Signs Of Hardwood Floor Water Damage And How To Fix Them
/Austin, Texas Water damage restoration
Here at The Steam Team of Austin, we pride ourselves on our technician’s excellent knowledge of water damage hardwood flooring, and how to fix them. If you think your hardwood floor may have been water damaged, you’ll want to keep reading to find out what you can do about it. If you’re not sure, but you’ve owned hardwood flooring for a few years, here are some signs to look out for. Austin water damage professionals.
Water Damage Floors Buckling Marks and Scratches
Most wooden floors have a sealant designed to help protect the hard wood itself from water damage. When something scratches deep enough or water to penetrate the seal, the boards are exposed and will warp. Pay attention to the water on your floor, and if any of it penetrate the seal, it’s time to call in The Steam Team of Austin to extract, dry out and refinish your floor.
Austin Water Damage
Austin water damage is extremely common in hardwood floors, and may be happening without you even realizing it. Water damage under the floorboards can occur for a number of different reasons, but will usually result in dark spots appearing on the floor and separation or cupping of the boards. When you see this, it’s time to have your floor refinished and possibly have some of the boards replaced.
Pay close attention to the color of your floor as well. If you notice that your boards have turned gray, it might be a result of the polyurethane wearing off, leaving your boards more susceptible from water damage due to spills or regular cleaning. When you see this, have your hardwood sanded and refinished soon, before the boards turn black. Once they’ve turned black, they’ll need to be replaced entirely. Call Austin water damage restoration emergency service at 512-451-8326 now.
Similarly, If you have a hardwood floor outdoors, keep an eye on the color. If it fades in color it may be damaged from the sun. Sanding and refinishing will take care of this as well.
How Austin Water Damage Help
We hope that the information provided will help you keep your hardwood floors in great condition for years to come. For more information on the many services we offer, visit The Steam Team website.