How The Steam Team of Austin, Texas Handles Tile and Grout Cleaning

carpet cleaning near me

One of the most popular flooring options in the modern home is ceramic tile and grout, and for good reason. But unfortunately, many people neglect to properly clean their tile floors. Let’s talk about where many people go wrong, and how The Steam Team can help.

The Brush Method

The most common method for tile and grout cleaning is by vigorously scrubbing each tile and in between every grout line with a small brush. This method is extremely tedious and not as effective as you might think it is. Many people also use harsh chemicals that may cause irritation to themselves or children and pets. With help from The Steam Team, you won’t need these methods anymore. Our professional technicians provide a tile and grout cleaning service that uses the latest technology to completely restore your floor and eliminate any harmful bacteria without the use of harsh chemicals.

The Steam Team Technicians

When our technicians arrive, they’ll begin the cleaning process by inspecting the troubled or dirtiest areas of the tile and figure out how to best treat them, then they’ll separate the tile from other materials and remove any furniture from the tile. Then the floor will be thoroughly swept and vacuumed to remove all dry soil so that an advanced tile cleaner solution can be sprayed across the floor. Hand brushes, mechanical rotating brushes, and a self-contained pressure cleaning system will be used to clean the floor with the solution.

A final coat of finish will be applied to the tile at the end of the cleaning process to help protect the floor from further damage or dirt. Then our technicians will do a final walkthrough to make sure that you’re satisfied with our service. For more information on tile and grout cleaning from our team, visit The Steam Team website. We also clean carpets so for carpet cleaning near me visit our website.

3 Forgotten Areas to Clean Around the Home

Carpet cleaning in Austin.

Carpet cleaning in Austin.

With Springtime just around the corner, we’re already thinking about Spring cleaning. Has it crossed your mind? Without diving too deep (because we’ll save that for a Spring cleaning blog), we wanted to give you a few areas to begin dusting before the deep clean a little later. Here at The Steam Team, we’re armed with our cleaners and ready to tackle any project you may throw at us. So, while we have plenty of tips for you here on our blog, don’t forget we can always help you out around the house!

Air Ducts

Air ducts are notorious for hoarding dust, dirt, dander, and other allergens. If you’re having trouble with your allergies this season (even indoors), then it may be time to check out your air ducts and have them professionally cleaned. You won’t regret it! And how often do you need to do this, anyway? Let’s just get it over with. 

Underneath Furniture

When was the last time you moved your couch and checked underneath for dust, dirt, and pet hair? It’s probably safe to say that this doesn’t happen very often. It may be a pain to physically move your furniture around to make sure everything is cleaned thoroughly, but we promise: the results are well worth the effort. 

Ceiling Fans

Try this: turn off your ceiling fan (because we know it runs almost constantly). Now, what do you see? Dust? More dust? So much dust you forgot what color the blades were? That’s okay. Ceiling fan blades can be steam cleaned! So after you’ve dusted, give The Steam Team a call; we’ll be able to reach those tight spots and give your fan the thorough clean that it deserves.

And there you have it, friends! Now, don’t forget: there are plenty of other dusty areas around your home or office, so don’t neglect those! And also don’t hesitate to call in The Steam Team, no matter what you need done around your home. We’re not just here for spring cleaning! We can help with cleanup and restoration, too! 

Could it be Time to Refinish Your Hardwood Flooring?

Hardwood Floor Cleaning Professional

Hardwood Floor Cleaning Professional

Hardwood floors look beautiful in our homes, especially during sunrise and sunset, when the light shines in and reflects off of a smooth, clean surface. If you have had fire or water damage and need your hardwood floors refinished call The Steam Team today for a free estimate in Austin, Texas.


Installing hardwood flooring is a great decision, and it can last for just about, well, forever… as long as it’s maintained properly. When it is, it becomes the easiest surface in the house to clean- and the most aesthetically appealing. But what if it’s time to refinish or even replace your hardwood flooring? Do you know the signs?


Know the Signs


Are there any scratches, etches, or loose floor boards in your flooring? If the boards are warped, split, or sagging, it could be time for a refinishing or a replacement. It’s best to let the professionals decide before you do anything that isn’t necessary.


Choose Your Method- Pro’s, or DIY?


If you choose the DIY method, you really need to know what you’re doing, or else you risk further damaging your floor. We encourage our customers to call us, and let The Steam Team work their magic! It may be a tad more expensive, but if you end up making a mistake, that mistake could cost you far more in the long run.


So make the right choice, and  call in The Steam Team! We’re a team of trained professionals who have been working on several types of restoration projects for many years. We know what we’re doing, and we’ll make sure we treat your flooring as it were our own.


Calling in the Professionals


First, The Steam Team will do what’s called a “Visual Inspection.” This will help us determine what level of restoration is required to get your flooring looking brand new again. Then we’ll begin repairing the damage… filling in the cracks, all of those good things. Lastly, we’ll clean your flooring, and install a brand new refinish. You’ll be impressed with our results- we guarantee it! Call 512-451-8326 or visit any of our 3 locations at 222 West Ave., 9901 Burnet Road or 1904 West Koenig Lane in Austin, Texas.