The Only 100% Effective Method For Tile and Grout Cleaning

cleaning in austin texas

Tile flooring can help create a lovely space in your home, whether it's in your kitchen, bathroom or anywhere else in the home. But how should you go about cleaning it? That’s an especially important question when it comes to the grout, which can catch bits of food and dirt in it that may be hard to get out. Many people get on their hands and knees and scrub the tile with a brush. But is that the most effective method?

Professional Help

For a more effective tile and grout cleaning, call in professionals with the right equipment. When you give a call to The Steam Team, we’ll send in professional technicians, and they’ll first give your tile a full inspection to come up with a proper cleaning method for every area of the tile as needed. Then, furniture will be carefully moved and all areas of the tile will be prepared for cleaning and separated from other flooring like hardwood or carpet.

The Right Tools

When the cleaning process begins, we’ll use only the highest quality products, like high powered vacuums to remove all dry soil from the tile. We will aslo sweep by hand if needed. Then, a scientifically advanced cleaning agent will be sprayed over the entire surface of the tile, ensuring the best clean possible. 

A state of the art self-contained pressure cleaning system, manual brushes and a mechanical rotating brush will all be used as needed to clean the tile thoroughly, reaching even the most complex and difficult areas. Then a final rinse solution will be pumped through the machine, leaving your floor looking shiny and new.

Sealing and Inspection

When the cleaning process is complete, our technicians will put finishing touches on the floor. Grout colorizing, if needed, will be done before the sealing process. We will then apply the proper sealer for the specific type of tile in your home or business. Technicians will then have one final walkthrough inspection to ensure that everything was properly cleaned. 

For more information on the services we provide, visit The Steam Team website.

Who to Call for the Best Carpet Cleaning Service

So you’re doing some chores, or perhaps some spring cleaning, and you’re wondering who to call in for a professional steam cleaning! We always recommend calling us, The Steam Team! We’re available 24/7 for all of your spring cleaning needs: from the carpet, to the window treatments. Let us quickly walk you through a few of our carpet cleaning services so that you know just who to call this season!

The Best Carpet Cleaners in Austin, TX

If you’re living in the Austin area, you may be in need of a steam cleaner more than ever! Have you been feeling those Austin allergies? Oftentimes our carpets serve as sponges for allergens like dust, and pollen! Let The Steam Team come out and help you this season; we’re your leading carpet cleaners in Austin, TX! Voted best carpet cleaning company in Austin.

The Carpet Cleaning Process

The Steam Team’s process easily removes dirt, dust, and allergens from deep within the fibers of your carpeting! And don’t worry about the drying process; we’d never leave your home without making sure your flooring is dry, first! Of course this happens a lot quicker because The Steam Team’s method uses such little moisture!

You Can Trust The Steam Team

With over ten years of experience under our belts, and the most top-notch equipment available, The Steam Team is ready to tackle your home! You can definitely rely on us to get any chore done the proper way. Like we said, we’ll come out, restore your carpeting to its original condition, and we won’t leave until everything is perfectly clean and dry!

So whether you’re just having a routine carpet cleaning done, or you need help with other spring cleaning chores, The Steam Team is here for you! Give us a call and we’ll be out in record time! Don’t hesitate; pick up that phone today!

Basic Rules for Cleaning Up Stains on Upholstery

Ah, upholstered furniture… doesn’t it look so great in our homes? We think so. But i looks especially great when it’s kept clean and taken care of! So let’s review a few basic rules for cleaning up stains on upholstered furniture, because no matter how hard we try, we simply can’t prevent accidents from happening!

And don’t forget; The Steam Team is always standing by, waiting to help you out!

Get to Cleaning Right Away!

We’re really hoping you know to do this already, but we’ll remind you: it’s important to tackle the stain as soon as you spot it! Doing so puts you miles ahead in the stain removal game; trust us. When cleaning, start by checking for any cleaning codes or instructions that could be on the label of your furniture. Some upholstery requires specific solvents, or can’t be cleaned with water, etc. If there aren’t any cleaning codes, simply perform a spot test on an inconspicuous area of the furniture.

Blot, Don’t Rub

This is another important rule when it comes to cleaning your upholstery, no matter what material it’s made out of! Blotting a stain instead of rubbing it keeps the stain from spreading! Blot the stain away with a clean white cloth (so that you can see the stain being removed from your upholstery).

Vacuum Regularly

It’s a chore that can’t be avoided or procrastinated: Vacuuming. Upholstery should be vacuumed frequently in order to keep its fabric in good condition, and of course to remove all of the dirt, dust, and crumbs that lurk in its crevices and underneath our cushions. Use your upholstery attachment to reach those tough-to-vacuum areas, and you’re good to go!

Finally, we recommend you call The Steam Team periodically for a thorough, deep cleaning. The Steam Team has over a decade of experience caring for furniture just like yours, so don’t be shy. Give us a call today!

Cleaning Up After the Holidays

The holidays are full of fun and festive activities, some of them more messy than others. Guests parade through our homes, also some more messy than others! Here are quick tips for cleaning up your home after the holidays. We hope they’re helpful!


Work From the Top Down


When you start to clean up after the holidays, start from the top and work your way downward. This means, don’t start with the flooring, as things might drop onto the floor while you’re cleaning. Start with countertops, furniture, and other surfaces.


Steam Clean Counter Tops


Who knows what was on those counter tops after holiday festivities? Food, drinks, liquor, dessert, everything… It’s time to get down to business and steam clean them back to their original condition!




Everything has its own place! Slowly but surely, you can put everything back where it belongs and decrease clutter. Once this is done, it’s time to move onto the flooring…


Cleaning the Carpets


Finally, the bottom: the carpet. After you’ve removed whatever debris may be laying around after the party, give the carpets a good vacuuming. Then, we always recommend steam cleaning to thoroughly remove dust, dirt, dander, and other debris from your carpet fibers. It’s an easy way to restore your carpet to a newer, pristine condition.


Calling in the Professionals


Sometimes a job is just too big, and we need help from the professionals! There’s no shame in that. A cleaning and restoration company (like The Steam Team) can really help you out! Consider hiring the professionals for a solid deep cleaning after the holidays!

Don’t forget… The Steam Team has been serving the community of Austin, TX for well over a decade now; we’d be absolutely thrilled to come out and help restore your home to its original, cleaner condition. Don’t hesitate! Just give us a call.

Carpet Stains: Let them Hide Until We Arrive

Rug Stains

Rug Stains

Accidents happen! Who can prevent them? No one; they’ll always be lurking around the corner, waiting to harm your carpet! But you can easily let carpet stains hide until the professionals arrive, because we have all of the expertise and equipment to effectively remove stains from carpet, upholstery and other materials, too! Here are three common carpet stains that you can let hide until we arrive: Rug cleaning and stain protection from The Steam Team of Austin located at 9901  Burnet Rd. Austin, Texas 78758.


Dirt and Mud


First, let this stain dry. It may seem backwards, but dealing with dirt is much easier than dealing with moist, wet mud. So let the mud dry, and vacuum up any loose pieces. After vacuuming, spot treat the stains with a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water. Spray this onto the stain, and blot it clean with a white cloth!


Spilled Leftovers


One of the most common carpet stains is food. For food stains of any kind, we can also use vinegar. Mix ¼ teaspoon of white vinegar (or non-bleach detergent)  with 32 ounces of water. Spray and blot, people! Always blot stains- don’t rub them! Rubbing stains usually makes them worse. The Steam Team of Austin cleans all types of fine rugs at our Burnet Road rug cleaning plant


Red Wine


If that party became a little too crazy last night, that’s okay! We have the tools to help you. After you’ve absorbed the wine with clean paper towels or a cloth, use one tablespoon of white vinegar, one tablespoon of dish detergent, and two cups of warm water! Mix together and blot onto the stain until your cloth comes back clean. It shouldn’t take very many repetitions!


The Steam Team is available twenty four hours a day for any circumstance that may arise! If you need a deep carpet cleaning, then it’s time to give us a call! We’ll remove stains while we’re at it, and restore your carpet to its original, perfect condition! For carpet cleaning in Round Rock or Austin call us today at 512-451-8326. 

How Effective is Steam Cleaning?

Rug Cleaning

Rug Cleaning

Maybe you’ve heard about the impressive qualities of a steam cleaner, and the even more outstanding results that it delivers. But you may be wondering… Just how effective is steam cleaning? What’s so special about it? It’s normal to feel skeptical about changing your routine! That’s why we’re going to review a few of steam cleaning’s most impressive qualities, and why it may be beneficial to have your home professionally cleaned.


  1. Deep Cleaning


If you or another member of your household has allergies or asthma, you’ll appreciate the power and intensity of a thorough steam cleaning. The process easily removes dust mites and allergens from your home, allowing you to breathe easier, and live healthier!


  1. Chemical-Free


Other household cleaning products may leave behind residue that lingers in our environment, potentially harming our health. However, steam cleaning will thoroughly remove dust and debris from your carpet and/or furniture without the use of chemicals! You won’t find any leftover residue or markings.


  1. Knocks Out Mold


Mold- it spawns, it spreads, it destroys everything in its path! When handling a mold issue, the most important thing you can do is to act quickly. Once you’ve contacted your local cleaning and restoration company, the rest is up to the professionals. With intense heat and high pressure, a steam cleaner is the perfect tool for removing mold from your home.


Steam cleaning can be effective in many different situations. It’s perfect for dealing with pesky, stubborn stains, removing unwanted odors, or regular, routine deep cleaning. Choose steam cleaning over dry mopping for a thorough cleaning that you can trust.

And remember, if you’re looking for a professional touch, be sure to give The Steam Team a call today! We have all of the right tools and equipment to help your home look brand new again!