off of your tile. To use a steam cleaner on a ceramic floor, first do a thorough sweep of the floor to pick up all the larger pieces of dirt and debris. Then just add the water, place the microfiber cleaning cloth on the unit’s cleaner head, plug the machine in, and you’re ready to go! We also handle all types of restoration including water and fire damage in Austin, Texas

Austin Steam Cleaning Hard Surface Floors?

While steam cleaners work great on tile, hardwood floors aren't’ quite as simple.  It depends very much on what kind of steam cleaner you get, as well as the condition of your floor. If you are going to steam clean your hardwood, make sure to only purchase a steam cleaner that is advertised to be used on hardwood. Then, you will notice that there is a warning on the steam cleaner that says to only use it on floors that have been properly sealed. To test the seal on your floor, place a drop of water on it. If it is immediately up, then the seal is intact and your floor can withstand the steam. If the water spreads out or sinks into the wood, DO NOT attempt to use a steam cleaner on your floor. Check out our recent projects.

For more information on steam cleaning and professional steam cleaning services, be sure to contact us at The Steam Team!

Complete Stain Removal and Carpet Cleaning: How It's Done Right

water damage emergency service

You might be vacuuming your carpet once a week, or maybe a little more or less often, and think you’re doing an excellent job keeping it clean. But really, vacuuming only takes care of a fraction of the dirt, debris and bacteria hiding in your carpet. And if you happen to have lots of stains in your carpet, vacuuming won’t do much about that. Having your carpet professionally steam cleaned every once in a while is a great way to ensure a full clean. Here’s some information on our very own professional carpet cleaning service and stain removal here at The Steam Team.

Removing Stains

With our highly trained technicians and their powerful, state-of-the-art equipment, we’ll be able to remove any stain on your carpet in no time. And it's not just stains either! We can also use modern cleaning methods to remove any unwanted odors from your carpet. Have your pets left odor-filled stains all over your carpet that have been there for years? No worries, just let us handle it and your carpet will look fresh and new in no time!

How We Clean Carpets

When you call in The Steam Team and our professional technicians arrive on the scene, they’ll give your carpet a complete inspection to find the most troubling areas first, and determine the required cleaning methods to get the job done right. One of the things that sets us apart is that our technicians will spot-test their preferred cleaning method so that you can see the results before they move on to the full cleaning. If you don’t like how it turns out, we’ll try something else. Our technicians won’t rest until they find a cleaning method that suits your needs. At the end of the cleaning process, we’ll apply a powerful carpet protector to keep your carpet from further stains and damage.

For more information on our carpet cleaning service, as well as our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

Following Water Damage: How to React

water damage restoration companies

water damage restoration companies

Water damage can occur in a split-second when we least expect it. Something so essential to our daily lives can also cause extensive damage to our homes during a storm, leak, or even a fire. That’s why we got involved, here at The Steam Team, in helping our neighbors around Austin and surrounding cities to restore their homes and businesses from any water damage that may have occurred. We’ve trained our technicians who have become experts in recovery and even mold remediation- an unfortunate result from moisture. Today, we wanted to help you know how to react to water damage, whether it’s from a natural disaster, a busted pipe, or broken appliance.

Act Quickly

First and foremost, it’s important to act as quickly as possible once you discover water damage! Remember, it only takes 24-48 hours for mold to begin growing and spreading throughout your home (the last thing anyone wants). The quicker you’re able to act following water damage, the quicker your home will be restored.

Dry Out the Area

Next, do your best to dry out the area until the professionals arrive. We know that this is no simple task, especially when you’re battling mold and other contaminants, but remember that the longer you leave an area moist, the more likely it is that mold will form. 

Call in The Steam Team

The Steam Team really knows what they’re doing when it comes to water damage! You can put your trust in us. As we mentioned before, our technicians are expertly trained to handle anything and everything surrounding water damage. Whether it’s the beginning of restoration or helping you through the insurance process, we’ve seen it all. 

So remember, as soon as you encounter water damage in or around your home, give The Steam Team a call! 

The Dangers of Water Damage

Water Damage Restoration Companies Austin, Texas - Serving Since 1983

Water Damage Restoration Companies Austin, Texas - Serving Since 1983

Water damage from flooding or leakage can be detrimental. Whether you’re dealing with a broken pipe or a natural disaster- the concerns and cleanup are very similar. The bacteria found in both pipe water and flood water can be dangerous and mold growth can be common if not prevented. These issues can be difficult (and costly) to clean up, but The Steam Team is here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week- and we’re talking all about it on today’s blog!

Preventing Water Damage

The best way to handle water damage is through preventive measure. Clean roof gutters are an important piece, here. If your roof gutters are clogged with leaves, sticks, or anything at all, the water may build up, leak in through your roof, and cause some serious damage.

Another way to damage pipes is by purchasing powerful chemicals to unclog drains. Instead, purchase a drain snake. Harsh chemicals may actually do damage to your pipes and cause them to leak. A drain snake is an inexpensive, safer alternative.

Preventing Mold Growth

For mold to grow, all it needs a little bit of water and a dark space. If the water damage is already done, you can still prevent mold growth by removing the water as quickly as possible. We recommend calling in the professionals who have the tools and expertise to get the job done. Using high-powered fans to dry out the carpeting is extremely important in preventing mold growth. You also want to make sure the flooring, walls, and any other hard surfaces are sanitized after water damage has occured.

Water Damage Restoration

If you’re already too late and water damage or mold has already taken hold in your home, call The Steam Team and we’ll send our best water damage and mold remediation professionals your way!

Water Extraction and Flood Cleanup From The Pros

It can occur from many different things such as natural disasters, plumbing issues, leaky appliances and more, but no matter what the cause, flood damage can ruin any home or business, cause massive strain on finances, and even risk the lives and health of those in the property. When these disasters occur, you want to have someone who’s available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can quickly remove the water to mitigate the damaging effects. That’s what we, here at The Steam Team, are for.

Water Extraction From The Pros

Our professional team of trained technicians will quickly utilize high-powered water extraction equipment to get rid of the water, hopefully before mold growth begins. However, if the water is removed too rapidly, the change in pressure could cause structural damage, so depending on the amount of water in the home, the extraction could take up to 24 hours. But this is only in extreme flooding cases. Our professionals will remove the water as quickly as possible, but also as safely as possible. Once the water has been removed, they’ll start on the cleaning process.

Cleanup and Mold Elimination

Our professional cleaning process will begin with a detailed sanitizing of every affected surface, starting with the floors and walls of the flooded area. The floors will be removed entirely if needed. If the extraction wasn’t soon enough, and mold has taken root anyway, our technicians can handle that too. Our mold remediation process will entirely eliminate the mold from the property, rather than covering it or simply stopping it's growth like some common store-bought products might do.

As you can see, our professional technicians have the right equipment, training and skills to take on any flooded property and leave it cleaned from top to bottom and restored as much as possible. And don’t forget that we’re available for flood damage cleanup 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you have a flood emergency, don’t forget to call! Please visit The Steam Team website for more information.

Our Commitment To 24 Hour Water and Fire Damage Emergency Services

Water and fire related damages are the most common and most costly disasters that occur to homeowners all around the world. Millions of cases of water damage and unexpected fires occur across the U.S. every year, and when these things happen you need to have a plan. Your plan should involve a company that is able to show up to clean and restore your home, and to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, since these disasters can happen at any time.

Caring For The Community

We always try to foster an attitude of care and commitment to our local Austin residents and anyone we come in contact with. Our drive and dedication to our community is what makes us want every resident we serve to be completely satisfied with the job we’ve accomplished. That’s why we offer our water and fire damage repair services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We want to make sure that no matter when disaster comes, The Steam Team can be there to help. No matter the extent of the water damage, mold growth or fire and smoke damage, we know our professional team of technicians can handle it. Let’s discuss our team and how they can help.

Our Technicians

Our professional technicians are always courteous and efficient when it comes to helping out with water and fire damage, and with our many other services! In fact, our amazing technicians are the reason we were voted best water damage company in Austin by the Austin Monthly. When our technicians arrive at your home or business, they’ll carefully inspect the damaged property and give you an accurate estimate of costs. Then they’ll get to work right away, whether it's structure cleaning, providing emergency power, full reconstruction, mold remediation or water extraction, our technicians can handle it. Your home will be back to good shape in no time. For more information, please visit The Steam Team website.

Professional Tips To Prevent Fire Damage

Here in Austin at The Steam Team, our technicians are very experienced with helping after fire damage to repair and restore homes and businesses in and all around the area. From our many years of serving the central Texas community, we’ve learned a thing or two about how these fire disasters start and how they might be avoided. 

Here’s one important tip to avoid fire damage in your home:

Pay Attention to Your Dryer Vent

Though you may not think it, thousands of fires start from dirty and lint-filled dryer vents that go unattended. Any buildup of lint or debris in the dryer vent can become flammable and extremely hazardous. Keeping your dryer vents cleaned is of utmost importance when it comes to preventing fire disasters. Even if a fire doesn’t occur, a buildup of lint or debris will cause the dryer to work harder, raising your energy bill in the long run.

The common recommendation from most professionals is that you have your dryer vents and connected systems inspected and cleaned once every year. Here at The Steam Team we offer that very service. All vents, ducting and connected systems will be thoroughly cleaned to help keep your home safe from fire disaster.

The Steam Team Dryer Vent Cleaning

Our professional technicians will be ready for your call if you need dryer vents cleaned and you haven’t done it yet this year. They’ll arrive with the most powerful and effective equipment for the job and we’ll offer you fair pricing backed with a guarantee. We handle not only residential, but commercial dryer vent cleaning as well! If you want to help avoid fire damage in your home or business, call in The Steam Team. For more information on our many other services, visit The Steam Team website.

Your Austin Area Water Damage Restoration Company

Flood Cleanup

Flood Cleanup

Unfortunately many of us know people who have suffered water damage recently, whether it’s our friends, family, or maybe even you’ve suffered yourself. It’s devastating to the home, it’s devastating to the people, and it’s devastating financially. Whether it’s caused from a natural disaster (like a hurricane or heavy storm), a broken pipe or leaky appliance, or even a house fire -- the water damage is all the same. It can destroy our furniture, weaken the structure of our home, and risk mold growth around every affected area. As difficult as it is to deal with devastating water damage, we’re here to help you along the way.


Most Importantly: Get Rid of All Water

Water has a way of seeping into everything and if you’re not careful, you could have a mold infestation to deal with in the near future. Calling in the professionals from the very beginning will help to get rid of every drop of water around your home. Until they get there with fans and other equipment, you can help by opening windows and turning on ceiling fans to try and get the air circulating (and drying out the water).


Be Proactive Against Mold

Mold grows quickly and quietly. Once everything has dried out (including walls and carpet padding) it’s important to disinfect the affected area to protect against bacteria. Your walls, counters, floors, and other surfaces will likely need professional treatment to prevent mold growth, odors, and permanent staining.

A professional cleaning and restoration company will have the right equipment to tackle mold and stop it in its tracks. Your best choice when dealing with water damage is going to be to call in the professionals to ensure that you and your family are safe in the future and that your home is properly taken care of. Give us a call today at The Steam Team!

How to Get Rid of Dirty Carpets

The Steam Team Austin, Texas

The Steam Team Austin, Texas

Ah, carpet flooring… it’s comfortable, cozy, and cushiony. It can be made in a multitude of different colors, textures, and designs. We can match it perfectly with our furniture. Carpet adds warmth to a bedroom or living room, and provides a cushioned landing for small children at play. But proper cleaning and maintenance keeps a homeowner quite busy! Carpet can potentially stain very easily, and requires regular attention.


Routine Cleaning & Stain Prevention


Dust, dirt, and pet hair build up at a surprisingly rapid rate. This makes frequent vacuuming imperative to maintaining carpet flooring, and even lengthening its lifespan. Hopefully your vacuum cleaner has extra attachments for reaching areas like corners, baseboards, or even between couch cushions!


When it comes to areas of your home with higher traffic, you may consider asking your house members and guests to remove their shoes near the front door. The soles of our shoes can track in anything from sand, to mud, grass, or small pebbles… All of which are things we could find in our carpet at a later date!


There is much debate surrounding the “best,” method of removing stains in carpet. When using a cleaning solution, be sure that the product you’ve chosen is designed to be used on carpet, and check to find out whether or not it should be diluted.


Is it Time to Deep Clean Your Carpet?


Over time, our carpet takes enough beating to warrant an occasional deep cleaning, and this is best done by a professional steam cleaning company! Steam cleaning uses intense water pressure and high temperatures to eradicate dirt, debris, and stains from just about any type of flooring.


Companies such as The Steam Team will definitely have the perfect tools for this project:  professional grade equipment, solid expertise, and dependable customer service. Don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call today for efficient stain removal and carpet cleaning!