Planning A Deep Clean Of Your Home? Don't Forget These Areas!

Deep CLeaning of Home in Westlake Hills, Austin Texas

Home ownership comes with a lot of responsibilities, including the occasional deep cleaning of your home. Wiping down all the surfaces and doing detailed cleaning of appliances and all the nooks and crannies of your home can be exhausting, especially without any professional help. Because of how big of a task it can be to clean your entire home, there are many areas that people forget about entirely. Let’s talk about those commonly overlooked areas, and how you can clean them like a pro.


Most homeowners will clean their windows, but forget about the drapes completely, or think they don’t need cleaning. Dust, dirt, pollen and even mold can accumulate on drapes left unchecked. Many drapes can’t be cleaned in the washing machine, and require special attention. So be sure you know what kind of clean your drapes need.

Air Vents

Dusting and cleaning surfaces is important for maintaining clean, breathable air in your home. But are you making sure to also clean the source of that air? Dirty air vents can affect your everyday health, and unfortunately most people don’t clean them as often as they should. Next time you wonder why your cabinets are so dusty, check the vents.

Underneath Appliances

Under and behind many appliances might just be the dirtiest places in your home. Many people never clean these areas at all! Dirt, dust, grime and food can build up in these areas, and you can’t avoid cleaning them forever! If you don’t want to pull out that refrigerator or washing machine and clean all around it, call The Steam Team and let us do it!


Baseboards are often never cleaned, even though cleaning them doesn’t take too much time or effort. They can easily collect dust and dirt over time. Cleaning them can be done with just a damp cloth or a wipe.

How We Can Help

If these areas are too difficult or too inconvenient for you to clean, keep in mind that The Steam Team technicians can do it all! So stop letting these areas of your home get dirtier by the day, give us a call. Visit The Steam Team website for more information.

The Dangers of Dirty Air In The Workplace

Cleaning company in Austin

Cleaning company in Austin

Any good business owner should want things to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible in the workplace, while ensuring good conditions for the workers and earning maximum profit. Let’s talk about how dirty air in the workplace can be disastrous for all of these goals. And then we’ll discuss what you can do to fix the problem if your air systems are putting out dirty air in your business or the business you work in.

Examining The Dangers

If you own a business or work in one and you suspect that the air ducts may not have been cleaned in a long while, it’s important to understand exactly what that means. Air ducts that pump out dirty air can have very negative effects on employees, customers/clients or anyone else in the building. Dust and debris that re-enter the air may cause allergies or respiratory issues, or greatly worsen symptoms for people who already have respiratory issues. Mold growth in the air ducts can be even worse, causing even more severe symptoms of allergy and respiratory issues, creating a work environment that won’t be healthy for anyone. If you own a building or work in a building where you suspect that this is happening, hire professionals to clean the air ducts as soon as possible

Aside from the clear negative effects that it can have on people in the building, dirty air ducts can also have negative effects on the finances of the business owner, since the build up in dirt and debris can actually cause the HVAC system to work harder, raising energy costs. So if you want to keep the people in your business safe, and help save yourself on energy costs, it’s time to hire professionals.

Who Can Help?

Call in The Steam Team professional cleaning company to help clean your air duct systems! We’ll use only the best equipment and methods to get the job done right, and we’ll even use bactericides and fungicides at the end of the cleaning process to make sure your air is safe from any harmful bacteria or fungus growth. For more information, please visit The Steam Team website.

Tile and Grout: What It's All About

The Steam Team is here for you when it comes time to clean your tile and grout. Why? Because we understand, with how porous grout is, how difficult it can be! Grout easily absorbs spills and accidents, causing staining and discoloration. Tile can be a pickle to care for, as well! But don’t fret; we have the best information for keeping your tile and grout clean and pristine! 

The Mopping Method

Our floor collects tons of dust, dirt, and other dirty particles that get dropped from above or tracked in on our shoes! It’s important to always have your mop ready, prepared to clean up a spill or to do the weekly chore! 

The Scrubbing Method

It’s time to grab that scrub brush and your favorite tile cleaner! Keeping tile and grout clean requires a little bit of elbow grease. Scrubbing your tile and grout can do a lot of good, but you definitely don’t want to use any abrasive materials that could scratch your tile! 

The Steam Cleaning Method

Finally, we always recommend steam cleaning your tile and grout to help keep it clean! A professional-grade steam cleaner will have the power to extract grime from deep within the pores of grout, and shines the surface of tile right up! It’s a gentle, environmentally friendly way of cleaning. And the best part is, it can all be done by a professional cleaning and restoration company, like The Steam Team! 

Don’t forget: The Steam Team has been servicing the community of Austin, TX for over a decade, and we’re not stopping anytime soon! If you need help keeping your tile and grout in a clean condition, or if you need anything at all steam cleaned, we’re here for you! We’re also here for you through the tough times, like floods and fires. Never hesitate to rely on The Steam Team.

5 Ways to Make Your Tile In Your Kitchen Sparkle


Do you need a quick guide to cleaning your kitchen (and keeping it that way)? You’ve come to the right place! Below you’ll find five expert tips for cleaning your kitchen and making it look marvelous! Here at The Steam Team, we hope you find them useful! Your number one company in Austin Texas for  tile cleaning. 


Start With the Small Things


Start by doing simple tasks, like unloading the dishwasher, or taking out the garbage. This will make the task seem more manageable, and motivate you to move onto the next step!


Clean From the Top - Down


Start at the top of your kitchen and work your way downward. Yes, this means cleaning the tops of your refrigerator and cabinets! These are very common places for dust mites and dead critters! The floor should obviously be the last thing you tackle- we’ll cover that later.


Steam Clean Stove and Countertops


We always recommend steam cleaning when it comes to cleaning and sanitizing stove tops and countertops. Not only will it kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria, but it also alleviates a lot of scrubbing and hard work! Your surfaces will look amazing after a good steam cleaning.


Sweep Every Day


In order to keep your flooring in good condition, you’ll have to sweep on a daily basis, especially if there are pets or children in the house.


Mop or Steam Clean Flooring


Lastly, the flooring. After sweeping, it’s a good idea to either thoroughly mop the floor, or steam clean it! Steam cleaning is easier on your back by far; machines can be rented or you can call in the professionals. Voted best tile cleaning company in Austin.

Hopefully your kitchen now reflects all of the hard work you’ve put into it! If you need help restoring your kitchen to its prime condition, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team! We’re experts at making sure your kitchen sparkles.