All About Purchasing A New Area Rug

Area rugs are such a great complement to flooring- especially when it’s a hardwood, natural stone, or marble flooring. They can create an entirely new look for any room around the home- but they also come with their fair share of maintenance (just as any carpet fibers do). If you’ve never owned an area rug before or are branching out into different fibers- we’ve got a quick guide full of area rug maintenance just for you. It’s short and sweet, so stick around!

Regular Vacuuming

Just like carpet, area rugs need to be vacuumed on the regular. Yes, we know you were hoping to get out of this mundane chore, but no can do, friends! At least once a week, make sure to vacuum your area rugs. It’ll do them a ton of good. And of course, if they receive more than occasional foot traffic, you might find yourself vacuuming more than once a week! 

Spot Treating Stains

Next, you’ll want to learn the ropes of spot treating stains! Accidents happen all the time, and there’s little we can do to prevent them. But what we can do is promptly tend to the stain, and properly remove it from your area rug. If it’s a tough one and you need a little bit of help, don’t hesitate to rely on the professionals. There’s no stain tougher than The Steam Team! 

Steam Cleaning

As always, we recommend steam cleaning for all carpets- area rugs and carpeting alike! It’s the best, most efficient, most environmentally friendly way of cleaning! And it truly works well. So if you’re looking to deep clean your new rug, perhaps try steam cleaning. The results might really knock you off your feet. 

The Steam Team is your leading steam cleaning company in Austin, TX. Don’t hesitate to give us a call! We’re available 24/7 for emergency situations; we’re always there for you.

Have You Cleaned Your Drapes Lately? Austin Texas Cleaning

Cleaning Austin

Cleaning Austin

Our drapes are notorious for collecting dirt, dust, and debris over time. Occasionally they need a good ‘ol washing! When was the last time your drapes were cleaned? Can you even remember? Today we’ll go over a few ways to clean your drapes so that when it’s time, there won’t be any hassle or confusion! Read on to find out the best way to clean your drapes:


Vacuum and Dust on the Regular


This one requires removing your drapes from the window, but we promise the end result is worth it! Use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner to remove any dust and debris before tossing your drapes in the washing machine. We have 3 locations: 9901 Burnet Rd. Austin, Texas 78758, 222 West Ave. #1106 Austin, Texas 78756 and 1904 West Koenig Lane Austin, Texas 78756.  


Washing in the Washing Machine


Before starting this process, make sure you read the label on your draperies to make sure you’re following proper washing instructions. Some drapes, like sheer, silk, and wool, can’t be washed in the machine and will need to be dry cleaned. You’ll also need to pay attention to water temperature and other factors. If your drapes happen to not have an instruction label, simply drop them off at the dry cleaners!


Steam Cleaning Your Drapes


Of course, this is the method that we recommend! The Steam Team can easily and thoroughly clean your drapes without even removing them from where they hang! And it’s a very gentle, environmentally friendly process; you won’t have to worry about inhaling dust and debris, and you can put the process entirely on us! Voted best cleaning company in Austin. 


It’s not just carpeting that we take care of- The Steam Team is here for all of your cleaning and restoration needs, even when it comes to your drapes and window treatments! So don’t hesitate to call us for a deep cleaning, and certainly don’t stress! We’ve got this situation (and every other one) under careful control. Austin Texas rug cleaning. Call 512-451-826 for cleaning

How Often Should Carpet be Cleaned in Round Rock Texas

Carpet Cleaning Round Rock Texas

Carpet Cleaning Round Rock Texas

If you have carpet installed in your home, you may have a relatively good idea of how often it should be cleaned, based upon your own experiences! But if you’re installing carpet for the first time, you may have a few questions, like how often should I vacuum, dust, and/or steam clean? It’s based upon a few factors, and that’s what we’ll delve into today so you know exactly how often your rugs or carpeting should be cleaned! Round Rock, TX carpet cleaning experts. 


How Much Traffic Does Your Flooring Face Each Day? Area rug cleaning Round Rock Texas. 


How often carpeting should be cleaned depends highly on how much traffic it receives daily! If you have a lot of people roaming around all over it, it’s going to wear down quicker, and need more frequent cleanings. We suggest vacuuming twice weekly, and having your carpet professionally cleaned at least once a year! Round Rock Carpet Cleaning.


Are You a Pet Owner?


We love our pets- just not the trails of dirt and debris they leave behind, perhaps. If there are pets in your home, expect to vacuum more frequently and pick up some handy tips for removing certain stains. Also note that sometimes sweeping the carpeting and/or rug may pick up more pet hair than your vacuum! Carpet cleaning Round Rock Texas. 


What About Children?


Children make messes; there’s no doubt about it! We adore them anyway. But as with pets, they track in dirt, mud, sand, grass, and other debris that your carpet basically absorbs like a sponge. Vacuum often to keep everything clean, and steam clean those stains away in a sinch! It’s the best method for cleaning; it’s completely safe for your pets and children, and it cleans without chemicals!


The Steam is on your side! We’re your go-to for all of your carpeting needs! Whether it’s installation, stain removal, or deep cleaning, we’ll do whatever it takes to keep your flooring clean and pristine! Rug cleaning in Round Rock Texas.