Quick Professional Tips to Make the Best First Impressions with House Guests

With all of the holidays around the corner, there’s no doubt that many of us will be sharing our homes with guests whether they’re family, neighbors, or friends. While all of the time we get to spend together is joyous and celebratory, it involves a lot of preparation and a lot of clean up both before and after.


Decide What’s ‘Essential’ and ‘Non-Essential’

Before you begin cleaning, the best way to prioritize your home is to decide what’s essential and what’s non-essential. If you have a buildup of clutter, that may be on your ‘essential’ list as clutter usually makes a space feel smaller and is more difficult to clean. On the other hand, if you haven’t checked your air ducts in a while, that may fall on your ‘non-essential’ list. In other words; don’t stress about your air ducts if you’re not able to get to them before company is coming over.


Allow Yourself Enough Time

This may mean different things for different people. For some, you may want to allow yourself enough time to hammer out your cleaning schedule; something different on each day. For others, this may mean you’re allowing yourself enough time to hire the professionals to come in and thoroughly clean your home top to bottom.


Take a Load Off, Put Your Feet Up

It’s the holidays- don’t stress yourself out about cleaning for your house guests. Instead spend that time planning your meals for the big day, picking out decorations or games, and of course- on the day of- spending quality time with your people. The most relaxing choice for you is to call in the professionals and let them take care of the rest!

Here at The Steam Team, we’ve got you covered with all of your cleaning needs. From steam cleaning carpet, tile and grout, and even window treatments- we can make your house sparkle and shine just in time for your guests.