Plumbing Overflow? Don't Panic, Call The Steam Team

Cleaning and Restoration

Almost everyone who’s owned a home or business has been there before; the toilet, sink, washing machine or other plumbing appliance is overflowing, water is all over the place and you’re trying desperately to make it stop. It doesn’t take long for a plumbing overflow problem like this to quickly flood a whole room, and it can cause serious damage to your home or business. But don’t panic, here’s what you need to know about plumbing overflow, and how The Steam Team can help.

Floor Damage

Whether you have tile, wood or carpet, your floor is most likely at serious risk of damage from plumbing overflow. Water can also damage the subfloor underneath your flooring if it isn’t cleaned up soon enough. With spills this is easy to do, but in the case of plumbing overflow you won’t be able to prevent the water damage, and the floor and subfloor may need to be removed. In cases where the plumbing overflow occurred on a second or third story, the water may leak through the floor and drip from the ceiling of the lower floor, causing further damage to whatever surface it lands on.

Safety Hazards

While property damage is bad enough, there are also serious safety hazards associated with plumbing overflow and water damage. If the floors are wet, keep that in mind and take all precautions that you can not slip if you must walk on the wet floor. Also, be sure to stay away from any electrical outlets that may have gotten wet, as they might electrocute you.

One of the most dangerous parts of any water damage is mold growth. It can happen anywhere dark with just a little bit of moisture, and it can quickly become a health hazard for anyone in the home.

Professional Technicians

When it comes to plumbing overflow and the safety hazards associated with it like mold growth, The Steam Team can help you! Our professional technicians are trained to use high-powered technology and expert methods to fix all of your plumbing overflow problems. For more information on how we can help, please visit The Steam Team website.