The Best Ways to Keep Your Upholstery Looking Brand New
The Best Ways to Keep Your Upholstery Looking Brand New
By Amy Renken
Even though you dropped a pretty dime on those new upholstered chairs, they do require maintenance if you want to keep them looking that way. Luckily, the maintenance is actually pretty simple and doesn’t require much time at all – you just have to remember to keep up with it.
When considering the placement of your new furniture; stay away from direct sunlight (if you can)! Unless you’ve specifically picked a special fabric that can withstand a heavy amount of sunlight, you want to keep your furniture as far away from it as possible. Sunlight will drastically fade the new and bright color of your fabric over time, making the lifespan of your beautiful new sofa exceptionally shorter.
For everyday wear, you’ll need to fluff your cushions regularly. By regularly, we mean several times a week – not necessarily every day (although we know plenty of people who prefer this) but at least 4-5 times throughout the week. While you’re fluffing your cushions (like you would your bed pillow that has gone flat), consider rotating them to a different spot or even just turning them over. Fluffing and rotating your cushions will ensure that not one area is worn more than the others and will keep your couch (or chair) looking fresh!
When you break out the vacuum to give your floors a once-over, spend the extra ten minutes and run it over your furniture. This will collect any and all dust that has accumulated and settled into your cushions. If you think about how much dust your other furniture collects on the surface (that you can see), translate that over to your upholstered furniture – it collects the same amount of dust just inside the cushions. Once the vacuum comes out though, you can say goodbye to that dust!
For spot treating and stains, we recommend to always call a professional to come steam clean your furniture for you. You can read our other blogs about the benefits of steam cleaning over using other chemicals, but on top of that – chemicals will shorten the lifespan of your beautiful furniture and could end up causing further problems rather than helping. We’re sure you bought that beautiful sofa to be in your home a long, long time so we want to help you to keep it in tip-top condition!
We can be reached at (800) 880-7785 for our professional steam cleaning services. Please don’t hesitate to call us for a quote! We’d love to hear from you!