2 Facts About Austin Water Damage Restoration
/Disaster Clean Up
Flooding and water damage can be caused from natural disasters, a busted pipe, or even a backed up drain - every situation is different. Often times, a homeowner’s first instinct is to begin cleaning immediately. While it is true that the first 24-48 hours are critical for restoration, dealing with water damage can be exceptionally tricky - especially if you are unaware of the proper precautions to take. It is always recommended to avoid re-entering your home before a professional is able to assess any damage because there could be contaminants in the water (or air) that may pose additional health risks. This brings us to our first fact about water damage restoration:
1.Water Can Result In More Than Just Mold Growth
When flooding occurs, whether it be from a loose appliance hose or even melting snow, mold growth is often the main concern. However, it shouldn’t be your only concern. Removing the water from your home within the first 24-48 hours is also critical to avoid further bacteria growth. Water contamination is rated in categories - category one water is considered “clean,” while category three water is also known as “black” water and could cause many serious health concerns -- even death.
2.Water Can Spread Up Drywall Over Time
In order to grow, mold spores need moisture and a nutrient source. Unfortunately, what many homeowners don’t realize is that drywall provides a perfect environment for this growth. Once the standing water comes in contact with drywall, you have a short window of time before mold spores begin to grow. We already know that water should be extracted immediately - but what happens if you leave standing water for more than 24 hours? It doesn’t take long for mold spores to rapidly spread across your drywall - 48 hours at the most - but by immediately removing any excess water, this is completely preventable.
Fortunately, The Steam Team understands water damage doesn’t always occur at convenient times. If you’ve experienced any water damage, don’t hesitate to contact us for emergency water extraction!