Planning A Deep Clean Of Your Home? Don't Forget These Areas!

Deep CLeaning of Home in Westlake Hills, Austin Texas

Home ownership comes with a lot of responsibilities, including the occasional deep cleaning of your home. Wiping down all the surfaces and doing detailed cleaning of appliances and all the nooks and crannies of your home can be exhausting, especially without any professional help. Because of how big of a task it can be to clean your entire home, there are many areas that people forget about entirely. Let’s talk about those commonly overlooked areas, and how you can clean them like a pro.


Most homeowners will clean their windows, but forget about the drapes completely, or think they don’t need cleaning. Dust, dirt, pollen and even mold can accumulate on drapes left unchecked. Many drapes can’t be cleaned in the washing machine, and require special attention. So be sure you know what kind of clean your drapes need.

Air Vents

Dusting and cleaning surfaces is important for maintaining clean, breathable air in your home. But are you making sure to also clean the source of that air? Dirty air vents can affect your everyday health, and unfortunately most people don’t clean them as often as they should. Next time you wonder why your cabinets are so dusty, check the vents.

Underneath Appliances

Under and behind many appliances might just be the dirtiest places in your home. Many people never clean these areas at all! Dirt, dust, grime and food can build up in these areas, and you can’t avoid cleaning them forever! If you don’t want to pull out that refrigerator or washing machine and clean all around it, call The Steam Team and let us do it!


Baseboards are often never cleaned, even though cleaning them doesn’t take too much time or effort. They can easily collect dust and dirt over time. Cleaning them can be done with just a damp cloth or a wipe.

How We Can Help

If these areas are too difficult or too inconvenient for you to clean, keep in mind that The Steam Team technicians can do it all! So stop letting these areas of your home get dirtier by the day, give us a call. Visit The Steam Team website for more information.

Professional Covid-19 Cleaning from Steam Team

Cleaning in Austin, Texas

Cleaning in Austin, Texas

During the covid-19 pandemic, we’ve all seen how it's more important than ever to keep things clean in your home or business, especially if you frequently have visitors who may have been carrying the virus. Here at The Steam Team, we want to help protect your home from all bacteria and viruses, which is why we’re offering a covid-19 cleanup service, both pre-treatment and post-treatment cleanup of your home or business!

Contact Us

To receive a Covid-19 cleaning service from our professional technicians, just give us a call or an email any time to have a free consultation and figure out exactly what kind of cleaning service you’d like. Call us at 512-451-8326 or email and we’ll be in touch with you for a free consultation. We can clean all types of Coronaviruses! 

Our Covid Cleanup Process

Prior to entering your home or office, our highly trained technicians will put on OSHA-approved personal protective equipment to guarantee your safety. During the cleaning process, all surfaces in the home or business office will be disinfected using EPA-approved products only. Our technicians will get every detail, disinfecting door knobs, light switches, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, faucets, sinks and many other frequently touched areas. This is the perfect cleaning process if someone in your home or business has had covid-19 recently, and you’re wanting to ensure the virus is removed from all possible surfaces.

After the initial cleaning is finished, we’ll protect your surfaces to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold, fungi etc., by applying the long-lasting antimicrobial Bioshield 75. This powerful antimicrobial, when used in conjunction with other cleaning products, will protect your surfaces and keep them cleaner for even longer than just the standard disinfectant! It’ll reduce the growth of bacteria and other substances for a period of 90 days.

To receive this complete Coronavirus cleanup, be sure to contact us at 512-451-8326 or email us at

Clean Your House in 3 Easy Steps Tips By The Steam Team of Austin Texas

Cleaning Tips

Cleaning Tips

When was the last time you cleaned your mattress? Can you remember? Most of us can’t, because we’ve never done it before. But whether you’re a newbie to this process, or you’ve just bought a new mattress that you’d like to freshen up, we have three easy steps to thoroughly cleaning your mattress!


Step One: Strip the Bed and Vacuum


Of course, you’ll want to completely strip your bed and toss your bed linens into the washing machine. Once your bed is completely clear, vacuum your mattress with a (clean) wide brush attachment. Be thorough, scanning back and forth from every edge. This helps to remove, dust mites, dirt, and debris from your mattress.


Step Two: Sprinkle Cleaning Mixture Over Mattress


Here, baking soda is our best friend! Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda through a sifter, and onto the mattress. Be liberal, and make sure you’ve covered the entire area. This helps to clean and deodorize the surface. You can also add six drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture for a fresh, relaxing scent. Lavender, anyone?


Step Three: Vacuum Excess Cleaning Mixture


If you have all the time in the world, you can leave the mixture on your mattress for several hours. However, thirty minutes will also suffice. Thirty minutes is plenty of time to absorb odors, moisture, and break down acids. Finally, vacuum the mixture and all of the grime that it’s brought out!

And there you have it friends: three easy steps to cleaning and refreshing your mattress! Don’t forget to do it periodically. Our mattresses get tons of use! And did you know- a mattress can also be steam cleaned? That’s right! For all of your steam cleaning needs, contact The Steam Team! We’re happy to help out wherever we can and we are also hiring in Austin