Grout, Sealant, and Stain Removal
/Stain Removal Austin, TX
Grout, Sealant, and Stain Removal
While we’ve been sharing many tips on carpet-we’d like to switch gears for a little bit. There are other flooring materials out there that also need maintenance and cleaning such as hard wood and especially; tile and grout.
We all know how frustrating spilling red wine on your cream colored carpet is, but who has experienced the red pasta sauce that spills on your kitchen tile? Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to remove that red color from your tile grout? We know customers who have even tried taking a tooth brush to that grout and still can’t seem to get rid of it!
Hopefully you’ve sealed your grout with a stain resistant sealant, which can be fairly easy to remove stains from (even ones as tragic as this). However, it also depends greatly on whether or not your grout is cement based, sanded, non-sanded, or epoxy. Grout such as epoxy, typically does not need a sealant whereas sanded and non-sanded both require sealants especially in areas with high moisture content. Grout that is made from cement is highly stain absorbent and can be difficult to remove stains from-this is also something to think about when laying a tile floor and deciding on how large you want your grout joints to be. In other words, how much space you want to have grout in where it could easily absorb a stain from liquid substances or other materials in and around your home.
Sometimes cleaning your grout can be as simple as using a household cleaner that you would even use on your clothes. While other times it can be more difficult, in which case there are several techniques our team uses to remove grout stains and there are also several options to re-color your grout once all of the stains are removed!