How To Deal With Spills On carpet: Advice From The Experts

There are many people who have the mistaken idea that carpet, or other things like area rugs, aren’t worth buying because they’re too difficult to properly manage and keep clean. In fact, if you know how to care for carpet, it's rather easy.. Luckily for you, TST knows all about carpet cleaning and conditioning, and we’ve compiled this short guide to help you take great care of your carpet and rugs. We also offer tile cleaning.

Cleaning Spills and Conditioning Carpet

When you do happen to spill something on carpet, the most important thing is just to clean it up fairly quickly. When cleaning carpets or rugs, use a soft, dry cloth and allow the area to air dry. If you aren’t able to find a cloth quick enough for whatever the reason may be, simply spread the spill towards the edge of the furniture and brush it off. Though this may sound like you’re just spreading the stain around, you’ll actually eliminate the outline of the watermark, which is the most obvious sign of a stain.

If your furniture is a piece of wool, then it was once part of a living animal. Since that animal is no longer able to condition the leather with its natural body oils, the burden of cleaning the rug falls on you, and you’ll have to do it regularly to keep the rug in good condition. It should be about every 6 to 12 months. For specifics, contact the manufacturer of your specific piece of carpet.

Professional Help

We understand that you’re probably a very busy person, and not everyone has the time on their hands to clean and condition a rug or carpet on their own. That’s why we offer professional carpet cleaning and conditioning services! For more information, please visit TST website.

3 Reasons to Start Carpet Cleaning Now

There are many methods to cleaning, but here at TST Total Cleaning and Restoration, we insist that steam cleaning is superior! We’ll give you a brief explanation as to why we think this is. But first, let’s go back to the basics: what is steam cleaning? Well, it’s a method of cleaning that uses nothing but hot water and high pressurized steam to remove grime and allergens from almost anywhere around your home, office, etc! We can’t get enough of it. Here are three reasons to start steam cleaning now. Carpet cleaning Bonita Springs.

It’s Simple and Easy

When you hire TST of Bonita Springs, carpet cleaning requires so little effort from you that it may not even feel like cleaning (until you see the results, at least). We say that steam cleaning is simple and easy because all it requires is hot water and highly pressurized steam! Two ingredients, friends, that’s it! Carpet Cleaning Bonita Springs

It’s Save for the Environment

Do you feel like going green? Because steam cleaning doesn’t involve the use of any harsh chemicals or solutions, it’s completely safe for the environment! If you have pets or children in your family, you won’t have to worry about them getting into any harmful residue. In fact, there won’t be any residue at all.

It Provides a ‘Clean’ You Can Trust

There’s so much more we could cover, but lastly, steam cleaning provides you with a ‘clean,’ that you can trust. When you hire us, there will be no residue left behind, we’ll leave everything dry, and your home will look the way it did when it was brand new! You’ll love the results we leave behind!

Never hesitate to give TST a call! We’ll come out and clean your tile and grout, your kitchen counters, your carpeting, your natural stone- anything. Just say the word! TST Carpet Cleaning of Bonita Springs.

Top Benefits from Carpet Cleaning Bonita Springs

Depending on how many feet are sludging through your household, you may only worry about cleaning once or twice per week. However, as those feet increase (whether you gain a few pets or a few kids), those messes will, too. We don’t believe in steam cleaning just because we’re The Steam Team, we’re The Steam Team because we see the effects and benefits from steam cleaning! And today, we’re going to share a few of these with you, too!


Effective and Efficient (and Cost Efficient!)

Steam cleaning only needs hot water and the steam cleaner (and the technician, if you hire the professionals). Say goodbye to any mops, buckets, and detergents!


Carpet Cleaning Eliminates Germs, Bacteria, and Dust Mites

It’s true! Steam cleaning eliminates 99.9% of germs, bacteria, dust mites, and other unsightly things in your home. Anyone in the home who has allergies will also be grateful, as steam cleaning destroys allergens.


Additionally, steam cleaning tackles mold easier than any other method we’ve seen. Using solutions like bleach don’t actually stop mold growth, but the high intensity of a steam cleaner does!


It’s Completely Safe for Your Environment

Because all you’re using is heat and water, steam cleaning is completely safe for your home, children, pets and other family members. There won’t be any leftover residue, either! It’s the most environmentally friendly way of cleaning!


Whether you’re dealing with normal grime or something as devastating as water damage, The Steam Team is here to help! Don’t hesitate to give us a call for help with your flooring, bathrooms, window treatments, HVAC systems, etc. carpet cleaning works for so many different types of materials and we’ve got the equipment to get it taken care of.