The Steam Team: Master Rug Cleaners

When it comes to having your rugs cleaned, professionals with the right equipment are the safest hands to put your delicate oriental or persian rugs in. But- which rug cleaning service should you choose? If you live in Austin TX or the surrounding areas, choose the company that has been certified as “Master Rug Cleaners”, choose The Steam Team!

Your Valuable Rugs

Our technicians know your rugs are important to you, so they’ll use only the most effective and safest equipment available when it comes to cleaning and drying your rugs. We know that many oriental and persian rugs are investments that will increase in value over time, and we want to help you keep them in great condition!

Inspection and Surface Cleaning

Our professionals will begin the cleaning process with a careful inspection of the rug to find all the solid dirt and debris, before removing it from the rug’s surface. Pressurized air, a vacuum and a pile lifter will be used to carefully remove all solid debris and prepare the rug for washing.

Thorough Washing

With the solid debris removed from the textile, our technicians will move on to using a preconditioning agent on the rug and a special rug cleaning agent to shampoo deep within the fibers of the rug. All the shampoo will be rinsed out along with any stains, additional debris or other contaminants before the fibers of the rug are groomed by hand to ensure proper drying.

Final Touches

To ensure maximum drying, your rug will be put into a controlled atmosphere drying room and inspected to make sure drying is complete and that the fibers remain in good condition. Only after the drying is complete and one additional inspection proves that your rug is perfectly clean, then our professionals will comb the fringes with a specialized tool to brighten their color and they’ll be on their way!

For more information on our rug cleaning services or water damaged rugs, as well as our many other services, please visit The Steam Team website.

5 Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid



Everyone makes mistakes, even when it comes to cleaning! It’s easy to use the wrong product, scrub and not blot, wash windows on a sunny day, or make an even worse mistake- bleaching the wrong garment. Cleaning isn’t as simple as one might think, and it’s really easy to cause a hiccup on your chore day! Follow these tips from the professionals, and you’ll avoid making the most common mistakes! We are your one stop carpet stain and rug cleaning professionals


Scrubbing Stains from Carpeting


While your first instinct may be to scrub away a spill, it’s best to first dry the stain and then blot it clean. Not only will the scrubbing push the stain further into the carpet, but it also unravels carpet fibers- and that can’t be undone!


Assuming Cleaners are Disinfectants


Certainly, you can clean without a disinfectant. But what about areas in the home like sinks, toilets, door handles… you may want to pay attention to labels and make sure your solution is a true disinfectant.


Using Too Much Cleaning Solution


More is not better! Stick to what the label says. Using more cleaner is simply a waste, and you could cause residue and gunk to build up if you use too much! So use it sparingly, friends!


Using Furniture Polish Every Time You Dust


Try using a damp cloth instead of furniture polish. While furniture polish helps our shelves and surfaces look shiny, and smell fresh, it should always be used sparingly!


Washing Windows on a Sunny Day


It seems logical to wash windows on a bright day when you’re in the perfect cleaning mood! But actually, it’s best to wait for a cloudy day. The hot sun can cause streaking and make your cleaning solution evaporate more quickly! For the best prices in Austin, Texas give The Steam Team a call 512-451-8326 today.


We hope these tips have been insightful for you! Happy cleaning!