After the Fire: Ridding Your Home of Odors

No matter the scale of damage after a house fire, the experience can be traumatizing and at the very least, stressful! But don’t worry; The Steam Team has your back. There’s no fire or smoke damage that we can’t handle! And when it comes to smoke damage, we know exactly how to bring back that fresh scent you’ve been missing! Below are three tips to rid your home of smoke odor after a house fire.


Properly Ventilate the Area


After a fire, your home needs a ton of fresh air! It’s highly important that you properly ventilate the affected area. How do you do this? By opening all doors and windows (keep pets from escaping by using baby gates at the entrances to your home), and place box fans all around the area. Set them to high! This will help push contaminated air out of your home.


Do Some Deep Cleaning


Unfortunately, the only way to permanently remove smoke odor is to properly clean everything. This means gathering up linens to be washed and/or dry cleaned (couch covers, blankets and sheets, clothing, etc). It also means washing your drapes, walls, and thoroughly cleaning all surfaces in your home. If the task is too heavy, call in a professional cleaning company!


Call the Steam Cleaners


A professional cleaning and restoration company can be very useful in times like these. They can get the cleaning job done in no time, without you having to lift a finger! They can also effectively remove smoke odors and restore your home to its original condition!


The Steam Team is always here to help; in fact, we’re available 24/7. So if you’ve recently endured a house fire and need assistance (and normalcy), just give us a call today! We have all of the right tools and expertise for the job.

Rid Your Home of Chemicals with Steam Cleaning

Maybe it’s time to go a little more green this year! Let’s talk ridding your home of those pesky chemicals that are found in regular household products. We can clean without them! Wait, what’s that? Is that true? It absolutely is! Through steam cleaning, The Steam Team can clean your home top-to-bottom without using any chemicals.


What is Steam Cleaning?


Steam cleaning, or hot water extraction, is a method of cleaning that we’re always pushing you to accept! It’s a method that cleans, disinfects, and even sterilizes surfaces, flooring, draperies, furniture, and more. It cleans without the use of chemicals, and it cleans thoroughly. There’s no clean like the clean that steam cleaning provides!


How Does Steam Cleaning Work?


Steam cleaning’s primary source is heat. It cleans using nothing but heat and water, and of course, high water pressure. It cleans quickly, and dries quickly, too! And there are few things a steam cleaner can’t clean. That’s why we say we can clean your house top to bottom! You’ll be amazed at the results of steam cleaning- once you switch over!


Call in The Steam Team


It’s always best to call in the professionals when it comes to steam cleaning. You don’t need to DIY this project. Calling a professional cleaning and restoration company, like The Steam Team, eliminates the possibility of any mishaps, and gets the job done in warp speed! Well, quickly, at least. You’ll love our work, because we love doing it!

The Steam Team has been serving the Austin, TX area for over a decade now; why should we stop? We love helping the city of Austin become a cleaner, healthier place. So if your home or commercial office is in need of a thorough, deep cleaning, don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call!