When Does Your Hardwood Floor Need Resanding And Refinishing?

Cleaning services in Austin

Even the highest quality hardwood floor will require sanding and refinishing at some point, and you need to know when your floor needs it. Here at The Steam Team, we pride ourselves on our technician’s excellent service and knowledge when it comes to refinishing hardwood floors. So here’s our advice on how to know when your floor needs resanding and refinishing.

Dark Spots and Warping

Water damage is the most common and most expensive type of damage that homeowners deal with. Water damage under the floorboards can occur for a number of different reasons, but will usually result in dark spots appearing on the floor and separation or cupping of the boards. When you see this, it’s time to have your floor refinished and possibly have some of the boards replaced.

Scratches In The Seal

The seal on your floor is designed to keep the wood from being damaged or left open to spills. When something scratches deep enough to penetrate the seal, the boards are exposed. Pay attention to the scratches on your floor, and if any of them penetrate the seal, it’s time to call in The Steam Team and refinish your floor.


Pay close attention to the color of your floor as well. If you notice that your boards have turned gray, it might be a result of the polyurethane wearing off, leaving your boards more susceptible from water damage due to spills or regular cleaning. When you see this, have your hardwood sanded and refinished soon, before the boards turn black. Once they’ve turned black, they’ll need to be replaced entirely. 

Similarly, If you have a hardwood floor outdoors, keep an eye on the color. If it fades in color it may be damaged from the sun. Sanding and refinishing will take care of this as well.

We hope that the information provided will help you keep your hardwood floors in great condition for years to come. For more information on the many services we offer, visit The Steam Team website.

3 Tips for Clean Up After Christmas

Well friends, now the holidays are over and we’re looking forward to a fresh start in 2018! Let’s talk about cleaning up after the holidays. It can be a mess, and accidents can happen no matter how careful we are. We also have to properly store decorations, and there’s a load of dishes to tend to! But don’t worry, and don’t get overwhelmed. The Steam Team has your back.


Make a List


...and check it twice! Nah, just kidding; that time of the year has ended. But do make a “To Do,” list for all of the chores you need to complete. It’s no secret that taking it one step at a time is less overwhelming. So make your list, down that cup of coffee, and get to cleaning!


Work from Top to Bottom


When cleaning, we always suggest starting from the “top,” of the room and working down to the bottom. Start with countertops, shelving, and other surfaces. You can feel free to brush crumbs onto the floor, because that’s what you’ll be cleaning last. Sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping will be necessary- and maybe a little bit of steam cleaning for those wine spills and stains, eh?


Call the Professionals


Sometimes the professionals need to step in, and it makes everything all the easier! Don’t be afraid to call in The Steam Team for a little post-holiday help! We’ll be out in no time, will restore your home to its pre-Christmas condition, and you’ll be more than pleased with the results.


Our team of trained experts can easily extract dirt, debris, and stains from your carpet, and we can even steam clean your countertops, tables, and other surfaces, too! Just give us a call and we’ll be out ASAP to help you clean up after the holidays. We’re excited; are you?