The Steam Team Rug Cleaning Austin Texas
/Austin Texas Rug Cleaner
We’ve all done it at sometime: spilled our coffee, dropped our wine glass, or felt that pen explode and ink flow all over new top. It’s inevitable; accidents happen! But the evidence of said accidents doesn’t have to be permanent. We can remove the coffee, tea, and other dark stains from our flooring and furniture with these easy tips!
For both carpet and upholstery, start by blotting the excess coffee with a clean, dry cloth. Next, pre-soak the stain in a solution of one quart warm water, ½ tsp of dishwashing detergent, and 1 tbsp of white vinegar. Let it soak for 15 minutes. Finally, rinse the stained area with warm water, and dry thoroughly!
For tea stains on carpet, mix a solution that contains two ounces of white vinegar and four ounces of warm water. Spray the mixture onto the stain, and blot clean. It’s important not to scrub the area, as you may end up spread the stain!
For those broken pens and nasty ink stains, blot rubbing alcohol or hairspray onto the stain. Blot until clean, changing the cloth periodically. Be patient- it may take some time. Once the area is clean, dab a clean cloth onto the area that’s been soaked in lukewarm water.
For wine stains, try concocting a solution of one tbsp white vinegar and one tbsp of dishwashing liquid. Blot the stain clean, repeating the process as needed. You can use either a clean washcloth, or clean paper towels; either one works!
For further assistance, contact The Steam Team! We have several years of experience cleaning carpet and other types of flooring, as well as furniture and different types of upholstery! If you need a professional steam cleaner and you need them now, you need us.