All About Area Rug Cleaning In Austin Texas

Area Rug Specialist Pickup And Delivery Austin Area Only

Area Rug Specialist Pickup And Delivery Austin Area Only

Area and oriental rugs: sometimes they’re just something to cover a stain with, or a lovely living room accessory, and sometimes they’re precious family heirlooms. Either way, they create a beautiful atmosphere in the home, and- they need to be cleaned periodically. Just how they’re cleaned is the question we’ll answer today!


Keeping Area & Oriental Rugs Clean


Rugs can trap dirt, debris, dust, and allergens in your home. Not only do these materials damage the carpet fibers in your rugs, but your kiddos lay on them, the pets nap on them, and you walk on them daily, pushing clouds of dust into the air. This is why they must be cleaned on a regular basis. But don’t worry- The Steam Team can remove these particles with pressurized air, and restore them to a much better condition through a process that’s been practiced for several years!


Let’s take a closer look at how The Steam Team can help keep your rugs looking beautiful...


Steam Cleaning: Trust the Professionals


The Steam Team starts the cleaning process by inspecting your textile with expert knowledge. We can determine the best cleaning type for your rugs just by looking at the fibers and dyes involved. Then we’ll remove dirt and soil with a pile lifter and vacuum. Before rinsing and finally, drying, the rugs are sprayed with special agents which correspond to the rug type. And don’t worry- we won’t leave until we perform a final inspection to make sure dirt and debris have been removed, and your rugs are looking fantastic. Call 512 451-8326 today. 

When you entrust The Steam Team to take care of your area and oriental rugs, you can rest assured that they’re safe, and that we know exactly what we’re doing! We use tools that are gentle and safe for your area and oriental rugs, because we know how important they are to you- and we want to help elongate their lifespan.

Carpet Cleaning Made Easy with The Steam Team of Austin TX

Carpet Cleaning Expert Service Austin Metro Area

Carpet Cleaning Expert Service Austin Metro Area

It’s time to stop hiding those carpet stains beneath furniture and area rugs! With the help of The Steam Team, we can remove even the toughest of stains from your carpet, making the entire process far easier on you! So don’t fret, just give us a call and we’ll be out in a jiffy to restore your carpet to a cleaner, brighter condition.


How Steam Cleaning Works


It’s a fairly simple process. The only materials we’ll be using are hot water, and water pressure- well, along with our professional-grade equipment. This makes steam cleaning an entirely safe method of cleaning for the environment, your pets, children, and family. Our team of experts has several years of experience in a variety of cleaning and restoration techniques, so you can rest assured that your carpet is safe with us. More than safe, we’d say!


A steam cleaner effortlessly lifts dust, dirt, debris, allergens- you name it- from deep within the fibers of your carpet. It reaches beyond the threshold of a normal vacuum cleaner or scrub brush. It’s far easier on your body- no scrubbing, no getting down on your hands and knees, and it’s affordable!


What All Can We Clean with a Steam Cleaner?


The Steam Team can help with more than just carpet cleaning. We can also help clean your draperies and window treatments (without even removing them, might we add), hardwood flooring, tile and (stubborn) grout, and even your outside patio! We can also expel germs and bacteria from your counter tops, tables, and children’s toys. And if you’re ever in need of water or fire damage restoration- we’re there in the case of emergencies, too.

You can find out just how limitless the possibilities are by giving The Steam Team a call today!