Time to Go Green: Eliminating Chemicals from Your Household Cleaners

Are you looking to go a bit more green? Maybe it’s time to eliminate those pesky chemicals from your household (for good this time). As always, we encourage you to start steam cleaning your home right now so that you can protect your family from potentially harmful chemicals, but there are other great reasons to steam clean, too! Let’s delve into a few of them: steam cleaning cleans without chemicals, doesn’t leave behind any harmful residue, and also kills other pesky substances like germs, bacteria, and allergens!


Cleans Without Using Chemicals


As we mentioned before, steam cleaning cleans your home without using any chemicals. There won’t be any bleach, or specially formulated cleaning products. The only thing a steam cleaner uses is hot water, and high water pressure! That’s what makes it such an incredibly safe method of cleaning- and that’s why we’re always pushing you to start right now.


Doesn’t Leave Behind Any Residue


Since a steam cleaning machine doesn’t use any chemicals, there is no residue to be left behind. This makes steam cleaning an even safer option for cleaning in your home, especially if you have small children or pets in the household.


Kills Germs, Bacteria, Dust Mites, Etc


Even better news: Not only will you be eliminating chemicals from your household with steam cleaning, but you’ll also be killing germs, bacteria, dust mites, allergens, and more! This is really important if you have members of the household who have allergies. They’ll be so relieved!


The Steam Team has over a decade of experience under their belt, and the right tools and equipment for any cleaning and restoration job. If you home is looking a little dingy and you’re looking for some help restoring it to its original, cleaner, more pristine condition, call The Steam Team! We’ll be out in no time, and eager to help!

Tile and Grout Cleaning Round Rock Texas

Tile looks marvelous in our homes, and it’s beautifully accentuated by grout. However, the problem is that grout in particular is porous, meaning it easily absorbs liquids. Those inevitable spills and stains become embedded into our grout, causing discoloration that can look horrid- especially when compared to what our grout looked like when it was originally installed. The Steam Team are tile and grout cleaning experts. We have been cleaning Round Rock for over 40 years. 


But don’t fret! The Steam Team can restore your tile and grout to its original condition in a flash. In fact, we always recommend steam cleaning for tile and grout! Below, you’ll find some general information about keeping grout clean!


Grout Sealant


Unless you have epoxy-based grout, you need grout sealer. Simply put, it serves as a barrier between your grout and liquid. Don’t forget to let the sealer dry completely before using your tile and grout. For all your Round Rock cleaning needs give us a call today at 512-451-8326.


Scrubbing Tile and Grout


The most traditional method of cleaning grout is by scrubbing it. You can use chlorine bleach to clean the grout, but since it’s toxic and lets off noxious fumes, make sure your area is properly ventilated, and that you’re wearing safety glasses! Sometimes our scrub brushes cause the bleach to splash.


When scrubbing grout, it’s important to remember to not use any abrasive cleaning materials.  


Steam Cleaning Tile and Grout


Steam cleaning is your all around best method for cleaning tile and grout! A professional-grade steam cleaning machine effortlessly reaches into the pores of grout and extracts dirt, grime, and stains. Rely on the professionals for this task; they’re your best bet!

The Steam Team has been serving the Round Rock Texas community for over a decade now, and we’re not going to quit any time soon! If you need help with keeping your tile and grout clean, don’t hesitate to rely on us! We’ll have your tile and grout looking bright and shiny in no time!