The Steam Team — Austin, TX

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Will Cleaning Often Soil My Carpet Faster?

Restoration Specialists 

Will Cleaning Often Soil My Carpet Faster?

A common myth you may have heard is that cleaning your carpet more often will cause it to soil quicker. Actually, this isn’t true at all with steam cleaning. Sometimes, if you use other cleaning methods such as dry cleaning – a soap residue can get left behind. The residue then can collect other dirt and debris much easier than your carpet fibers can, making your carpet appear dirtier.

How is steam cleaning different?

Steam cleaning, also referred to as “hot water extraction” uses primarily water, heat, and suction to remove debris from your carpet fibers. However, there is a cleaning solution that is typically applied throughout the treatment, but the solution we use will leave minimal (if any) residue. The suction powered by the technician’s van removes all of the dirt and debris stuck in between your carpet fibers.

Are you considering renting your own machine?

Go for it – if your carpet needs a little TLC in between professional cleanings. But, we recommend having a professional come out at least once per year to make sure your carpets are as clean as they can be. Rental machines or store-bought machines are great for cleaning areas that aren’t too dirty. However, their suction is much lesser than an industrial-grade machine, so they won’t be able to do much with high-traffic areas or heavily soiled carpets.

Have you read your manufacturer’s warranty?

Often times, your carpets warranty will require that it be steam cleaned once per year. Otherwise, you void your warranty using other cleaning methods. However, this isn’t always the case. Assuming you want to keep your warranty in place, give your carpet manufacturer a call if you’re unsure of the requirements of their warranty.

For any of your carpet or furniture cleaning needs – give us a call here at The Steam Team, we’re happy to come out and give you an estimate!