Expert Care For Your Area Rug- Cleaning Austin Texas

The gorgeous handmade rug lying on your floor was probably one of the best decisions you made when it came to decorating your home. It’s an elegant addition and certainly an investment- so today, let’s talk a little bit about caring for such a delicate piece.


Caring For Your Fine Area Rug

The best way to care for your oriental rug is to prevent additional wear and tear from occurring. This is usually easier said than done, especially if there are pets or children in the house, but it’s worth it in the long run if you’re able to set a few guidelines. Area Rug Cleaning Plant located at 9901 Burnet Road Austin Texas 78758


Preventive Measures

Rug pads are a great place to start when it comes to additional (preventive) measures for your oriental rug. They add extra protection by cushioning the rug, creating less strain on the rug fibers when weight or pressure is applied.


Next, consider making your oriental rug a “no-shoe” zone. This will keep extra dirt and debris from getting on your rug and becoming stuck in the fibers and is far less abrasive.


Finally, rotate the rug 180 degrees a few times each year. This keeps the fibers from fading in certain spots, especially if there are patches of the rug that get direct sunlight.


Call the Professionals for Cleaning

In the event of a spill, blot—don’t scrub—with a white paper towel or cloth. If it’s a stain that water alone can’t remove, take your rug to a professional rug cleaner.


However, even if you aren’t dealing with stains or spots on your rug, it’s important to still have oriental rugs professional cleaned every few years. This ensures that any built-up grime is taken care of and won’t affect your gorgeous, timeless piece.

Do you have an oriental rug that needs to see a professional? Give The Steam Team a call today- our experts are highly experienced and use only the latest equipment.

Leather Cleaning Austin Texas

Leather Cleaning

Leather Cleaning

If you’re looking to replace the furniture in your home, leather is a great option. The older is gets, the better it looks, and it, compliments any room in the house. And believe it or not, it’s also easy to clean and care for! Don’t believe us? Let us explain three simple ways to keep your leather upholstery cleaned and properly conditioned!


Clean Spills with Solutions Designed for Leather


Accidents happen all of the time, and they can’t be predicted. When caring for and cleaning leather upholstery, it’s important to never let a spill sit on the leather. And when you set out to clean up those spills and stains, avoid using products that aren’t specifically made for leather upholstery. This may sound like a given, but it’s awfully easy to forget to double check. Don’t trust just any furniture cleaner!


Vacuum and Dust Frequently


This is one of the easiest things you can do to keep your leather upholstery looking sleek and clean. Dusting will keep the leather from looking dingy, and vacuuming helps to speed up this process. An easy way to clean that sofa of yours is to vacuum it while you’re vacuuming your floors!


Condition Leather Every 6-12 Months


Leather furniture is far too valuable to be neglected! Homeowners should have it properly conditioned every six to twelve months, and maybe more frequently if there are pets who are allowed on the furniture. Remember, the worst thing you can do is nothing!


Sometimes all you need are a few tips and hints from the professionals. If your leather upholstery is in need of a good cleaning and conditioning, feel free to contact The Steam Team of Austin! We’ll take care of your furniture as if it were ours- you can count on that!