What's Better: Mopping or Steam Cleaning?

Cleaning in Austin, Texas

People have been mopping their floors clean for centuries, and it's a very simple and mostly effective way to clean your floors. But in more recent years, more and more people are using steam cleaners. If you’re still on the fence, let’s discuss what makes steam cleaning different, and then you can decide for yourself whether you want to stick with the mop.

More Possibilities

One of the things that makes steam cleaning more popular than mopping is that it doesn’t require any chemicals. Whereas mopping usually involves mixing some kind of chemical cleaner with the water, steam cleaning is just water and heat, but achieves an even better clean! This also means that steam cleaners can be used on a wide variety of surfaces, even things like upholstery and curtains. They’re also great for getting rid of fat and grease, cleaning tiled floors and walls, and even cleaning the inside of your car!

Better Against Mold

One of the most significant benefits of using a steam cleaner over a mop is how effective they are against mold. Many people use bleach to get rid of mold, but in fact, bleach only turns the mold white so that it blends in with the surface. The high temperature of steam cleaning kills the mold while the bristles help remove it from those hard to reach places.

Safe For The Home

Because only water and heat are used in steam cleaning, your home or place of business will remain free from the chemical residue or pollution that some cleaners may leave behind. This will make the environment much safer for you and those around you.


Steam cleaning significantly benefits people with allergies and asthma, since it uses all natural steam to remove dirt and grime from all surfaces. Therefore, it won’t aggravate any allergies or cause respiratory issues.

Professional Steam Cleaning

It should be clear by now that steam cleaning has mops and other chemical cleaning methods beat. However, steam cleaners are expensive, and you may not want to go through the work of buying one and doing the cleaning yourself. But don’t worry, that’s why The Steam Team is here. Our professional technicians will use top-of-the-line steam cleaners and other methods to rejuvenate your home. For more information on the services we offer, visit The Steam Team website.

How Improper Water Damage Restoration Can Be Dangerous

Emergency Water Damage

Emergency Water Damage

When it comes to water damage, you want to rely on the professionals- but not just any professional. You want to trust and call The Steam Team, a team of dedicated professionals who have the right equipment, more than enough experience, and the most reliable expertise for the job! Below, we’ll explain just why exactly improper water damage restoration can be dangerous, and why we’re the best for the task! The Austin Texas water damage experts. 


Flood Damage is Dangerous- You Need Experienced Pro’s


Some “professionals,” may not understand just how dangerous flood damage can be! The water that enters a home during a flood or natural disaster may carry dangerous debris, or it could come straight from drainage ditch! Professionals have to be careful when working in and around an environment subject to water damage, or they risk their health and the condition of your home.


You DON’T Want a Mold Infestation


Mold infestations are an ever-present concern for water damage technicians and homeowners alike. If a technician isn’t doing his job properly, your home could fall subject to a mold issue, and this is something you certainly want to avoid! Mold only needs twenty four hours to grow and begin festering, so make sure your cleaning company is on the ball!


You Want the Job Done Correctly and Thoroughly call The Steam Team of Austin


This is why you need someone who knows what they’re doing, and will complete the job correctly; you don’t want to risk your possessions being damaged or lost, or your home being unsafe after the job is “finished.” Call 512-451-8326 now. 


The Steam Team has been helping the Austin area with a multitude of cleaning and restoration projects for over a decade! Put your trust in us during a flood, or severe case of water damage and you can rest assured that we’ll be safe, effective, and will keep home and possessions safe the entire time! Water damage service in Austin!