How Well Do Steam Cleaners Work On Non-Carpet Floors?

Austin Cleaning Companies

If you’ve used an Austin cleaner in your home, or paid for a carpet cleaning like us here at The Steam Team, then you don’t need us to tell you how great steam cleaning can be for your carpet. But what about the other types of flooring in your house? Will a steam cleaner work just as well?

Austin Steam Cleaning Tile?

Believe it or not, steam cleaners are great for a lot more than just carpet. Nothing fixes a dirty ceramic tile floor like a steam cleaner. The high pressure steam strips the floor of residue and chemicals left over by other household cleaning products. If you have any pets or children that spend a lot of time on the floor, it’s very important to keep these harmful chemicals off of your tile. To use a steam cleaner on a ceramic floor, first do a thorough sweep of the floor to pick up all the larger pieces of dirt and debris. Then just add the water, place the microfiber cleaning cloth on the unit’s cleaner head, plug the machine in, and you’re ready to go! We also handle all types of restoration including water and fire damage in Austin, Texas

Austin Steam Cleaning Hard Surface Floors?

While steam cleaners work great on tile, hardwood floors aren't’ quite as simple.  It depends very much on what kind of steam cleaner you get, as well as the condition of your floor. If you are going to steam clean your hardwood, make sure to only purchase a steam cleaner that is advertised to be used on hardwood. Then, you will notice that there is a warning on the steam cleaner that says to only use it on floors that have been properly sealed. To test the seal on your floor, place a drop of water on it. If it is immediately up, then the seal is intact and your floor can withstand the steam. If the water spreads out or sinks into the wood, DO NOT attempt to use a steam cleaner on your floor. Check out our recent projects.

For more information on steam cleaning and professional steam cleaning services, be sure to contact us at The Steam Team!

Does Your Hardwood Floor Need Replacing? Here Are The Signs

Cleaning Companies Austin

You probably love your hardwood floor. But beware, it won’t last forever, especially if you don’t know what to look out for. Over time it’ll become damaged and it’ll need to be either replaced entirely or at least re-sanded and re-sealed. Here at The Steam Team we have years of experience dealing with hardwood floors, so let’s identify some of the signs that show that your hardwood floor needs replacing, or at least re-sealing, very soon.

Look Out For Scratches

There’s nothing particularly alarming about small scratches or marks on a wood floor, those happen all the time, especially if you have pets. If these small marks aren’t too much of an eye sore for you, don’t worry about getting the floor repaired. However, If you have any scratches that penetrate the seal, the boards will be open to much more damage. In that case you’ll need to have the floor sanded down and refinished soon. Restoration companies Austin, Texas are not hard to find unless your looking for a professionals.

Pay Attention To Color

Another thing to look out for is any changes of color in your hardwood floor. If the boards have started to become grey over time, that could mean the polyurethane on the boards is wearing off. If your hardwood floor looks like this and it isn’t refinished soon, the boards may turn black, at which point you’ll need a new floor entirely. If you have a hardwood floor patio outside, over time the sunlight can also cause a change in color, fading the boards. This is another sign that you should have the floor re-sanded and refinished.

Dark Spots

If you notice warping or significantly darker spots showing up on the floor boards, you may need to act quickly. These may be signs that there’s water damage underneath the floorboards. This is another case where you’ll want professionals to look at it as soon as possible. Sanding and refinishing may be needed, and the boards may even need to be removed so that water from underneath them can be extracted.

If you see any of these signs in your home or business and you need professional help to sand and refinish your hardwood floors, call in The Steam Team. And if you live in Pflugerville and need carpet cleaning please check us out.