5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Furniture in Austin Texas

Austin Cleaning

Austin Cleaning

Upholstered furniture looks fantastic in our homes, and it’s fairly easy to clean and care for! That’s what makes it so popular- and so great. And that’s why we’re going to tell you five different ways to clean and care for your leather furniture so that you can get the most out of it! Voted the best cleaning company in Austin. 


Clean Up Spills As Fast As Possible


This is Rule #1 of cleaning: a spill or stain won’t do any damage, as long as you get to it quickly enough! For your leather furniture, wipe up spills immediately with a clean, dry, soft cloth. Use only a clean cloth to prevent staining your sofa! Austin, Texas cleaning experts!


Dust and Vacuum Frequently


Dusting and vacuuming on the regular will make cleaning day much easier, and help preserve your fabrics condition. You can use the upholstery attachment for those hard-to-reach areas, like corners and beneath cushions!


Use Only Soft Brushes While Cleaning


As we mentioned before, using a soft brush while cleaning will prevent tearsand further damage. Microfiber cloths work great!


Keep Your Furniture Out of Direct Sunlight


Most people don’t think of this one, but leaving your furniture out of direct sunlight will help keep the upholstery from drying out too quickly, cracking, and becoming discolored. If your sofa is near a window, try hanging light-canceling drapes!


Protect its Finish by Conditioning Regularly


Your furniture should have a tag which tells you how to properly condition the leather. Follow those instructions closely to avoid damage! If you’re unsure of how to condition your furniture, remember that The Steam Team is always here to help out!


The Steam Team is your leading cleaning and restoration company in Austin, Texas, and we’re here for you through all of your leather needs! If you need help restoring that sofa to its original condition, give us a call! Your number one Austin cleaning company. Call 512-451-8326 now!

The Scoop on Caring for that Area Rug and Upholstery in Cedar Park Texas

Area Rug Cleaning in Austin

Area Rug Cleaning in Austin

Caring for that area rug and upholstery doesn’t have to be complicated! Oftentimes you can use the products you have at home, and as long as you’re consistent with your cleaning routine, keeping that brand-spanking-new sofa clean can be an easy peasy process! It doesn’t hurt to call in a professional steam cleaning company for some guidance and advice every once in awhile, but until then, let’s go over the basics. The best cleaning company in Austin, Texas located at 1904 West Koenig Ln. Austin, Texas 78756.


Vacuuming is Essential


This is the easiest way to maintain leather furniture. Use your vacuum’s attachment to cover every nook and cranny of your sofa. You’ll rid the sofa of dust, dirt, dander, and other debris without using much man power!


Dry Dusting Helps!


In between vacuuming, it can help to dry dust your sofa with a soft, clean microfiber cloth or brush. This is great for days when you don’t want to bring out the vacuum or don’t have too much time on your hands.


Moisturizing and Conditioning


Over time, the oils in leather furniture evaporate and dry out the material. This could lead to wear and tear, cracks, and other unsightly happenings. Conditioning the leather will keep it in optimal shape, but you’ll want to exercise caution. You may wish to seek the advice of a professional as to which type of cleaner and conditioner you should use. Call 512-451-8326 for cleaning in Austin.


How Can The Steam Team Help?


The Steam Team can restore your leather furniture  and area rugs to its newer, fantastic-looking state by removing dirt and grime, and restoring oils to the leather that are necessary to keep it in optimal condition. Our expert, certified technicians are available 24/7 for leather cleaning, conditioning, and overall maintenance. We’re also experienced in a variety of other cleaning and restoration projects including but not limited to area and oriental rug cleaning, drapery cleaning, and of course- carpet cleaning in Austin, Texas!

5 Secrets to Cleaning Around the Home

Carpet Cleaning In Round Rock, Texas

Carpet Cleaning In Round Rock, Texas

It’s cleaning day! Time to break out the supplies: a vacuum cleaner, your trusty cleaning solution, and these five tips on eliminating grim around the house:


For Dust, Dirt, & Dander


There’s simply no way to avoid it. When it comes to keeping our floors clean (or at least, presentable) we must establish a regular vacuuming routine! Of course, how frequently you need to vacuum will depend on the level of foot traffic in your home. On average, you should be vacuuming at least once a week- it’ll make the chore much easier in the long run!


We suggest vacuuming for its convenience: it’s easier on the body, will save time and energy, etc. If you do not own a vacuum cleaner suitable for tile and hardwood, a broom or floor duster will suffice.


For that Stubborn Soap Scum


Removing soap scum requires an intense amount of pressure- a pressure easily achieved by a steam cleaner. If the soap scum in your bathroom has hardened, we recommend saving yourself time and frustration by either renting a steam cleaning machine, or giving a professional a call!


For Spills & Stains


Keeping spills and stains off upholstered furniture is no easy task!


It’s all about quick reflexes! Not really- just be sure to tend to spills and accidents as quickly as you can. This will help prevent permanent staining.


For Gruesome, Grimy Grout


Grout: the sole reason you procrastinate cleaning the bathroom. Grout is porous in nature, and absorbs grime very quickly. Cleaning grout is a tiring process, and oftentimes we struggle to achieve the results we desire. If your regular mopping and scrubbing isn’t cutting it consider hiring a professional.


For Anything & Everything Else

For everything else… Call in The Steam Team! If we haven’t said it already- steam cleaning is one of the most efficient, most effective methods of cleaning. Whether we’re deep-cleaning your kitchen after the holidays, or replacing that grimy grout, you’ll be amazed at The Steam Team’s results!