7 Benefits of Cleaning You Probably Don't Know

Are you thinking of switching up your cleaning methods, and trying out The Steam Team cleaning? You’re on the right track! Here are seven reasons as to why it’s best to steam clean your home, versus any other cleaning method:


Cleans Without Chemicals


Steam cleaning only involves the use of hot water and high pressure. That’s it! No cleaning supplies, no chemicals are needed.


No Residue Left Behind


Because steam cleaning doesn’t use any chemicals, there’s no residue to be left behind.


Completely Safe for the Environment


Thinking of going green? Start thinking of steam cleaning. It’s perfectly safe for the environment!


Safe for Pets and Children


No bleach, no chemicals, no nonsense! Steam cleaning is completely safe for your pets and children.


Provides a ‘Clean’ You Can Trust


Steam cleaning really works and provides you with a ‘clean,’ that you can trust. You won’t have to worry about going over the counter tops one last time; it gets the grime on the first try!


Effectively Cleans Tile and Grout


Tile and grout are notorious for being difficult to clean and care for. But finally, a steam cleaning machine can reach deep down into the pores of grout and extract dirt, dust, and debris that are causing discoloration and general nastiness!


Cleans a Multitude of Surfaces


From upholstered furniture, to drapes, to carpet and tile, you can steam clean almost anything (except hardwood flooring)! It’s a great method for cleaning the entire house; you’ll love how easy and effortless the process is.

There you have it, friends! We hope we’ve convinced you to start steam cleaning today. And remember- The Steam Team is always standing by, ready to give you a hand! Don’t hesitate to give us a call! We have over a decade of experience with cleaning and restoration, and are your best bet for restoring your home to its original, pristine condition.




It’s time to ditch the duster! And the dry mop. And the scrub brush. Today we’re going to go over 7 different (and valid) reasons to begin steam cleaning around your home, instead of using other methods. You’ll be amazed at the results you can accomplish by making this switch! So don’t be afraid of the change… just watch the dirt and grime melt away, and your home begin to sparkle! Best Cleaning by The Steam Team in Austin, Texas. 


Keep Your Home Chemical Free


If you’re looking to help your environment become less chemical-involved, steam cleaning is a great place to start. All that the process involves is steaming hot, high pressurized water. No chemicals at all! The Steam Team of Austin, TX!


Rid Your Home of Pet Odors and Stains


Pets never fail to cause a headache (or migraine) over their messes, but a steam cleaner can take care of both stains and odors without any hassle.


Rest Assured Your Kids’ Toys are Spotless


You can easily sanitize your children’s toys by steam cleaning. Yes, steam cleaning!


Tackle that Tacky Tile and Grout


We don’t want to see that scrub brush ever again. Steam clean your tile and grout, and it’ll reach deep into its pores and remove dirt, grime, and other stains.


Destroy Dust Mites, Allergens, and Other Creepy Crawlies


If you or any of the members of your household have allergies, you’ll be relieved to know that steam cleaning can help! A steam cleaner can remove dust, dirt, allergens, pollen, and so many more substances from your home that may be aggravating your allergies. We love cleaning area rugs all over Central , Texas.


Clean Without… Cleaning Supplies


Who doesn’t love to save money? Since a steam cleaner only uses hot water and pressurized steam, you won’t need to purchase any cleaning supplies!


Easily Remove the Worst of Carpet Stains


Red wine, chocolate, pen ink, a steam cleaner can get it all. Just give The Steam Team a call! Visit us on Burnet Rd. 78758