How to Remove candy from Your Carpet or Rugs

Ah… it’s that time of year again. The season of chocolates, lollipops, and the like. With Halloween, comes Halloween candy and sometimes it ends up in our carpets, and not in our mouths. So let’s take a look at three different types of candy and how to remove them from carpet and rugs! We have been cleaning carpet and rugs in Austin for over 40 years. 




Before you grab your scissors to remove gum from your carpet, consider this method first: freeze the gum by placing a small bag of ice over the area. Once it hardens, use a scraping tool to scrape away any excess particles. Then vacuum the area thoroughly. Finally, sponge the area with warm, soapy water, and dry completely with a clean towel, making sure all of the stain has been removed!




There’s a whole world of chocolate lovers out there, but carpet is not one of them! To remove chocolate from your carpet, make sure it’s all dried up, and (like with the gum) scrape away any leftover pieces. Try to lift the stain with a carpet stain remover. If this doesn’t work, mix ¼ teaspoon of dishwashing detergent with a cup of lukewarm water. Pour this mixture on the affected area, and blot the carpet from the outer edge inward (as to not spread the stain).


Hard Candy


Hard candy is the stickiest of all candies, and it’s not easy to remove from carpet. But there are no tricks here- we have the answers. First, soften the candy with cool water, and scrape away any pieces that remain. Then use an enzymatic stain remover; these work best! Finally, rinse the area with a damp, clean cloth to make sure the candy has been removed.

If you’re still having trouble removing these pesky stains from your carpet, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals! The Steam Team has all of the expertise and equipment for the any carpet stain- not just Halloween candy! For rug cleaning pick up and delivery call us today.