Why Does Carpet Get Bald Spots?

It’s no secret that our hair starts to fall out as we age over time. Carpet fibers are no different -- over time, their fibers begin to fall out, especially if they’re not being treated properly. Dirt particles can get under the fibers and destroy them leading to additional wear and tear in your carpet over the years. Areas with higher traffic typically deteriorate quicker – shoes carry dirt particles, the more shoes, the more dirt and the less carpet fibers that stay intact. However, there are a few things you can do to prevent any further damage or deterioration to your carpet. 

Welcome Mat

Providing a mat (or a few mats, depending on the foot traffic in your house) by your front door where your guests can take their shoes off or wipe their feet will eliminate shoes on your carpet, keeping dirt away from your fibers. 

Regular Maintenance

Vacuuming your carpets twice per week will lift the debris out of the carpet and keep them from damaging the carpet fibers. Regularly vacuuming is a guaranteed way to extend the lifetime of your carpet! 

Professional Cleaning 

If you have noticed advanced deterioration in your carpet, a professional cleaning may be the only way to ensure there aren’t any dirt particles left in your carpet fibers. No matter how extreme the damage is on your carpet, reaching out to professionals like us, here at The Steam Team, is a sure-fire way to fix the mess that’s occurred and get your carpet looking brand new again. 

Carpet cleaning uses high pressure and suction to clean out even the deepest of dirt particles. Aside from the actual steam cleaning itself, however, hiring a professional will allow you to have an experienced technician take a look at the current state of your carpeting. If the bald patches are extensive, it may be in your best interest to have them restore those areas with spare carpet patches. 

What’s the current condition of your carpeting throughout your home? If you need help cleaning or restoring your carpet, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-800-880-7785 - we are always happy to help! 


Getting Rid of Grease: Advice from the Experts

Are you having trouble removing those pesky grease stains on your carpeting, tiling, or countertops? Fret no longer! The Steam Team is here, and we can help you finally get rid of the stains that have been driving you bonkers! Follow these simple guidelines below for cleaning your carpet, tile, and countertops; we’ll handle the rest!

Grease Stains on Carpet

How do you remove grease stains from carpet? It’s quite simple, actually! You probably have a bottle of rubbing alcohol lying around in your medicine cabinet. Since rubbing alcohol is a solvent, it’ll help to dissolve the oil and separate it from the carpet fibers! Once the stain has lifted, rinse away the rubbing alcohol with water.

Grease Stains on Tile and/or Grout

What about tile and grout, when it comes to grease? It’s all too easy to spill while cooking an oily food. For grease stains on tile and grout, don your gloves and goggles, and pour one gallon of water into a bucket. Stir in ¾ C of liquid chlorine bleach. Let the mixture sit on the tile and grout for 30 minutes, wetting it as necessary. With a scrub brush, scrub the tile and grout in small sections. When finished, mop with plain water to rinse away the bleach!

Grease Stains on Countertops

Lastly, trust in the professionals to thoroughly clean grease off of your countertops. A professional-grade steam cleaner can remove grease stains from your countertops with ease. So give The Steam Team a call today! We’ll be out in no time to give you a hand!

The Steam Team has been serving the Austin community for over a decade now, and we’re not planning on stopping any time soon! Don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call today; we’ll come out to your home, inspect the area(s) that need cleaning, and we won’t leave until everything is spotless! You can rely on us to get the job done properly the first time.

Basic Rules for Cleaning Up Stains on Upholstery

Ah, upholstered furniture… doesn’t it look so great in our homes? We think so. But i looks especially great when it’s kept clean and taken care of! So let’s review a few basic rules for cleaning up stains on upholstered furniture, because no matter how hard we try, we simply can’t prevent accidents from happening!

And don’t forget; The Steam Team is always standing by, waiting to help you out!

Get to Cleaning Right Away!

We’re really hoping you know to do this already, but we’ll remind you: it’s important to tackle the stain as soon as you spot it! Doing so puts you miles ahead in the stain removal game; trust us. When cleaning, start by checking for any cleaning codes or instructions that could be on the label of your furniture. Some upholstery requires specific solvents, or can’t be cleaned with water, etc. If there aren’t any cleaning codes, simply perform a spot test on an inconspicuous area of the furniture.

Blot, Don’t Rub

This is another important rule when it comes to cleaning your upholstery, no matter what material it’s made out of! Blotting a stain instead of rubbing it keeps the stain from spreading! Blot the stain away with a clean white cloth (so that you can see the stain being removed from your upholstery).

Vacuum Regularly

It’s a chore that can’t be avoided or procrastinated: Vacuuming. Upholstery should be vacuumed frequently in order to keep its fabric in good condition, and of course to remove all of the dirt, dust, and crumbs that lurk in its crevices and underneath our cushions. Use your upholstery attachment to reach those tough-to-vacuum areas, and you’re good to go!

Finally, we recommend you call The Steam Team periodically for a thorough, deep cleaning. The Steam Team has over a decade of experience caring for furniture just like yours, so don’t be shy. Give us a call today!

Improving Your Office Air Quality With Air Duct Cleaning

How’s the air quality in your office? Do you know what you’re breathing in while you’re on the clock? It’s likely that you don’t. And while it’d be difficult to find the answers to such a tough question, we can at least do a few things to improve the air quality in our offices. Read through this quick guide to improving your air quality and breathe a little easier this week!


Inspect and Clean Air Ducts


It could very well be time to clean your air ducts. Did you know that air ducts are notorious for hoarding allergens like dust, dirt, and pollen? Not to mention, the amount of dust in general is just ridiculous. We suggest calling in the professionals to take care of your air ducts this season! It could be the best thing you do for your office.


Replace Air Filters


Are your air filters looking dirty and dusty? Yuck! The next thing you can do to improve air quality in your office is to replace the air filters. This gets rid of dust that is pushed into the air- dust that you, of course, inhale. Say goodbye to dusty, unhealthy air and hello to clean, fresh air!


Keep Your Office Clean


In general, it’s a good rule of thumb to keep your office clean. Yes, keeping it clean will also help to improve air quality. Dust likes to hide in places like carpet, or on window blinds. Keeping these places clear of dust will help you breathe easier, too!

If your office needs help staying clean, pristine, and healthy, just give us a call! The Steam Team is a group of trained professionals who have no problem cleaning air ducts- or offices, for that matter! We love what we do, and we love serving the city of Austin. So if you’re in the area, go ahead and give us a call!

Maintaining the Longevity of Leather

Leather furniture can really add an incredible appeal to a room- and that’s not its only benefit, either. Leather is one of the strongest and longest lasting materials used to upholster furniture, but it’s also the most involved. By that, we mean it requires a little more maintenance (although different maintenance than other fabrics). Here at The Steam Team, we’ve set out to help you maintain your leather furniture so that it lasts as long as possible, and looks as if you’ve just bought it. Just follow this quick guide to leather maintenance and you’ll be good to go!


Wipe Down and Dust

The easiest (and best) way to regularly clean your leather furniture is with a dry microfiber cloth. It’s cheap- you probably already have one laying around your house- and quick! All you need to do is wipe down any exposed area to make sure there isn’t any dust or other particles collecting on the material.


For larger messes, you can use the attachment from your vacuum cleaner for another quick and easy cleanup. This is also the easiest way to reach those difficult, small spaces like cracks and crevices in the corners.


Be Wary of Products

Other than regularly wiping down your leather furniture, you want to be extremely wary of what products you choose to clean it with. Leather is sensitive, so using anything harsh can damage the material. In fact, the best thing to do is keep away from cleaning products in general when it comes to your leather furniture. The only product you need is conditioner- to keep the material completely moisturized through the years.


Keeping your leather upholstery clean and conditioned will help to optimize its elasticity, help it last much longer, and of course, help it to look inviting to not only you, but any house guests you have over! And don’t forget- if you find yourself in over your head with your leather furniture, we here at The Steam Team are always available to help you out.

An In-Depth Guide to Properly Refinishing Your Hardwood Floor

With hardwood floors coming back in style, you might be thinking about having it refinished. If so, follow this guide and your hardwood floor will look better than ever!


Set-up And Materials


Before you begin, it’s important to check the entire floor first. If there are any gaps in the floor where nails are visible, don’t bother trying to refinish it at all. You’ll also want to take a look at the thickness of the wood. Some newer hardwood floors are only about ¼ inch thick. If you have a floor like this, it can’t be sanded at all or you might wear through the whole floor!


Refinishing an entire hardwood floor is a big job, and you’ll need a lot of materials. We won’t list them all here, but be sure to do a quick internet search and write down a list of all the materials you’ll need.


Cleaning And Sanding


First, cut the flooring into sections to remove the top layer of flooring, revealing the hardwood underneath. Then clean the floor thoroughly, removing as much dirt and debris as possible. Make sure there are no protruding nail heads that could tear the sandpaper. Cover up any doors or areas of the house that dust could fly into while you’re sanding. Then, attach a 20-grit sandpaper to your sander and begin sanding the entire floor thoroughly. Then, go over your work again with the edge sander, and finally with a power buffer. After you’ve sanded the entire floor three times, use an industrial-grade vacuum to get rid of the dust particles.


The Finish


Now that you’re done sanding and cleaning, it’s time for the big finish. Choose whatever sealant you prefer for the job, and start applying it all around the perimeter of the room. When the perimeter is finished, apply the sealant to the rest of the floor. Allow the sealant to dry for 24 hours, buff it with the power buffer, vacuum, and then finally, apply a second coat of sealant with the same procedure as before, and then you’re done!

While DIY’s can often be effective and save you money, it’s also important to remember that no one can do the job quite like The Steam Team!

How Do You Clean Furniture?

ow do you clean your leather furniture? Not sure how to? Well, that’s okay because below, we have five tips for cleaning for leather upholstery! We’ll start with the basics, and move onto the tasks that require professional treatment. And remember, The Steam Team has over a decade of experience in caring for leather furniture. And we’re just a phone call away!

Dry Dusting

Dust builds up quite quickly; we just tend to ignore it, procrastinating the chore. But procrastinate no more! Grab your clean, white, microfiber cloth and begin at one end of the furniture, working your way to the other. This will pick up most of the dirt and dust.

Utilizing the Vacuum

Your vacuum likely has a handy dandy attachment that’s perfect for your leather sofa! Use this attachment to reach areas like cushion corners and crevices, or even underneath your couch! If your vacuum lacks this attachment, skip to the next step:

Cleaning With a Moist Cloth

For light stains and stubborn areas of dirt, moisten a microfiber cloth and wipe gently. Be sure that you’re thorough, as you’d hate to have to redo your cleaning job!

Using Soaps and Detergents

If that bit of moisture doesn’t lift the dirt from your leather, try rubbing the microfiber cloth across a bar of mild soap. Do not rinse your furniture. Instead, buff it dry with a new, dry cloth. It’ll get the job done!

Steam Cleaning for the Best Results

For best results, we always recommend steam cleaning. Steam cleaning can achieve a clean that you’ll hardly be able to even believe. And what’s even better- it can all be done by the professionals. You don’t even have to lift a finger.

For help cleaning your leather furniture, don’t hesitate to call The Steam Team! We have over a decade of experience and expertise, plus all of the right equipment for the job! 

Tile Cleaning Austin

Tile looks beautiful in our homes, and comes in a wide array of colors and textures! But the downside of tile (there’s always a downside, isn’t there?) is that it can be difficult to keep clean! Grout is porous in nature, and thus absorbs stains quite easily, causing staining, discoloration, and a lot of frustration! So let’s discuss ways in which we can care for and clean our tile and grout!


Seal Your Grout


Sealing your grout is a great way to keep it protected. It fills the seams between tile, and helps it absorb less materials like dirt, dust, sand, and general grime.


Mop Frequently


Mopping is necessary for keeping tile clean. As much as we want to procrastinate it, or simply not do it- there’s no getting around it, friends! So grab your preferred mop and cleaner and get to cleaning! When deciding on which type of cleaner to use, always start with the most mild detergents first. Then work your way up if you find that your selected cleaner isn’t performing how you expected. The frequency at which you mop will depend on how much foot traffic your floor receives. Once a week might be a good medium! Voted best tile and grout cleaning company in Austin. 


Tips for Scrubbing Grout


You can scrub your grout to clean off the gunk and grime. But the #1 rule for scrubbing grout is to not use abrasive materials. This is obviously so that you won’t damage your tile or grout; scratching is easily caused by abrasive scrubbing materials.

Remember, if your grout is just too much to handle, The Steam Team is standing by, ready to help! We have over a decade of experience cleaning and caring for tile and grout, as well as other types of flooring and surfaces. So when it doubt about tile and grout, rely on The Steam Team!

Top 7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Cleaning Company Austin Texas

Are you thinking of hiring a professional cleaning company? That’s great! Now to further encourage you, here are seven reasons why we think you should trust your gut, and go with the pro’s!


We Know it All


Not all carpets are the same! Details like this one are one reason why cleaning should be left to the professionals. They have the expertise, experience, and equipment for any cleaning job.


Professional Stain Removal


Finally… no more hiding that hideous wine stain underneath your rug. Professionals know stains, and they know how to remove them effectively and permanently.


We Have The Right Equipment


Sometimes, even rented equipment just doesn’t cut it. But the professionals definitely have the right equipment needed for the job. Sometimes that makes all the difference.


Come Home to a Clean House


Have errands to run? No problem. A professional steam cleaning company can be in and out before you know it! No inconvenience there!


Steam Cleaning Kills Germs


If you’re looking to sanitize your home this season, choose The Steam Team. Steam cleaning kills germs and bacteria, as well as dust mites and allergens!


Cleans Up After Pets and Children


If you have pets or children in your home, you know the kind of difference this extra foot traffic can make on your carpet. But steam cleaning effortlessly eradicates dirt, dander, dust, and stains from your flooring!


We Provide a ‘Clean’ You Can Trust


No grime left behind, and no residue. You can trust that your flooring, surfaces, furniture, etc is clean as a whistle!

If you’re still not convinced, head on over to our website to read more about the services that The Steam Team offers! We have the right equipment, plenty of experience, and all of the knowledge needed to restore your flooring to its original condition.

Can You Clean Marble Flooring? The Steam Team of Austin Can!

Cleaning Austin for 40 years

Cleaning Austin for 40 years

There are many benefits to having marble floors in your home. To start, they help keep the flooring cool in the summer, and warm in the winter. They also look gorgeous, and are relatively easy to care for! But you may be wondering “how do I care for my marble floors?” Well, to start, we have three different ways that marble flooring can be cleaned- and yes, one of them is steam cleaning! Marble floor polishing experts. 


Traditional Mop


Many people still prefer the traditional method when it comes to mopping the floor, though it takes a little bit more work! But if you’re going to set out to mop your floor, let us first warn you; don’t use acidic cleaners on your marble flooring, and vinegar (for once) is not safe. Instead, use heavily diluted dishwashing detergent, or a special marble cleaner.


Dust Mop


Dust mops are great at picking up icky substances that lurk on the surface of our floor, but eventually you’ll need to use a more extreme method. Your marble flooring should be dust mopped on a weekly basis. Now, if you only dust mop, your marble will never be completely clean. But this small chore will help make your cleaning day much easier.


Steam Cleaning


Whether you’re using a rented machine, or you’ve hired the professionals to do it for you, steam cleaning is your best bet! It reaches deep into the pores of marble, extracting dirt and grime with ease (and without chemicals)!


Hiring the Professionals

Don’t DIY. Hire the professionals! They’re there for a reason. And no matter what type of floor you have installed in your home, The Steam Team has the expertise, equipment, and experience necessary for any cleaning job. Give us a call today and we’ll restore your marble flooring to its clean, gleaming condition!