A Quick Guide to Cleaning Your Drapery

Professional cleaning in Austin Texas

Professional cleaning in Austin Texas

Although curtains, blinds, and other window treatments are usually the last thing on your mind (even when cleaning), they easily gather dirt, dust, and other grime just as quickly as anything else. How often you clean your window treatments depends on how quickly you notice your house gets dirty in general, right? Here’s a quick guide to help you best maintain your drapery and other window treatments. Check out our testimonials at The Steam Team of Austin, Texas. 


Take a Close Look at the Material


Believe it or not, the material of your window treatments will determine how often they need to be cleaned and just how to clean them. For every material, be sure to check the care instructions before using any cleaning product or method on it.


The Material Determines the Cleaning Method


For most draperies, we recommend steam cleaning the material. Since steam cleaning doesn’t use any harsh chemicals, most fabrics and other materials can withstand (and benefit from) a thorough steam clean. For sheer material and other thin fabrics, it’s best to call in the professionals. On the other hand, if you’re dealing with heavier materials that are pretty thick, it’s a good idea to phone the professionals, too. It takes the entire task right off your hands, you know the job will get done right, and you know the job will be done well.


In most cases, steam cleaning is your best option for those semi-annual thorough cleanings. Here at The Steam Team, we specialize in steam cleaning upholstery, flooring, and yes -- even those custom window treatments. Our technicians are highly trained professionals that use only the latest equipment in the industry. If you haven’t paid attention to your drapes recently, now’s the perfect time! Give us a call today to set up an appointment with one of our experienced technicians who will walk you through our process and advise you on the what the best care for your home would be.

Area Rugs and Oriental Rugs: Basic Cleaning Tips and Professional Care

Cleaning Company Austin

Cleaning Company Austin

There are all different types of flooring; from hardwood floors, carpets, and tile to natural stone floors and even area rugs. Rugs are mostly made up of the same fibers that make up our carpets, but their care differs from carpets drastically. Depending on the type of rug you have, you’ll want to take a few extra steps and give a little more TLC to those beautiful pieces of decor in your home to ensure that they have a long, lasting lifetime.


Oriental Rugs


Oriental rugs are handmade with special care in various sizes (though most of them are larger area rugs). Because they’re handmade, they require extra care and cleaning to get the most out of their beauty and keep them from becoming worn over the years. With the proper care, however, your oriental rug could last centuries and even become a family heirloom!


Basic care for oriental rugs typically involves light vacuuming and turning the rug occasionally so that each fiber gets the same amount of wear. If your oriental rug sits in direct sunlight, it’s important to turn it every so often so that the colors don’t begin to fade. Last but certainly not least, be extremely gentle with the fringe. Check the labels for care instructions, and contact a professional cleaning service for help caring for them.


Area Rug Cleaning


As long as your rug is small enough to pick up, you can start by beating it clean. That’s right- shake your rug outside first, and then hang it on a clothesline for a good beating. Afterward, bring it back inside to finish cleaning it by vacuuming. When vacuuming your rug, use the gentle setting and start from the center, working your way outward. Lift any fringe on the edges to be able to vacuum beneath, and viola! You’re done!


Call in The Professionals


A few times throughout the year, it’s best to call in the professionals for a thorough deep clean of your area rugs. When you call The Steam Team, your rug won’t be finished cleaning until our technicians have given it a thorough inspection and we specialize in caring for oriental rugs, so you won’t be disappointed! If you have any questions please call or visit our website. 

The Most Effective Way to Care for Furniture and Upholstery In Cedar Park Texas

Residential Cleaning Austin

Residential Cleaning Austin

So you just brought home that beautiful sofa and you want to keep it looking that way. We understand; who wouldn’t? That’s why we’ve compiled this list of five expert ways to take care of your furniture and upholstery- and what The Steam Team believes is the best way. Read on to discover our secrets!


Vacuum Regularly


That upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner has never come more in handy! Put it to good use on your upholstery and furniture. It can reach the tough nooks and crannies, underneath the cushions; there are no limits!


Dust Often


Dusting helps take the load off when it comes to cleaning day, and ultimately prevents debris and grime but building up. It also helps to create a healthier atmosphere! Use your upholstery attachment to suction the dust, or a microfiber cloth to do it the old fashioned way.


Condition Leather Furniture


Just like our skin, leather dries out, and needs to be conditioned periodically. Make sure you’re using the correct product for your furniture (you can check its care label just like you would your favorite tshirt).


Become a Stain-Removal Expert


Accidents are going to happen no matter what we do, but we can learn how to prepare for them! When it comes to leather furniture, different types of leather are used, and often require a certain cleaner.


Steam Cleaning


Steam cleaning is, of course, our preferred method. It can safely and effectively remove stains from just about anything- and it doesn’t leave behind any harmful residue (or anything you’ll need to clean up afterward!). The Steam Team has been taking care of leather and upholstery for over a decade, and can restore your furniture to its original condition in a sinch.


And there you have it, friends! Now your furniture can keep looking as gorgeous as the day you brought it home! Austin Texas rug cleaning company