3 Ways to Care for Your Furniture

Have you recently purchased a new piece of leather furniture? Owning leather furniture is great, especially when you consider how beautiful it accents your home! But there is a routine that comes along with caring for it. Below, The Steam Team will point out three simple steps for caring for your brand new leather furniture! We hope you find these tips helpful!


Dry Dusting


First, let’s start with the easiest step: dry dusting. Dry dusting your leather furniture is quite the simple process. Just grab your cleanest, freshest microfiber cloth and thoroughly run it along the surface of your leather upholstery! Be sure to cover every inch of the furniture. You don’t want to miss any dust. If you find any dirt that’s embedded in the leather, you can use a damp cloth to clean it- just make sure it’s not wet.




Next, let’s bring out the trusty vacuum! Your vacuum has a handy dandy attachment that’s perfect for cleaning your leather furniture (or at least, we hope it has one!). Use your vacuum attachment to reach the nooks, crannies, and corners of your furniture. Dust and dirt likes to hide out there! You never know what your vacuum may find!




Lastly, let’s talk about leather conditioning. Just like our skin, leather tends to dry out from time to time. It needs conditioning to stay in good shape! It’s recommended that you condition your leather upholstery every six to twelve months. See? That’s not too terribly often! We also recommend that you keep your leather furniture out of direct sunlight, to protect it from drying out too quickly.

The Steam Team is happy to help you out with your new leather furniture! Just give us a call today for expert conditioning and tips. And don’t forget, if you’re having another cleaning or restoration crisis, we’re available 24/7 to help you out! We’re always here for any of your cleaning or restoration needs.

Stopping Mold In Its Tracks- Austin Texas Steam Team

You know how dangerous mold can be if allowed to spread: harm to those with allergies, asthma, or another illness- and you’re definitely risking the growth and spread of bacteria! And mold growth happens in the blink of an eye, so it’s important to notice it as soon as it starts spreading. So here are three great steps for stopping mold in its tracks!


Dry Up Moisture Immediately


Never let a spill sit! For large spills, consider using a dehumidifier to dry up all of the moisture. The longer a spill sits on your flooring or furniture, the more likely it is that mold with begin to grow and fester! And if you’re dealing with a flood, call the professionals immediately!


Keep an Eye Out for Leaks


Leaks are a leading cause of mold growth in the home, so keep an eye out for them! Check the bathroom for shower head leaks, and of course cover the pipes when necessary to prevent disastrous situations! Moist areas are the perfect breeding ground for mold spores.


Always Wear Protection


Your health comes first. When you’re resolving a moldy situation, it’s important to guard your health and wellbeing! To prevent inhaling mold spores, always wear a protective mask. You can find these masks at your local pharmacy or department store; it’s super simple. So don’t take the situation likely; always wear protection.

How long does mold take to spread and grow? Only 24 hours, friends. In twenty four hours, mold can take over your home and cause you a major headache (not to mention the hit your wallet could take!). So don’t delay; call The Steam Team today! We’re your leading cleaning and restoration company in Austin, TX, and we’re experts when it comes to mold remediation. We’ll stop that mold right in its tracks! The Steam Team Mold remediation team.