Important Tips For Keeping Your Leather Furniture In Great Condition

Cleaning Austin, Texas

You might have heard that leather furniture is high maintenance, or that you shouldn’t get it because it's just too much work. That’s not necessarily true. In fact, with the right knowledge and the right products, taking care of your leather furniture can be easy! Here are some tips from experts at The Steam Team.

Dealing With Spills

If you’re able to clean up spills quick enough, they won’t ruin your leather furniture or leave any marks. If you wait too long after a spill or take too long in getting the cloth to clean it with, you’ll likely end up with a pretty pesky stain. When you wipe it, use a soft cloth and allow it to air dry, leaving your leather furniture clean and stain-free. If you’re not able to get your hands on a soft cloth in time, go ahead and spread the spill to the edges of that section of leather. Though this may sound like you’re making it worse, by spreading the liquid you’re actually eliminating the outline of the watermark, which is the most obvious sign of a stain.

Proper Conditioning

It’s easy to forget that the leather on your sofa or chair was once part of a living animal. When that was the case, the leather was being regularly treated with the body’s natural oils. Now the job of keeping it properly conditioned has fallen to you. Leather conditioning should be applied every 6 to 12 months. The tag of your specific item of leather furniture should specify when and how to condition.

Hiring Professionals Can Help

Leather furniture certainly does require a little more care and knowledge than most furniture. That’s why The Steam Team is here to help! Our leather technicians can clean your leather and bring it back to its original, pristine condition in no time. For more information visit The Steam Team website.

How To Handle Plumbing Overflow

Restoration Contractors Austin, Texas

Restoration Contractors Austin, Texas

Plumbing overflow is one of the more unfortunate experiences as a homeowner. Even more unfortunate than it occuring, acting quickly is extremely important. Here at The Steam Team, we have extensive experience with restoration from any disaster- whether it’s a busted pipe, a fire, or even a natural disaster. On today’s blog, we’re giving you a little more insight on how to handle plumbing overflow from our experience:

You Might Not Know...

First and foremost- we don’t mean any offense by this, but you might not know what you’re dealing with when it comes to plumbing overflow! This is no DIY project. You could potentially cause more damage just by trying to help. If ever the problem seems to be out of your hands, don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team

Prevent Mold Growth

It only takes 24 hours for mold to begin to grow and spread. Mold is notorious for taking over homes and harming the health of those who inhabit them. If you spot mold growing in your home, contact the professionals immediately! It needs to be addressed as soon as possible. This is probably one of the most important factors when dealing with plumbing overflow. 

Calling in the Professionals

As we mentioned before, you might need the help of the professionals, like The Steam Team.  A professional cleaning and restoration company will be able to take your hairy situation and turn it into one that works for you once again! 

Call The Steam Team today or log online to view our list of services and gather more information! We’re always standing by (literally, 24/7) and would love to help restore your home to its original condition. All it takes is one phone call! We’re not just here for plumbing overflow; we’re here for almost anything. 

Mold Remediation Horseshoe Bay 101: How The Experts Advise Handling Mold

You know the dangers of mold, and you know how quickly it can spread! So why hesitate when you discover a mold issue in or around your home? As soon as you discover mold growing in your home, contact The Steam Team! We’ll be out in a jiffy to remedy the situation right away. What do we do, exactly? Well, there are 7 steps to our mold remediation process in Horseshoe Bay. We’ll walk you through them. If you live in Marble Falls and need mold remediation call us today.

Mold Damage Examination

We’ll start by examining the area. The Steam Team has the latest, greatest technology to help us examine water damage and detect mold in your home! We won’t miss a thing. We have been doing Mold and water damage in Marble Falls and Horseshoe Bay for almost 40 years.

Water Extraction and Drying

Then we’ll move onto drying out the affected area. This includes using commercial-grade dehumidifiers and advanced moisture meters. It sounds complicated, but don’t worry; we’ve got it! Marble Falls water damage and drying experts.

Containment of Affected Area

Next, the affected area must be contained. We’ll seal it off so that everyone’s protected from the mold. We can even stop the spread of mold using negative air pressure. Sounds cool, right? Horseshoe Bay water damage 24 hour service.

Disposal of Affected Materials

Next, we remove all materials affected by the mold. Unfortunately, we can’t hold onto them.

Air Condition Treatment and HVAC

Your HVAC system will be completely evaluated at this point. We’ll check it for mold growth and make sure it’s functioning properly!

Mold Disinfect

Then we’ll move onto disinfecting your home or office. Everything will be cleaned. You’ll love this step of the process!

Mold Damage Repair and Restoration

Remember, no matter how great the project may be, The Steam Team has the capabilities to handle it! You can rely on us to remedy any moldy situation you may encounter.

Like we mentioned before, The Steam Team always has your back! As soon as you detect a mold issue in your house, give us a call. We can be at your house in Horseshoe Bay or Marble Falls in less then an hour.